View Full Version : Guild Xplicit - New Guild Master and other news

01-11-2012, 08:04 AM
Hi, many of you know Xplicitbear, Gallusfoot &/or Gallusfist. Sadly he is leaving PL due to real life issues, (I will not elaborate) and has kindly handed over the guild leadership to me. IGN LYRRLYNN. For those that know Xplicitbear in all his incarnations :-) He is still around but not actively playing.

For the moment we have put guild recruiting on hold, limited exceptions will be made: for example Real Life friends or family members would be allowed in. We will be opening recruiting back up on Sunday.

When guild recruiting opens back up Xplicit is a High Level guild we will be accepting members who are 10 levels below Level Cap. We are not counting the Persistence level So right now Minimum Level for Xplicit is: 55. However the good news is that we have implemented a Sister Guild, named: Xplicitly, that accepts all levels, then when your Char reaches the Minimum Level, you can move over to Xplicit, or stay in Xplicitly.

There is NO hold on Xplicitly recruiting, Just Xplicit. The GM for Xplicitly is SammyHotStuff. The guild is small right now but I'm encouraging members of our main guild to move their Twinks and Low Level alts over. I won't, however force anyone to move. If you wish to join Xplicitly please PM Sammy or myself in game. My main is Lyrrlynn (Level 66 Mage) and my alt is Mommabearxo. (Level 56 Bear). Momma has moved over to the new guild.

We are in the process of setting up a Guild Forum and I will post an update when it's Live. Xplicit is continuing on, We have a friendly group that does both farming and xp runs. We have over 60 Members at Level 65 or better. I'd like to see us on the the leader boards, but I won't sacrifice guild unity to achieve that.

In closing I would like to say I miss my friend and running buddy very very much. I will miss skyping with him during runs & I really hope that everything works out for him.

Bear, if you read this: I Love you to death (in the Southern Sense LOL) and wish you all the best (Hugs)

01-11-2012, 08:09 AM
Sounds like it could be for me. Your t3, correct?

01-11-2012, 08:13 AM
If by T3 you mean Tier 3 guild hall then yes. Both guild halls are Tier 3.

FYI to any who are interested in either guild, I am usually on starting around 7pm Eastern time USA until about 10pm Eastern. I will get a list of officers up soon. Sigh, there is so much to do. :-)

01-11-2012, 09:43 AM
Sad to see him go, he was good friend of mine also and a really nice guy. I wish you the best of luck as the new guild master of Xplicit.

01-11-2012, 10:09 AM
Thank u for your kind words. Like I said he is still logging in but he's mostly just hanging out in bale fort castle. U can stop by and say Hi!

Eddison Sukansingh
01-11-2012, 12:49 PM
Hey lyn.lol......
fireboyeddy here.lol
That dirty bear will be back one day n I'll be most powerful baaahahahahaha!!!!!

PS..... U got all of us watching ur back so dont worry. :D

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Eddison Sukansingh
01-11-2012, 12:54 PM
Forgot to mention i regret not seeing that 619 damage you told me bout.lol.
Its stuck in my mind.lol

Sent from my GT-I5800 using Tapatalk

01-12-2012, 03:57 PM
Cosmosj here :)

Eddison Sukansingh
01-12-2012, 06:30 PM
Lalalalalalalalalaaaaaaaa.lol :D

01-13-2012, 07:36 AM
That method is really carribean and NOT for a game especially because u didn't do it right

01-13-2012, 08:42 AM
I'm sorry Eddie but I have to agree with cosmos. It would have been better if you had started a separate thread for something like that. :-).

Eddison Sukansingh
01-14-2012, 08:39 PM
Yep its for Caribbean.lol.
Its a suggestion......

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Eddison Sukansingh
01-17-2012, 12:59 PM
Hey minions what's new n why aren't anyone posting here?

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Eddison Sukansingh
01-31-2012, 08:43 PM
Hey minions my "free hacked" net got dead slow :confused: n i can't play with y'all. On the 15th when i get salary I'll be able to purchase faster net plan.
I guess they really mean it when they say cheap things are no good n good things are no cheap.lol.
See y'all till then. :D

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Eddison Sukansingh
02-04-2012, 07:14 AM
Pocket legends, you've been more than Just a 3D virtual high graphics game for high end android/ipad/iphone/tablet/pc.
You gave us special friends who care for our well being.
As we walk in the dark dungeons our hard core fighters and friends protected us with amazing wands/staffs/bows, even sacrificing themselves in line of fire to protect us sometimes.
Our group "xplicit" is not just a group of hard core fighters.
We are a family, so join us and be protected against the relms of darkness :-)

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02-04-2012, 12:10 PM
We are recruiting now, but not hard core. In other words I'm not "head hunting" from other guilds. I would rather remain smaller an stable than large and fragmented. And right now we are very stable. We have 240 members. On most nights we have at least a dozen members logged on.

We have a small but dedicated group of pvp players and that's growing too. However our core focus remains hi level pve. We have parents who play pl with their children, in the guild, as well as at least one entire family group. Mom, dad and the children.

Have a great day y'all

Eddison Sukansingh
02-04-2012, 09:19 PM
I think we should look into inactive members but its difficult cos we got dedicated members win are inactive for very long time.

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Eddison Sukansingh
02-04-2012, 09:23 PM
Hope we're around for very long time.lol

03-03-2012, 07:40 PM
Hey hey whats up, Zamu here :)

I think you're doing a great job as GM Lynn, you're always ready to help us out and such. I have no clue what Humania will do to the community as a whole, lets hope it makes it good.

And i certainly hope that everyone will take their time going to max lvl, i was disappointed that so many people spent so much plat to rush to lvl 66 in such short time that over half the PL population within 2 weeks was lvl 65 or 66. Variety got thrown out the window there :(

04-02-2012, 02:25 PM
Scia here :-)

04-02-2012, 04:55 PM
Well Lynn , I think you know that you are a great leader : most time an open ear for member problems , always friendly and helpfull in runs with people :-D
At least : You make your job great !

04-02-2012, 06:15 PM
Thanks folks, I try as best I can to make sure that every one is having a good time. Friends like you scia, and zamu, eze and fusion and everyone else, make the "job" a lot more fun!! And to quote Eze, "Good luck and good skill" y'all

04-11-2012, 10:52 AM
Sounds like everything i'm looking for in a guild.

I'm a lvl 58 PVE bear. I'm mostly on 8am-10am and various half hour spurts through the night (gone 13 hours a day for work, but hop on when i can). My main playtime is weekends and mornings. Also on Eastern time. Ign is Nekromantic.

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