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View Full Version : A PVP Idea

01-29-2020, 08:06 AM
The idea the PvP Community of AL is been crying for its revival for years now.

For weeks I'm thinking of a solution to this problem, and then something sparked when I read Shocan's Thread https://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?477877-PvP-Idea .

Then a storm of imagination starts to flood my head and after I've arranged the data and considerations I've read from forums before

And found these: such as The awakening system, Class Imbalance, Gears Imbalance also the topic of PVP leaderboard, kill farmers and the problem of the new player in achieving PVP achievement points. (obviously, there will be no progress if there is no playing PVP)

Considering these problems and circumstances I crafted this.

The Game

The game can be played in 2 versions Normal and Awakened

Normal: From the system, all players will have the same class-oriented Gears which includes Helmet, Armor, Belt, Ring, Amulet, Artifact and with 2 sets of Weapon of choice Wand/Gun, Blades/Bow, Sword/Aegis (can be switch into, during the battle thru inventory/hot bar)

Awakened: Players will wear their gears.

Mechanics: The game will be composed of 5 players each team.
Each room will be played with an Opening Round and a 2-3 Rounds Defense and Flagging

Opening Round: The gates of bases will open when 5 players were ready.
The opening round will be an all-out war. 5v5 the team who won the clash will be the one first to flag, the other team will defend their base. (2nd Round switch of Role from Flagging, to Defending)

Rounds: The Battle will start when the Flag Bearer starts its movement or touching the flag.
Spawn Area / Team Room: The team will first to decide who will be the flagbearer and if they will take the long route or short route

The Flaggers: Will compose of 2 roles ~ Flagbearer and Flag-Protectors

The flagbearer will have standard life scaled to the gears, no matter the class.
The flagbearer will be slow and cannot use the skills to defend itself.
The flagbearer will be protected by its teammates until reaching their goal.

The flag-protectors will be the ones taking down Hitter-Operator and Base Vanguards


01-29-2020, 08:14 AM
The Defenders: Will compose of 2 roles ~ Hitter-Operator and Base Vanguards

The Hitter-Operator is a player who operates the hitter that shuts down the flaggers more easily. (The damage input will be automatically scaled to the locked-on class )
The Hitter-Operator will be more vulnerable to damage than its defending teammates.

The Base Vanguards will be the one tasked to wipe the flag-protectors and capture the flag.

When The Flaggers Reach their goal, Each player in the Team will receive 1 Ctf Flag and the flag bearer will receive 1/4 of the total kills in its team made
If The Defenders successfully steal the flag, Each player in the Team will receive 1 Ctf Flag.

First team to flag Twice, Wins

PVP Leaderboard:

Captures will be counted per season
Kills will be counted per season

Idea on how to combat kill farming:
1. Set a Time limit each round, to limit unlimited-kill farming.
2. A solo player entered the arena there will be no join button and also there will be extra room that will give a hard-time for the kill-farmer to place its team in a single room.
3. If it is a composed Team, they must be in Party before entering.
4. Active PVP room will definitely disturb the kill farming
5. Limit this the Level cap (76) only, to avoid the production of dummy accounts for kill-farming

P.S. - I made this with no bad intentions towards anyone or to any group of people, I made this stuff because I really love playing PVP, it gives me pure joy and excitement.
P.P.S. - The Graphic intention is trying to show the room design based on Cryogem Mines

To the Devs: I'm no game developer or a programmer, just a mere Idea of a player that you devs may take a look at and maybe this thread will bling something in you guys creative minds

To the community: If there is objection or suggestions please compose them in a civil manner.


01-29-2020, 11:19 AM
Good idea to be fair but they wont bring back pvp I'm telling u that for sure

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01-29-2020, 11:40 AM
Woohoo! Let the creativity flow everyone, the spark is sparked

01-29-2020, 12:23 PM
Good idea to be fair but they wont bring back pvp I'm telling u that for sure

Sent from my SM-A505FN using TapatalkLet's be positive!

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01-30-2020, 04:16 PM
Long live pvp !!!

01-31-2020, 10:01 AM
The Game



01-31-2020, 11:49 AM



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02-06-2020, 10:39 AM
Any group of peoplel who are interested in pvp, or still hoping to making it back to life. Or just group of people who want to complete PVP. Please leave a suggestion on this thread thank you.

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02-06-2020, 10:41 AM
To devs, my Idea seems ambitious but, I guess the ways I thought of combatting kill farming will solve it/reduce the abuse.

What do guys think?

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02-06-2020, 11:01 AM
Also, I found the problem why PVP is dead because of too much gold at stake gears, pets, jewels and awaking, because basically everyone will be a food for a rich.

Back in the day, a Bonechill bow,arm, and helm and decent ring and amulet and ribbit for crit aim shot, you're good to go the only thing rogues are concerned are if their bow is brutality or potency.

Cost? Will not cost a fortune.

Gems, are still pretty acceptable (fire,blood,glacial)

But now, oh my lord.

#1 Good items, most of are from crates those that have procs are from crates( but kodos to letting ebon helm and arm drops).

#2 Pets, will cost you 3x, instead of your just worried on your 1 best pet.

#3 awakening, the most controversial and the main suspect of PVP's death, good awakes cost alot, alot. And basically OP people drive people away from pvp rooms, is being food fun?

Etc: undying orb, OP health regen cost? 20m , housing a tavern full location. 15+m?

So In my perspective, making a room free from influence of gold will bring action to pvp, same gears, same pet no housing no awakes. Just pure player skill. Pure teamwork.


Pps. Bringing back PVP, will be a solution on the boredom players experience when there is no event up. I get the concept of earning cash for the game to still be alive, but its too much, the pay 2 win is too much.

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02-06-2020, 11:35 AM
Maybe allowing Ulti in PVP would allow everyone to get some kills?

And it is way more spectacular hehe :)

02-08-2020, 03:30 PM
Maybe allowing Ulti in PVP would allow everyone to get some kills?

And it is way more spectacular hehe :)Wouldn't warriors be immortal/one hitting everyone? Oh wait, this is exactly why you are asking for it.

sent from the moon

04-29-2020, 04:50 AM
Good idea but if it is literally free to play then won't STS lose income from PvP. I mean PvP is not very active but whichever levels exhibit some amount of activity(level 50 and 61) requires people to spend gold on awakening kits, pets, and tavern+locations etc. So in a way, it is still bringing income. Now if the "Normal" mode blows up as it happened previously (Blood Beach released which led to CTF and trulle's forest becoming dead) then any income which STS previously made from "Paid" PvP would be gone not to mention outcry from people who've spent tons on awakenings.

Anyways this is what I think, could be wrong or right.

04-30-2020, 11:33 AM

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