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View Full Version : Guild for sale? new idea

01-10-2012, 02:41 PM

I think STS should make a new section in the CS for guilds. Why?
Because ive seen so many scammed from this "im selling my guild". People would say their selling their guild. All they would do is say give me some gold first and i will make you the master. Then when the person gives them the gold, the person selling tthe guild runs off and BAM! Scammed... so how about putting a section in CS were you can sell your guild. Exaple: (name of guild) tier 3- 200k.

01-10-2012, 02:52 PM
Good idea!

01-10-2012, 03:01 PM
this is a pretty good idea. It would actually be the only way that guilds would be allowed to be sold in SL or PL. I've posted the following in another thread, sry to double post. While it sucks for anyone to get scammed, Sam has said not to trade outside of secure trade:

This is regarding cross game trades but applies:

Advertising or engaging in cross game trading (for example, saying I'll meet you in Star Legends for an item and then give you gold in Pocket Legends) IS NOT ALLOWED!

It is way too easy to scam someone with such a trade. The only trading that is allowed is what you can do via the secure trade window in game.

01-10-2012, 03:08 PM
I just hope a dev see's this and gives it some thought :D

01-10-2012, 03:16 PM
I just hope a dev see's this and gives it some thought :D
devs will see (if they haven't already), have faith, i've seen comments and thanks given on posts i never thought they would look at. I think what would limit this idea is that fact that a guild hall isn't an "item" so idk the details of how hard it would be to program this. Also, have you thought about what happens to everyone in the guild if one is sold, or would a guild only be able to be listed if only the GM was only member? Thinking about this more, i can see this system getting easily abused. The people with money could easily snatch up hundreds (literally) of guild names so other people can't use those names, and then try to charge a ridiculous amount for them. Also, as it stands now, anything bought with plat (and some other things) are unable to be traded. right now, you can buy a charter and a tier 3 GH with plat. So if we keep with the "rule of thumb" only tier 0 toxic waste halls purchased with credits should be able to be sold, and how would anyone be able to distinguish between which were bought with plat and which weren't? This makes it less likely devs are going to implement it IMHO.

EDIT: here is one more reason this is a bad idea (sorry if it seems like an attack, just voicing my opinion). There is nothing to stop someone from buying up guild names in PL for established guilds in SL (or vice versa). I know the day i founded IU, i went to PL and bought the name up so that it couldn't be used there. if i didn't, anyone else could have, and unless I was willing to let their actions be associated wit me and my co-founders and what we stand for, they could charge me whatever they wanted to have the name back.

01-10-2012, 04:47 PM
Hmmm I like it! Nice idea!

01-10-2012, 05:38 PM
Put this in suggestions and feed back P.S I like the idea!

01-10-2012, 08:28 PM
I say no to this. This is the same as saying let me be able to sell my toons name because I got it first. The PL economy would go crazy.

01-10-2012, 08:33 PM
I bet STS won't implement this -- they want you to spend plat to buy the tiered guild halls.

01-10-2012, 10:44 PM
This doesn't seem like something sts would implement... :-/ sorry to burst your bubble. Maybe it would be better to make guilds tradable? This would avoid scamming and it wouldnt make it so sts would lose profit as much as putting them in cs.

01-10-2012, 11:09 PM
Or, we could make accounts tradable in cs. That would be great