View Full Version : Zelda!!

01-07-2012, 12:54 PM
Ok, so this is where us Zelda nuts, old and new, get to recount our endless days playing the games. I started on the nes, and have beaten every one up until this new skyward sword. I just got it for Christmas, same time I got gears 3, so play time has been kinda low. My favorite Zelda, hands down is ocarina of time. It just doesn't get any better than that. Wind waker was definitely my least favorite.

01-07-2012, 01:00 PM
ive only played 2 zelda games n both were good, ocarina majoras mask (not completely sure a of name) but ocarina of time was def. my favorite

01-07-2012, 01:15 PM
I think I've played and completed ever single Zelda game! Though Ocarina of Time reinvented how we view a Zelda game, mine has to be Majora's Mask! Twighlight Princess was another, but Wind Waker had to be the worst id have to agree, wasn't fussed on the look the cell graphics etc, tho it did bring alot more of new possible ways to go through the game.

Im currently playing Skyward Sword as we speak, im at that Lanayru mine facility. Loving it so far, can get annoying at times with the Wii controller tho.

I completed both GOW3 (Story Mode) and Assassins Creed:Revelations in under two days lol.

01-07-2012, 01:21 PM
My apologies for my age but the Original Zelda: The Adventures of Link will never be matched. Not saying I don't like the others but it will always be first to me. ;)

01-07-2012, 01:23 PM
My apologies for my age but the Original Zelda: The Adventures of Link will never be matched. Not saying I don't like the others but it will always be first to me. ;) Ya this was truly the best in my book. Kinda wanna try the new one out too.

Epic Unicorns!
01-07-2012, 01:45 PM
I have played, beaten, and got every heart and collectible of all of them! My least favorite was the Minish Cap...but my favorite is either Majora's Mask or Skyward Sword. Skyward Sword has be best cutscenes though...my favorite part of a Zelda game ever is opening Sky Keep ^_^ and Majora's is soooooooo trippy

Edit: I loved Wind Waker, I dont know about y'all lol

01-07-2012, 03:04 PM
I just couldn't get past the cartoon deal with wind waker, and I remember the first time I played the nes version, ganon scared the hell outta me! And those knights man, they were rough.

01-07-2012, 03:26 PM
My apologies for my age but the Original Zelda: The Adventures of Link will never be matched. Not saying I don't like the others but it will always be first to me. ;)
Same here, I spent many many hours on the original.....even if I had to blow the dust out of the game to play it Lol definitely one of my all time favorite games

01-07-2012, 03:31 PM
I have only played a few zelda games:
Ocarina of time
Phantom hourglass
Oracle of seasons
Twilight princess
A link to the past

My favorite so far is between Phantom hourglass and Twilight princess. My least favorite is A link to the past cause I cant get past giranhim the wizard. I always die because of his stupid lighting spell.

01-07-2012, 03:53 PM
"Hey, listen!"

Epic Unicorns!
01-07-2012, 04:21 PM
"Hey, listen!"

"Shut up noone one cares if Zelda needs help, I need to win this stupid shooting game!!!!"
-Me playing :p

01-07-2012, 04:26 PM
Yes the original zelda with the gold cartridge is by far the best!.....i think the legend of zelda was the first game on nes with a internal battery in the cartridge to save the game

01-07-2012, 04:41 PM
Link to the past for the all time win. Played it again recently on an emulator and it still holds up. Love it!

01-07-2012, 04:43 PM
You guys are really making me want to go buy a N64 and zelda. The original paper mario wont hurt either :)

01-07-2012, 04:49 PM
Ocarina of time was fun. Majora's mask was amazing with the fact that you can turn into a deku, zora, and the goro things along with the fierce deity which I don't have. I'm still trying to figure out what to do. Navi gave better directions.

