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View Full Version : Ask a police officer anything!

01-14-2012, 04:32 PM
Within reason, of course.

I've done this on other message boards and it's been pretty interesting. I think you will all enjoy it.

What I will not answer -

My name
Where I work
Specific names/dates/details of events
Anything else I feel is inappropriate

A little about me -

About 10 years of experience
Almost all of it on the road, save for a few months in the detective bureau
I've been a SWAT alternate and a K9 trainer
The most important thing to remember is that unless otherwise specified, I cannot intelligently comment on any specific questions about where you may live. Different states and cities have different laws, and I don't have the time to look up the revised statutes for your specific area.

That said, please keep it friendly. However, I know that there are bad police officers out there, just as there are bad plumbers and auto mechanics and lawyers and restaurant staff...if you feel like you want to get something off your chest then let it fly. I have thick skin, just don't get yourself in a bind over the ToS. And who knows, maybe I can shed some light on what you thought may have been a bad encounter and improve your opinion on the rest of us.

01-14-2012, 04:37 PM
This is actually perfect, considering I'm going to rutgers for criminal justice after the summer. Is it true that there is a certain amount of arrests you have to make in a month?

01-14-2012, 04:42 PM
This is actually perfect, considering I'm going to rutgers for criminal justice after the summer. Is it true that there is a certain amount of arrests you have to make in a month?Not where I've worked. I've worked in two different states, both for large municipal departments. I've never heard of such a thing. But I'm also a believer in the idea that if you do your job, the arrests will come.

However, a lot of smaller departments have ticket quotas. Not because they like to be jerks, but because a small town doesn't have a large tax base. It's a way to earn income for the city.

And best of luck to you. What is it you'd like to do?

01-14-2012, 04:44 PM
This is actually perfect, considering I'm going to rutgers for criminal justice after the summer. Is it true that there is a certain amount of arrests you have to make in a month?Not where I've worked. I've worked in two different states, both for large municipal departments. I've never heard of such a thing. But I'm also a believer in the idea that if you do your job, the arrests will come.

However, a lot of smaller departments have ticket quotas. Not because they like to be jerks, but because a small town doesn't have a large tax base. It's a way to earn income for the city.

And best of luck to you. What is it you'd like to do?

My goal is to be a state trooper. My uncle, father, and best friend are all state troopers (:

01-14-2012, 04:44 PM
Did you know there is a law in the UK, that a police officer is REQUIRED to give his hat to a woman, if they look like they need the toilet, but only if they are pregnant.

01-14-2012, 04:50 PM
did you know there is a law in the uk, that a police officer is required to give his hat to a woman, if they look like they need the toilet, but only if they are pregnant.

lololol xd

01-14-2012, 04:50 PM
My goal is to be a state trooper. My uncle, father, and best friend are all state troopers (:Nice. Tough gig. I enjoy working for a municipality - a lot more variety. Troopers focus so much on accidents and tickets...I couldn't do it. Hats off to them.
Did you know there is a law in the UK, that a police officer is REQUIRED to give his hat to a woman, if they look like they need the toilet, but only if they are pregnant.
xDRobert Peel would be proud. :)

01-14-2012, 05:01 PM
Did you know there is a law in the UK, that a police officer is REQUIRED to give his hat to a woman, if they look like they need the toilet, but only if they are pregnant.
And they also have to cover them from the view of the public with their jacket. And, obviously, they aren't allowed to look

01-14-2012, 05:14 PM
Ooh! Hi! I have no questions

01-14-2012, 05:23 PM
Ooh! Hi! I have no questionsLOL, awesome!

01-14-2012, 06:03 PM
What is the oddest situation you have ever been in while on the job?

01-14-2012, 06:40 PM
If I passed a urine test by unnatural means - and it was discovered after all the paperwork - will I still get rejected by companies that require such a test?

