View Full Version : resetting skill bug

01-09-2012, 01:13 AM
hi, I just created a new character (bear), started the tutorial, killed 3-4 skeletons and reached level 2. upon reaching level 2, I was given my first skill. since I preferred not to invest into this skill at all, I used the skill reset option which cost me 2 platinum. then as the tutorial proceeded, it asked me to click on the new skill, and I noticed the new skill is back to 1 pt instead of 0 after the reset. I had to spend another 2 platinum to redo the reset.

please address this tutorial bug and refund me my 2 platinum. 2 platinum doesn't seem like a lot but it is a matter of principle as it wasnt spent but lost via a bug.

suggestion: to keep the 1st skill point instead of investing it without player input. it shouldn't be made mandatory to waste 1 skill on something you might not want pending on your character build choice. thanks.

01-09-2012, 01:24 AM
You gotta skip the tutorial :\ if skipped it will let you pick your skills 1 by1 :)

01-09-2012, 01:29 AM
Maybe auto leveling is still on?

01-09-2012, 01:34 AM
You gotta skip the tutorial :\ if skipped it will let you pick your skills 1 by1 :)

I didn't know abt that. but the tutorial is a legitimate part of the gameplay, albeit an optional one, so it shouldn't interfere with the skill reset option. what I had encountered is rightly a bug and should be addressed to prevent others from following my footsteps and losing their 2 platinum.

thanks for your advice, it's greatly appreciated :)

01-10-2012, 11:25 AM
The game has an auto-leveling feature that needs to be turned off.

This issue isn't a bug and, as such, we cannot help you directly in this forum with an issue regarding it. If you feel the platinum is a large enough issue you are more than welcome to talk to our customer support team. (http://support.spacetimestudios.com/home)

01-10-2012, 11:44 PM
The game has an auto-leveling feature that needs to be turned off.

This issue isn't a bug and, as such, we cannot help you directly in this forum with an issue regarding it. If you feel the platinum is a large enough issue you are more than welcome to talk to our customer support team. (http://support.spacetimestudios.com/home)

hi, i'm not sure I understand what you mean by auto leveling feature. if you mean you level up when you reach an experience threshold, it makes perfect sense that it is not a bug. but if you read my initial post carefully, upon leveling up, I gained my first new skill in the tutorial. at that time I didn't know skipping the tutorial would prevent them from allocating the first skill pointing my behalf. I spent 2 platinum to take out that skill point and conserved it. immediately after that, the tutorial assumed I still had that point in my first skill which I deallocated. as such, it didn't check my existing skill status and based on that assumption, put that 1 skill point right back in. I'm a programmer myself and to me, this definitely looks like a bug regardless of what you meant by auto leveling feature.

is auto leveling supposed to do what I just described? if not, this issue should be plugged to prevent other innocent players from losing platinum for the same reasons. thanks for your understanding.

lastly, how do I turn off this auto leveling feature?

01-11-2012, 02:43 AM
Auto leveling is enabled into each new character. It will auto level you (spend skill/state points for you even it you reset them) each time you level up. This is in the main screen (avatar window), it says "auto level". Once you disable it you can't get it back.

01-12-2012, 02:56 AM
As I said, I was not auto-leveling. I don't like auto-leveling and I assigned all my own skills and stats. The only thing I noticed is that maybe the 1st skill was assigned and mapped. I 'm pretty sure, but I'll confirm next time I remake a char, unless it gets fixed.

01-12-2012, 11:21 AM
hi, I just created a new character (bear), started the tutorial, killed 3-4 skeletons and reached level 2. upon reaching level 2, I was given my first skill. since I preferred not to invest into this skill at all, I used the skill reset option which cost me 2 platinum. then as the tutorial proceeded, it asked me to click on the new skill, and I noticed the new skill is back to 1 pt instead of 0 after the reset. I had to spend another 2 platinum to redo the reset.

please address this tutorial bug and refund me my 2 platinum. 2 platinum doesn't seem like a lot but it is a matter of principle as it wasnt spent but lost via a bug.

suggestion: to keep the 1st skill point instead of investing it without player input. it shouldn't be made mandatory to waste 1 skill on something you might not want pending on your character build choice. thanks.

To clarify; is the issue that you are forced to choose a skill in the tutorial and that you don't want to do that?