01-07-2012, 04:56 PM
Edit: I loved Wind Waker, I dont know about y'all lol

I thought wind esker was fun who cares whether the graphics r as good as like assassins creed revalations it's the actual game that matters not the graphical content really ppl still play atari y? Because it's fun though the graphics r horrible it was fun and still is so don't judge on it's graphics

01-07-2012, 05:06 PM
When I told someone I loved the N64 he yelled at me saying it's "too old", has "terrible graphics", and that I need to "update." How did I fix this situation? I trolled him in the library. Geesh the new generations of gamers are being taught to resent the old things and that new=better. Such a materialistic world we became. :(

01-07-2012, 05:27 PM
Though in fact.. despite the graphics, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Twighlight Princess, Skyward Sword etc, where in fact better games, better game play, better story etc. I still liked Wind Waker but it was still the weakest out of the mentioned above (discluding any of the older generation games), gameplay>story>graphics)

01-07-2012, 05:29 PM
Hey, I never said that graphics matter, it's just the cartoon set up, the whole feel of the game seems more.. I dunno, goofy? That and I hated that boat. Navi was awesome, a hell of a lot better than tael? Or whatever it was in majora's mask.
Edit: gonna have to disagree with ya there bod, for me it's story>gameplay>graphics.

01-07-2012, 05:58 PM
gonna have to disagree with ya there bod, for me it's story>gameplay>graphics.

It goes both ways with me, but it feels lacking if the gameplay isn't there. I feel like I just play a game like that to find out what happens in the story lol, it does make me want to stay n play. But its when the gameplays spot on for me, not just a game depending on the story to back it up.

Hehe its all good tho good to see other people's view/opinion ;)

01-07-2012, 06:14 PM
Agreed crimson.

01-07-2012, 06:25 PM
When I told someone I loved the N64 he yelled at me saying it's "too old", has "terrible graphics", and that I need to "update." How did I fix this situation? I trolled him in the library. Geesh the new generations of gamers are being taught to resent the old things and that new=better. Such a materialistic world we became. :(

Yeah its like me with my friends so this what happened:
Me: hey do you know what the most intense game is
Friend: left4dead
Other friend: Halo reach
Me: no its frogger
Friend: What!?
Other friend: What!?
Me: yeah man I find my self screaming and saying holy crap more often then when I play either of those games.
Friend: ....
Other friend: whatever dude thats dumb

01-07-2012, 07:41 PM
Most of the Zelda games had a pretty good story orcarina was one of the best though and Zelda 1 was cool too though on the mask I can't get out of the start area so I got rid of it stinks ik it's good just didn't get to see much

01-07-2012, 08:11 PM
i was disappointed in Skywards sword as it was too cartoone. For me i like TwilightPrincess cause it was dark n evil but my favorite would be ocarina of time.!

01-07-2012, 08:21 PM
A Link to the Past....hands down...Imo..THE BEST. Was dripping with Epicness! Awesome character and landscape, legendary weapons, and game play that never really was matched.

01-08-2012, 01:29 AM
So far I've enjoyed skyward sword, aside from that weird drag queen looking evil dude with a half a bowl cut.

01-08-2012, 05:52 AM
I started my Zelda love with the SNES Link to the past... damn was that a good game.
I'm pretty sure I have played every (notable) zelda game after that except for majoras mask... Currently actually revisiting old school Ocarina of time (not saying how...), and the day I get back home I'll grab the wii 'mote out of my sisters hands and play skyward sword.

edit: opinions on skyward sword? I hear it has the gameplay of twilight, but the graphics of wind waker (which I DO like)

01-08-2012, 08:10 AM
Skyward sword is 100% cartoon i say it's worse thane wind waked because wind waked had the graphics it had because it was on handguns but skyward sword is brand new and on wii so I'd expect more from it

01-08-2012, 09:19 AM
I thought wind esker was fun who cares whether the graphics r as good as like assassins creed revalations it's the actual game that matters not the graphical content really ppl still play atari y? Because it's fun though the graphics r horrible it was fun and still is so don't judge on it's graphics

Skyward sword is 100% cartoon i say it's worse thane wind waked because wind waked had the graphics it had because it was on handguns but skyward sword is brand new and on wii so I'd expect more from it


Wind Waker

Skyward Sword (The boss I just completed :p)

I'm loving Skyward, after the beginning it kicks straight in, the movement with the wii is pretty awesome, when you play it tho you need to thing 'Wii' every dungeon puzzle, killing enemies is all based on the Wii remote. Haven't exactly flew through it either, I prefer the higher difficulty. Way better than wind wakers cell graphics IMO link actually looks like link again.. well ocarina one anyway :p

01-08-2012, 12:40 PM
Yeah dude, definitely not as "cartoony" as wind waker.. I just kinda thought link went a little, well, how do I put this, girly? In wind waker.
Edit: ahh!! You got the master sword already? I'm still stuck with that lame *** singing sword thing from the beginning.. Oh well, guess I'll get there.