01-14-2012, 06:43 PM
What is the oddest situation you have ever been in while on the job?Hmmm...odd is a weird word. Being shot at is odd in that it doesn't happen all the time. I don't know...a drunk old man hopped on the hood of my unit one night and assumed a karate stance. That was fairly odd.

01-14-2012, 06:45 PM
If I passed a urine test by unnatural means - and it was discovered after all the paperwork - will I still get rejected by companies that require such a test?I totally misread your question.

That's not really a legal question, sounds like more of a civil issue.

I would imagine that any company that had access to that new information would not look favorably upon hiring you.

01-14-2012, 06:46 PM
Why did you guys "fake" the shooting of Justin Bieber:/ I was so happy at first when I saw it.

01-14-2012, 06:48 PM
Why did you guys "fake" the shooting of Justin Bieber:/ I was so happy at first when I saw it.I was not aware of such a thing.

But shooting him is harsh. Maybe we could throw him a beating?

01-14-2012, 06:49 PM
My dads a cop... Lol ask me stuff!

01-14-2012, 06:52 PM
This is a pretty cool thread because im going into a explorers program and its through the poolice department down here because i wanna be a police officer or be a U.S. marshall :) pretty intense stuff haha

01-14-2012, 06:59 PM
on topic: lol drunken kung fu action hobos

off topic: OMG Paar I love your sig! Kirby FTW!!

01-14-2012, 07:05 PM
Has your K9 ever peed on your patrol car? If so, did (s)he give you the puppy dog eyes to not get in trouble?

01-14-2012, 07:13 PM
This is a pretty cool thread because im going into a explorers program and its through the poolice department down here because i wanna be a police officer or be a U.S. marshall :) pretty intense stuff hahaLOL, poolice.

But yeah, I've got friends in our local Marshall's office. Not a bad gig, but boring at first. Bunch of courtroom guard crap. Pay probably isn't bad though.

01-14-2012, 07:18 PM
Has your K9 ever peed on your patrol car? If so, did (s)he give you the puppy dog eyes to not get in trouble?I was just involved with training so I wasn't actually a handler. However, we have a labrador narco dog who pees when he gets a hit. It's hilarious.

A lot of our handlers will actually pee on top of their dog's pee. Some sort of dominance thing I guess. Some will carry an empty Coke bottle with pee in it to pour on the dog's pee if they're in public.

01-14-2012, 07:22 PM
I was just involved with training so I wasn't actually a handler. However, we have a labrador narco dog who pees when he gets a hit. It's hilarious.

A lot of our handlers will actually pee on top of their dog's pee. Some sort of dominance thing I guess. Some will carry an empty Coke bottle with pee in it to pour on the dog's pee if they're in public.

Lmao that's awesome! Next time i see a cop with a K9 I'm going to ask, "Hey where's your can of pee for your dog?" Just to see their reaction lol.

How hard is SWAT/police training?

01-14-2012, 07:26 PM
I was just involved with training so I wasn't actually a handler. However, we have a labrador narco dog who pees when he gets a hit. It's hilarious.

A lot of our handlers will actually pee on top of their dog's pee. Some sort of dominance thing I guess. Some will carry an empty Coke bottle with pee in it to pour on the dog's pee if they're in public.

Lmao that's awesome! Next time i see a cop with a K9 I'm going to ask, "Hey where's your can of pee for your dog?" Just to see their reaction lol.

How hard is SWAT/police training?

Swat training is intense from what ive heard If you're the bad guy lol a few of my buddies got to be hostages and keep in mind we're all around the age of 15ish some older but they got flash banged and handcuffed and they use blanks but the flash bang made them loose hearing even with earplugs and one buddy had his eyes covered also but he still went blind lol it was funny listening to his story

01-14-2012, 07:30 PM
Swat training is intense from what ive heard If you're the bad guy lol a few of my buddies got to be hostages and keep in mind we're all around the age of 15ish some older but they got flash banged and handcuffed and they use blanks but the flash bang made them loose hearing even with earplugs and one buddy had his eyes covered also but he still went blind lol it was funny listening to his story

I want to do that! Lol Sounds fun! How where they able to do that?

