View Full Version : Classes

01-11-2012, 12:21 PM
Well after playing SL/PL ive noticed one thing...They have "Classes", but haven't you noticed..like say a commando...We assume this class means tank/tank dps... Well why not make the classes actually play the role they are suppose to...Commando doesn't need mana...period...all the gear is based for the most part mana......WHY??? Why don't you guys try rage? Or something that actually makes a melee class a melee class...A tank/tank dps doesn't need mana....IMO anyway..the rest of the classes all need this vamp..great characters, but not classes for a MMO they are just toons that run around and shoot things..no order or reason to them being who they are. Or educate me why they have what they have?...Does EVERY class need mana?? All the classes are casters??? See no order or reason, just a bunch of shooters that's it. I hope you take this suggestion...it's really hard to want to work for a class that uses the same as a healer would use?

01-11-2012, 03:48 PM
oh god some times some gear balances out where you are weakest its the last novelty left for this cap lol get over it no class hurts with getting a bigger heart, and its less pots most of the way and small increments in numers make big diff in this game.... every piece can be built around and with so basically its as good as its ever gonna get