01-08-2012, 12:52 PM
Ok then what I saw on yoube was fake cause I saw skyward sword and it was a cartoon wow fake yotube video

01-08-2012, 01:06 PM
I lived Windwaker. Skyward Sword is pretty fun, but loooong.

01-08-2012, 01:37 PM
I lived Windwaker. Skyward Sword is pretty fun, but loooong.

Zelda games are best long! I think I beat twilight princess within the week :/
I hated the thought of windwaker at first due to the drastic change in graphics, but it was a master piece and the most difficult title of the series at the time. The final battle's end was also incredibly violent considering how cartoonish the game was lol.

Still haven't played SS :(

01-08-2012, 01:40 PM
Ok then what I saw on yoube was fake cause I saw skyward sword and it was a cartoon wow fake yotube video

It wasn't fake. sS was originally supposed to be more cell shaded, and I was really upset over it too. But they completely revamped the original concept and I'm really happy about that.

01-08-2012, 03:38 PM
It wasn't fake. sS was originally supposed to be more cell shaded, and I was really upset over it too. But they completely revamped the original concept and I'm really happy about that.

Ahhh didn't realize that they were gona go for the cell route for Ss. Now this is cell at its best,


Yeah dude, definitely not as "cartoony" as wind waker.. I just kinda thought link went a little, well, how do I put this, girly? In wind waker.
Edit: ahh!! You got the master sword already? I'm still stuck with that lame *** singing sword thing from the beginning.. Oh well, guess I'll get there.

Google Images for the win! Im still stuck with that sword too, haven't looked anything up on it tho (Just guessed it was in the story) Except that that cutting game, got quite alot considering the dude says I need a longer sword :/

I lived Windwaker. Skyward Sword is pretty fun, but loooong.

Surprised how long I've been playing, most games I can finish in a day or two :p

01-08-2012, 04:24 PM
The end of wind waker was pretty brutal, but it just didn't have the normal Zelda feel. I can't wait to beat skyward sword, I'm only just now starting the gerudo desert. Haha has anyone heard the system of a down Zelda theme song? It's freakin awesome.

01-08-2012, 05:34 PM
Majora's mask is the hardest IMO. You wouldn't have a clue what to do. >_<

01-08-2012, 05:50 PM
The end of wind waker was pretty brutal, but it just didn't have the normal Zelda feel. I can't wait to beat skyward sword, I'm only just now starting the gerudo desert. Haha has anyone heard the system of a down Zelda theme song? It's freakin awesome.

I have, its pretty funny

01-08-2012, 06:42 PM
Ocarina of Time has a good story, gameplay, good tutorial like way in the beginning, and ends well. Majora's mask drops you in and just says "Okay there's a moon that's going to destroy this place. You have three days to find a way to stop it." Also the recycled things and wierd music made it pretty wierder.

My reaction: (@_@) where should I go? What should I do? How do I get this camera thing?

01-08-2012, 07:06 PM
I hated majors mask. I'm still stuck at the deku temple thing -_-

01-08-2012, 07:46 PM
My reaction: (@_@) where should I go? What should I do? How do I get this camera thing?

I hated majors mask. I'm still stuck at the deku temple thing -_-

Fails :p


01-08-2012, 08:17 PM
Tried Majora's Mask again today; got lost in a spider house at the beach XD


01-08-2012, 08:31 PM
Like the part where you're supposed to land on the floating lily pads, with the damn dekus shooting their nuts at you.

01-08-2012, 09:16 PM
Like the part where you're supposed to land on the floating lily pads, with the damn dekus shooting their nuts at you.
As annoying as running around town with every dog trying to kill you while trying to figure out what to do.

01-08-2012, 09:22 PM
i cant remember cant u pick up the dogs an throw them Lol.

01-09-2012, 01:27 PM
Not as the deku, once you manage to get that mask salesman to remove it you can.

01-09-2012, 03:53 PM
i cant remember cant u pick up the dogs an throw them Lol.
I wanna try it now lol. REVENGE!!!