01-14-2012, 07:33 PM
Swat training is intense from what ive heard If you're the bad guy lol a few of my buddies got to be hostages and keep in mind we're all around the age of 15ish some older but they got flash banged and handcuffed and they use blanks but the flash bang made them loose hearing even with earplugs and one buddy had his eyes covered also but he still went blind lol it was funny listening to his story

I want to do that! Lol Sounds fun! How where they able to do that?
They were selected from the explorer program that the PD does like sorta para military of some sort and we get to do like after they explain how the traffic stops are done in such we get to do them i forgot the word lol but its pretty fun i got cuffed a few times cause i was the bad guy ;)

01-14-2012, 07:41 PM
They were selected from the explorer program that the PD does like sorta para military of some sort and we get to do like after they explain how the traffic stops are done in such we get to do them i forgot the word lol but its pretty fun i got cuffed a few times cause i was the bad guy ;)

Lol sounds so fun! I must do this sometime lol.

01-14-2012, 07:42 PM
They were selected from the explorer program that the PD does like sorta para military of some sort and we get to do like after they explain how the traffic stops are done in such we get to do them i forgot the word lol but its pretty fun i got cuffed a few times cause i was the bad guy ;)

Lol sounds so fun! I must do this sometime lol.
Haha yeah :) it is i have my interview next tuesday i get to talk infront of some head honchos and damn i hate speaking infront of more than one person lol

01-14-2012, 07:47 PM
Lmao that's awesome! Next time i see a cop with a K9 I'm going to ask, "Hey where's your can of pee for your dog?" Just to see their reaction lol.

How hard is SWAT/police training?SWAT school was hard. Worth it though...but very hard.

And yeah, bangers suck. They had us close our eyes and open our mouths to even the pressure out. I didn't even really hear the *BANG*...just ringing in my ears.

01-14-2012, 07:57 PM
*hiccup* What's the officer, problem? I swear to drunk I'm not god.

01-14-2012, 10:49 PM
I was not aware of such a thing.

But shooting him is harsh. Maybe we could throw him a beating?

Can't find the original but this is so EPIC!
Dubstep remix I found on YouTube.

01-15-2012, 12:15 AM
What happens when you give a cop the finger? :o

01-15-2012, 12:46 AM
What happens when you give a cop the finger? :o

Depends how cute you are, so I'm guessing you're good:p

01-15-2012, 12:54 AM
If you have a car registered in a State that allows blacked out tail lights can you be pulled over in the next State for having them?

01-15-2012, 01:11 AM
What happens when you give a cop the finger? :oFor me, it means you'd better not be doing anything remotely illegal. If you are, you just drew a lot of unneeded attention to yourself.

If you have a car registered in a State that allows blacked out tail lights can you be pulled over in the next State for having them?Yup, as far as I know. As soon as you cross that line you have to accept the rules of the land.

Example: let's say street X has a speed limit of 35 mph. Street X crosses a state line and drops to 25 mph. You can't be all like "but it was 35 back there!"

01-15-2012, 02:44 AM
Are cops nice in your state?... Cops are total toolbags down here

Got pulled over for going 1 mph over the speed limit, the cop was like

"Son, do you know how fast you were going?"

"Uhh 40?"

"Think again, 41."

*Starts playing with his weird creepy alien mustache*

He gave me a 25 dollar ticket -.-..........

Additional information: I was driving down a very steep hill, in a very heavy car, the fact that I was only 1mph over was a miracle.

