View Full Version : Low lvl pvp

02-02-2020, 10:25 PM
Whats the current active pvp lvl? are there ones under lvl 20?

02-02-2020, 10:40 PM
Technically there are no active PvP levels. In terms of normal 2020 activity 59 seems to be popping with a solid 20 total players. 13-14 still has some people, I occasionally drop in with my level 15 PvE twink. Level 67 I've seen some people playing too. 76 has got a bunch as well, but super pricey nowadays. PvP isn't a big thing in this game if you hadn't heard. We've just gotta choose a level as a community and stick to it, but that's impossible cause there will always be the players that move up just a bit to gain an edge. Maybe we'll see a boost to it as the Devs seem to have a renewed sense of pride for their game and all!

02-02-2020, 10:56 PM
Festerfang is the most active “pvp” in the ENTIRE game right now. If you want PvP that is the place to be. Anywhere else, it a waste of gold and time(just my opinion).

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02-03-2020, 01:41 AM
Ye, fester pvp is a giant mess(in a good way),, and it’s fun. Free to pvp, any level(s) is welcome.

02-03-2020, 02:46 AM
Level 76 is nice, I recently started playing there too with my mage. You should check it out! Also, since people only farm gold now a days (for idk what reason) buying those expensive gears shouldn’t be a big issue anymore.