01-09-2012, 05:49 PM
Since when was there a Rolocoaster in ShipYard O.O

Epic Unicorns!
01-09-2012, 06:25 PM
I have no life...I beat Skyward Sword on hero mode last week XD

01-09-2012, 06:35 PM
I have no life...I beat Skyward Sword on hero mode last week XD

Lolol first day I've just sat down and played it ha, since I started been doin an hr here n there... im determined to finish it now :p

01-10-2012, 11:51 PM
Well, I've played and beaten Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Four Swords Adventures, Wind Waker, and Twilight Princess. My favorite by far was Ocarina of time( I was actually really sad upon completing it), but TP and MM were close seconds. Wind Waker was bad, but the handheld games were the worst for me.
I really wanna play Skyward Sword, but... no dice. Too cheap, lol.

01-11-2012, 01:14 AM
Well, I've played and beaten Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Four Swords Adventures, Wind Waker, and Twilight Princess. My favorite by far was Ocarina of time( I was actually really sad upon completing it), but TP and MM were close seconds. Wind Waker was bad, but the handheld games were the worst for me.
I really wanna play Skyward Sword, but... no dice. Too cheap, lol.

Ss is amazing! Because its been a while since I've played any of the others its one of my favorite. And as JustG said its longggggg, alot to do on it and lasts quite a good amount of time xD Defo worth an investment :p

01-11-2012, 12:17 PM
I just beat that annoying *** sandship. Jesus Christ, that was worse than the water temple in ocarina.

01-12-2012, 07:33 AM
I just beat that annoying *** sandship. Jesus Christ, that was worse than the water temple in ocarina.
The water temple was frustrating enough (>_<)

01-12-2012, 09:03 AM
I lived Windwaker. Skyward Sword is pretty fun, but loooong.

you lived and breathed wind waker, and yet consider any other game long?

01-12-2012, 10:15 AM
I have 1300 logged play hours from my 12-16 years :c

01-12-2012, 10:15 AM
My first Zelda was the original nes one I played as a young kid and was great. I've played all of them up to twilight princess and I still think the snes one a link to the past was the best. My least favorite would have to be wind waker. Wasn't a fan of the cel shaded graphics and cartoony look. Links awakening was awesome, as well as ocarina of time. I remember skipping school with my friend to go pick up ocarina. The 3ds remake is quite good, nice and polished up. The gameboy color ones were fairly difficult and I don't think I actually beat them.

01-12-2012, 11:19 AM
Majora's mask is the hardest IMO. You wouldn't have a clue what to do. >_<

I beat it at a pretty young age so it can't be that difficult lol, but it was rather confusing.

OOT - best story, most replay value, most memorable, best character played melodies
MM - most confusing, most creative use of the masks yet, most creative in general really
WW - worst overall storyline, largest map, most side quests and hidden items, best level/town music

Haven't played the 2 newest ones.

01-12-2012, 08:22 PM
I just beat that annoying *** sandship. Jesus Christ, that was worse than the water temple in ocarina.

Lmao! Working out when to go back and forth got to me! That night I got up to the fire spirit realm n had to log off before I was stayed on it all day and night xD (haven't played since too busy :()

01-13-2012, 12:19 PM
Lmao! Working out when to go back and forth got to me! That night I got up to the fire spirit realm n had to log off before I was stayed on it all day and night xD (haven't played since too busy :()

Dude I'm just sayin, wiimotes are pretty sturdy. That thing went through hell during that level.

01-13-2012, 04:59 PM
im a huge fan of twilight princess. loved that game from beginning to end

01-13-2012, 05:07 PM
I'm not sure about the wii remotes. I kinda like sturdy controlers like the N64 ones. I still have to try out the new ones though.

01-13-2012, 05:08 PM
I'm not sure about the wii remotes. I kinda like sturdy controlers like the N64 ones. I still have to try out the new ones though.

not a fan of motion controls. they're always sketchy and dont work the way you want it too sometimes

01-13-2012, 05:10 PM
Snes link to the past is the best.

01-13-2012, 07:06 PM
I'm not sure about the wii remotes. I kinda like sturdy controlers like the N64 ones. I still have to try out the new ones though.