01-15-2012, 11:35 AM
Sorry its long.
I always wondered this....
But once at work this officer was going down a busy street, he flipped the lights and did a U turn. This girl behind him was at least 7 seconds away and when he did the U turn, he slammed on his breaks, causing her to hit the back of his car.
So I sat and watched and when she got out of the car I saw her run over there and ask if he was ok... She went to get her insurance and.was about to take pictures, then he started screaming at her to get back into her car. She started crying and then there were about 2 motorcycle cops and like 7 police cars there... THEY were taking pictures and questioning the girl. She had to be frightened, I couldnt imagine.
I walked over there and explained to an officer he flipped a U turn in the middle of the busiest street in this city nd she was at a distance.... I THOUGHT WITNESSES WERE A GOOD THING! Aparently not?? They told me to go back the way I came and that she illegaly hit a cop car... CAN THEY EVEN DO THAT?!?! She got arrested... Which is COMPLETELY ridiculous. And I called up to the department from which theyre from to explain to someone higher up... And they acted like they knew nothing of this...

Wtf would you do in that situation, I just need to be convinced that not all officers will lie and not put someone in jail to save there ***.

01-15-2012, 12:01 PM
You'll always have cops like that, hell one night this wannabe super cop dude watched me have a seizure in handcuffs in the back of his Durango. So, is that proper procedure? When I came out of it my wrists were cut to hell, and the only thing that stopped me from knockin his head off his shoulders was my buddy norm. Big guy, kinda hard to get away from. Ya know why he stopped me? Because I was on my street, walking up the last bit of my hill about 10 minutes after curfew. Now don't take offense to any of this, I'm only talkin about one dumb sob.

01-15-2012, 12:09 PM
Are cops nice in your state?... Cops are total toolbags down here

Got pulled over for going 1 mph over the speed limit, the cop was like

"Son, do you know how fast you were going?"

"Uhh 40?"

"Think again, 41."

*Starts playing with his weird creepy alien mustache*

He gave me a 25 dollar ticket -.-..........

Additional information: I was driving down a very steep hill, in a very heavy car, the fact that I was only 1mph over was a miracle.Only one explanation for that.

Sorry its long.
I always wondered this....
But once at work this officer was going down a busy street, he flipped the lights and did a U turn. This girl behind him was at least 7 seconds away and when he did the U turn, he slammed on his breaks, causing her to hit the back of his car.
So I sat and watched and when she got out of the car I saw her run over there and ask if he was ok... She went to get her insurance and.was about to take pictures, then he started screaming at her to get back into her car. She started crying and then there were about 2 motorcycle cops and like 7 police cars there... THEY were taking pictures and questioning the girl. She had to be frightened, I couldnt imagine.
I walked over there and explained to an officer he flipped a U turn in the middle of the busiest street in this city nd she was at a distance.... I THOUGHT WITNESSES WERE A GOOD THING! Aparently not?? They told me to go back the way I came and that she illegaly hit a cop car... CAN THEY EVEN DO THAT?!?! She got arrested... Which is COMPLETELY ridiculous. And I called up to the department from which theyre from to explain to someone higher up... And they acted like they knew nothing of this...

Wtf would you do in that situation, I just need to be convinced that not all officers will lie and not put someone in jail to save there ***.Couple of things - and again, I can only apply the laws I'm familiar with - if you say she was 7 seconds back AND he activated his emergency lights, it could be argued that she was following too closely.

7 seconds is a long time. If you can't come to a complete stop in 7 seconds there's a problem. In my state, the law for following too closely applies to the following vehicle, regardless of what the speed limit is. If you can't stop in a reasonable amount of time/distance then you're following too closely. There is no provision for the speed limit.

Secondly, you don't know what she got arrested for. Maybe she didn't have insurance, a valid license...maybe she had warrants, unpaid traffic tickets...the car she was driving could have had switched plates, maybe stolen...point is that you don't really know what she was arrested for. That's kind of a critical thing, you know?

If I was driving along, I get an emergency call so I activate my lights and someone 7 seconds back can't stop...I'd probably be a little miffed. I don't know about screaming, but whatever. A safe following distance increases with speed, and it's up to the other motorist to adjust that. The lead vehicle can't do much about it - police officer or not.

