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View Full Version : Crafting Sanguine items

01-13-2012, 01:09 AM
Can you craft a Sanguine item if it is level 63 or 65? I've seen the Sanguine Bat Wing, Crossbow, Longbow, etc. in a level 63 and 65 version with the level 65 slightly better. I just don't want to purchase a level 63 expecting it to be craftable and then it can't be crafted and I'm stuck trying to sell it so I can buy the 65. All the crafted items have the same stats so crafting a 63 would be a better idea if it's capable of being crafted since they are cheaper.

Please let me know before I buy something I can't use. I'm a level 65 Dex Bear BTW.

01-13-2012, 01:57 AM
I think I already answered you in another thread, but to make sure.. Only lv65 fang items can be crafted :)

01-13-2012, 05:32 PM
Yes you can't craft it unless it's lvl 65 but if you get a lvl 63 or 61 sanguine set you still get the set bonus for it

01-14-2012, 06:07 PM
what is the set bonus? and do you need all 4 for the bonus?