I'm just sayin they don't break easy. I miss playin goldeneye on the original 64. That was the best.

01-13-2012, 07:33 PM
I'm just sayin they don't break easy. I miss playin goldeneye on the original 64. That was the best.

That and Perfect Dark!

01-13-2012, 10:26 PM
Perfect dark was sick too, almost forgot about that game.

01-14-2012, 10:16 AM
Perfect dark was sick too, almost forgot about that game.
Yea like the x-ray sniper lol

01-14-2012, 10:24 AM
That gun pissed me off.

01-14-2012, 10:30 AM
That gun pissed me off.
Yea. If somebody gets it and hides, he wins by shooting everybody.

01-14-2012, 10:55 AM
Yea like the x-ray sniper lol

BEST GUN EVER!!!!! Hahaha (Only when im in possession of it tho xD)

01-14-2012, 11:57 AM
BEST GUN EVER!!!!! Hahaha (Only when im in possession of it tho xD)

Ah, so you're one of those guys huh?

01-14-2012, 02:05 PM
This gun'll be worthy of being a pink in SL lol. Killing the boss at the start.

01-14-2012, 02:06 PM
BEST GUN EVER!!!!! Hahaha (Only when im in possession of it tho xD)

Ah, so you're one of those guys huh?
Get him! Pew pew!

01-14-2012, 02:32 PM
Haha dude I use to beat my cousins up over that, "fight fair on the game, or outside. Up to you chump." good times.

01-14-2012, 03:32 PM
My apologies for my age but the Original Zelda: The Adventures of Link will never be matched. Not saying I don't like the others but it will always be first to me. ;)

By far one of the best games of all times.

01-14-2012, 06:12 PM
Ah, so you're one of those guys huh?

Nah but it was fun winding up my mates before haha.. good gooood times

Seriously want to get my N64 out of the attic now haha, prob still got all my games for it and (cardboard) boxes haha, wonder if it would work still.. :/ be there forever blowin all that dust out of the console.. was a pain before nevermind like that.. ha

01-16-2012, 03:23 PM

01-18-2012, 09:48 AM
I knew you had an inner pwnie in you... now get over to WoM! xD

01-19-2012, 01:31 AM
I love the Zelda franchise! I have played and completed almost every game on every console (thanks, brother :)). I still need to play Spirit Tracks and Skyward Sword. But to me, my favorite game by far is A Link to the Past. I would spend hours watching my brother play until I was finally able to play myself. Then its Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask and Twilight Princess. But honestly, I love them all!

01-19-2012, 01:32 AM
I love the Zelda franchise! I have played and completed almost every game on every console (thanks, brother :)). I still need to play spirit tracks and skyward sword. But to me, my favorite game by far is A Link to the Past. I would spend hours watching my brother play until I was finally able to play myself. Then its Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask and Twilight Princess. But honestly, I love them all!

01-19-2012, 01:46 AM
I love the Zelda franchise! I have played and completed almost every game on every console (thanks, brother :)). I still need to play spirit tracks and skyward sword. But to me, my favorite game by far is A Link to the Past. I would spend hours watching my brother play until I was finally able to play myself. Then its Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask and Twilight Princess. But honestly, I love them all!

Double post for the win! :p

Nah great to see another Zelda fan :D

01-19-2012, 12:30 PM
So, who do you think would win in a fight between link and darth vader? I think it'd be a close one, but eventually link would win out, using din's fire to bring down the death star.

01-19-2012, 02:20 PM
Double post for the win! :p

Nah great to see another Zelda fan :D

Lol oops... I didn't see that... I blame my fone... So hard to post on an android! Or maybe just mine lol

01-19-2012, 06:00 PM
Lol oops... I didn't see that... I blame my fone... So hard to post on an android! Or maybe just mine lol

Nah same here haha, don't use the app just the web based :p

01-21-2012, 02:04 AM
I wanna play Zelda again but I need to finish grinding for SL. >_<
I was never good but it's fun.

01-27-2012, 11:29 AM
I beat it! Finally, after waves and waves of Bokoblins and countless hornet stings, I am victorious! Eat that demise.

01-27-2012, 03:09 PM
I beat it! Finally, after waves and waves of Bokoblins and countless hornet stings, I am victorious! Eat that demise.