01-15-2012, 12:14 PM
You'll always have cops like that, hell one night this wannabe super cop dude watched me have a seizure in handcuffs in the back of his Durango. So, is that proper procedure? When I came out of it my wrists were cut to hell, and the only thing that stopped me from knockin his head off his shoulders was my buddy norm. Big guy, kinda hard to get away from. Ya know why he stopped me? Because I was on my street, walking up the last bit of my hill about 10 minutes after curfew. Now don't take offense to any of this, I'm only talkin about one dumb sob.Eh, you did break curfew though.

Don't forget, police aren't emotionless robots. We all have things that affect us differently. Maybe the last time he let a kid skate on curfew he got in trouble over it. Think it sounds ridiculous? It happened to me. I broke up a house party and got investigated by internal affairs because of it.

Instead of being a jerk, I let the kids (who were all outside and sober, by the way) go their separate ways. No noise citations, nothing. When one of them came home 45 minutes past curfew the mom filed a complaint that I didn't do my job.

So my answer after that? Everyone gets a curfew citation now. All because of one mom and her kid I tried to cut a break to. It takes me about 5 minutes to write the cite and saves me an investigation by the rats squad.

Maybe that guy had a similar situation. Never know.

01-15-2012, 01:49 PM
Depends how cute you are, so I'm guessing you're good:p

I'm in the most recent page of People Behind Characters. You be the judge :P

01-16-2012, 11:40 AM
Eh, you did break curfew though.

Don't forget, police aren't emotionless robots. We all have things that affect us differently. Maybe the last time he let a kid skate on curfew he got in trouble over it. Think it sounds ridiculous? It happened to me. I broke up a house party and got investigated by internal affairs because of it.

Instead of being a jerk, I let the kids (who were all outside and sober, by the way) go their separate ways. No noise citations, nothing. When one of them came home 45 minutes past curfew the mom filed a complaint that I didn't do my job.

So my answer after that? Everyone gets a curfew citation now. All because of one mom and her kid I tried to cut a break to. It takes me about 5 minutes to write the cite and saves me an investigation by the rats squad.

Maybe that guy had a similar situation. Never know.

Ok...but what I'm asking is, is it police procedure to keep a kid in handcuffs for 20+ minutes while he has a seizure?

01-16-2012, 02:31 PM
Are cops nice in your state?... Cops are total toolbags down here

Got pulled over for going 1 mph over the speed limit, the cop was like

"Son, do you know how fast you were going?"

"Uhh 40?"

"Think again, 41."

*Starts playing with his weird creepy alien mustache*

He gave me a 25 dollar ticket -.-..........

Additional information: I was driving down a very steep hill, in a very heavy car, the fact that I was only 1mph over was a miracle.Only one explanation for that.

Sorry its long.
I always wondered this....
But once at work this officer was going down a busy street, he flipped the lights and did a U turn. This girl behind him was at least 7 seconds away and when he did the U turn, he slammed on his breaks, causing her to hit the back of his car.
So I sat and watched and when she got out of the car I saw her run over there and ask if he was ok... She went to get her insurance and.was about to take pictures, then he started screaming at her to get back into her car. She started crying and then there were about 2 motorcycle cops and like 7 police cars there... THEY were taking pictures and questioning the girl. She had to be frightened, I couldnt imagine.
I walked over there and explained to an officer he flipped a U turn in the middle of the busiest street in this city nd she was at a distance.... I THOUGHT WITNESSES WERE A GOOD THING! Aparently not?? They told me to go back the way I came and that she illegaly hit a cop car... CAN THEY EVEN DO THAT?!?! She got arrested... Which is COMPLETELY ridiculous. And I called up to the department from which theyre from to explain to someone higher up... And they acted like they knew nothing of this...

