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View Full Version : Arcane armor vs endless/tainted

02-10-2020, 01:26 PM
I know weapons are effected by level. 71 wep does less damage to lvl 76 mobs/boss/player. Does lvl effect armor as well? Comparing ebon armor 71 to 76 endless/tainted is difficult without knowing if level also makes a difference to armor.

02-10-2020, 02:07 PM
Its not about the weapon itself dealing lower damage but player's level and overall damage that comes out of your gear...

02-10-2020, 06:34 PM
In a discussion about ebon aegis a Dev said the aegis will do less damage to a lvl 76 player,mob or boss even if your level is 76 a 71 weapon isn't as effective verse higher level opponents. So regardless of your level your gears level matters. All I know now is that weapons are effected but I don't know if armor is also effected. If 71 arcane armor blocks less damage or proc is nerfed versed higher level opponents I would like to know:)

02-11-2020, 06:44 AM
This is how it works to the best of my understanding:
1. Level 71 Weapon does 1000 damage, A 71 mob has 500 armour and 1000 health. So it takes away 500 health each time you hit it because armour absorbs 500 heaths so it takes 2 hits to kill 1 mob.
2. Level 71 weapon does 1000 damage, A 76 mob has 750 armour and 1250 health. SO it takes away 250 health because of armour absorb 750 armour.. takes 5 hits to kill 1 mob.

Same with armour i think

02-11-2020, 11:27 AM
In a discussion about ebon aegis a Dev said the aegis will do less damage to a lvl 76 player,mob or boss even if your level is 76 a 71 weapon isn't as effective verse higher level opponents. So regardless of your level your gears level matters. All I know now is that weapons are effected but I don't know if armor is also effected. If 71 arcane armor blocks less damage or proc is nerfed versed higher level opponents I would like to know:)

Ebon aegis is kinda exception.....simply because its proc doesnt deal dmg, it REFLECTs dmg....so higher lvl mobs means lower %dmg reflection (hopefully this does make sense :D).
And while talking about weap effectivity in general...its just like Azerothraven said....higher lvl mobs have just more HP and armor so they can sustain more dmg.
Ebon armor should be as good as at lvl 71, because it just multiplies your dmg.