Wtf would you do in that situation, I just need to be convinced that not all officers will lie and not put someone in jail to save there ***.Couple of things - and again, I can only apply the laws I'm familiar with - if you say she was 7 seconds back AND he activated his emergency lights, it could be argued that she was following too closely.

7 seconds is a long time. If you can't come to a complete stop in 7 seconds there's a problem. In my state, the law for following too closely applies to the following vehicle, regardless of what the speed limit is. If you can't stop in a reasonable amount of time/distance then you're following too closely. There is no provision for the speed limit.

Secondly, you don't know what she got arrested for. Maybe she didn't have insurance, a valid license...maybe she had warrants, unpaid traffic tickets...the car she was driving could have had switched plates, maybe stolen...point is that you don't really know what she was arrested for. That's kind of a critical thing, you know?

If I was driving along, I get an emergency call so I activate my lights and someone 7 seconds back can't stop...I'd probably be a little miffed. I don't know about screaming, but whatever. A safe following distance increases with speed, and it's up to the other motorist to adjust that. The lead vehicle can't do much about it - police officer or not.

I dont know how to quote stuff, new to this.
But is it still right for him to not let her out of the car and go on about like its a normal wreck?
And I understand 7 seconds is a ways away... But its a 4 lane street, 5 o' clock traffic is horrendous... He didnt even make the full u turn, he dam near hit a suburban and a taxi while doing this....
I dont see why he didnt just slow down... Wait... flip his car around... Then turn his lights on?
Sometimes I feel like these police officers (not all) get stuck with writing tickets and sitting behind buildings waiting for people to screw up.... So they feel like they have to do something cool via almost hit some people then slam on their brakes to have a girl hit their car. HE DIDNT EVEN GO TO WHERE HE WAS GOING.! It obviously wasnt so important to the point he had to do all that unneccesary crap.

01-16-2012, 08:08 PM
Ok...but what I'm asking is, is it police procedure to keep a kid in handcuffs for 20+ minutes while he has a seizure?I can't speak for everyone, obviously. However, I'd probably take a person out. There are a lot of things to consider though.

Here's the deal: once I have you, you're my child. You're my responsibility, my liability. What if it's all a ruse, a clever attempt to deceive me, and as soon as I open the door you bolt? Sounds silly? Maybe. Probably. I do know this - I'm not a doctor, I don't have seizure meds, and the backseat of my ride is a far safer place for you during an episode than the middle of the street. There, you're in a contained place - a place I can safely monitor you. What if a bystander/friend gets hurt during an episode? That's not so outlandish, and I can promise...PROMISE...that's a lawsuit waiting to happen. Not that it'd even get that far; the city would pay out that claim in a heartbeat.

So to answer your question, I would say no. However, there is no static procedure for such things. Some of what I listed sounds crazy, but nevertheless crazy things happen. Sounds like you had a bum experience though, and that sucks.
I dont know how to quote stuff, new to this.
But is it still right for him to not let her out of the car and go on about like its a normal wreck?
And I understand 7 seconds is a ways away... But its a 4 lane street, 5 o' clock traffic is horrendous... He didnt even make the full u turn, he dam near hit a suburban and a taxi while doing this....
I dont see why he didnt just slow down... Wait... flip his car around... Then turn his lights on?
Sometimes I feel like these police officers (not all) get stuck with writing tickets and sitting behind buildings waiting for people to screw up.... So they feel like they have to do something cool via almost hit some people then slam on their brakes to have a girl hit their car. HE DIDNT EVEN GO TO WHERE HE WAS GOING.! It obviously wasnt so important to the point he had to do all that unneccesary crap.All valid questions. I'll hit 'em one at a time.

Based on my very limited grasp of the scenario, I would assume we're talking about a two-way street. We've also got two vehicles in a wreck in the middle of busy thoroughfare. Like my last comment, that other motorist is that officer's responsibility. If she's moving around a busy street while other vehicles are moving, she's in a bad position to maybe get hurt. Again, I can promise you that's a lawsuit that department loses every time. Think about it - "your honor, this sworn officer of the law willfully allowed my client to essentially break the law by jaywalking and by his failure to take action he allowed my client to be hit by this other vehicle." Factor in that officers can be sued personally in civil court these days (you know, where you can lose your retirement, your car, your house...) and I don't blame him at all for getting her back into her vehicle. As for the screaming, I've taken a position against that from the start.

Traffic conditions sound rough. I won't argue that his maneuver may have looked dangerous, but I would point out that he was at least careful enough NOT to hit the Suburban and the taxi. If the conditions were that bad, sounds like the other motorist should have been equally careful.

Why did he turn around in the first place? Neither of us will ever know. Shooting, accident with injury, elderly person had a heart attack? See, things like this are a double edged sword. On the one hand, a fast, decisive response with an assertive traffic maneuver gets criticized. A slow, overly calculated response to a call that may involve a life or death situation gets criticized. Lose/lose, no? Also, in your first post you said he hit the lights and THEN attempted the U-turn. Now you're saying it's the other way around?

As far as him not going to wherever he was trying to go, that's because some chick smashed into him. A city-owned vehicle (read: a tax payer-owned vehicle) just got involved in an accident. Certain procedures have to be followed. Besides, another unit probably picked the call up for him.

And look, I know it sounds like I'm propping up all of the "bad" actions of these officers. I'm not. I'm just trying to offer angles that a lot of times civilians overlook.

01-16-2012, 08:09 PM
Only one explanation for that.

Exactly what I was looking for ;)

01-17-2012, 12:34 AM
What do you think of this video?


Summary: a law professor/criminal defense attorney saying never to talk to any police officer under any circumstances.

01-17-2012, 02:52 AM
What do you think of this video?


Summary: a law professor/criminal defense attorney saying never to talk to any police officer under any circumstances.Probably a smart thing, overall.

Then again, one should be careful when accepting any type of legal advice. After all, it's your butt on the line, not some guy in a video.

I'll give you a simple example.

4 people in a car
Driver commits a minor traffic infraction (stop sign, fail to signal, whatever)
During the course of the stop, 2 grams of meth is found in the cup holder in the center console
No one claims ownership of it
My job is no different than anyone else's. First, I don't want someone to take a charge that they don't deserve. Second, my job is no different than any other in that I don't want to have any more work than is necessary - there's always something better to do. Plus, I give it how I get it. If you make me work for it, I'm not going to be in any position to try to help you out later on when the cuffs go on.

So what can I do?

Well, everyone can catch a felony since the dope was in the open and it can be reasonably explained that everyone had open and free access to it. That's called constructive possession. But that kinda bugs me because A.) It likely isn't community dope and B.) that 4x the amount of paperwork. If it isn't yours, you can argue the charge at trial...I've seen people beat it. However, the arrest is still good, you aren't entitled to compensation for your time spent in custody and regardless of what anyone says, the arrest is still on your record even if there's no conviction.

I can charge the driver. It's his car and therefore it's his dope. Now this doesn't bug me for a few reasons - A.) We all know the driver knew it was there and B.) when you drive scummers around in your car, bad things happen. Then again, if it isn't really his then the owner gets a walk.

I can find someone who wants to talk. That means the right person gets the charge and I don't have a stack more paperwork to do. It also means that someone in the group still has some semblance of human decency left by doing what's right and sparing everyone a charge. Who I'm gonna go for first? The one who's sweating, visibly shaking or scared, a female, or the college kid with a lot to lose. Is it a jerk move? Maybe. But answer this: if it isn't yours, you keep your mouth shut about it, would you rather the cop sweat someone else to save you the charge? Also, if you're the driver and you go to jail that means your vehicle goes to car jail. Where I work, drug charges are cash bond only unless a judge approves. If you get popped over the weekend you either need cash to get out of jail or wait it out until late Monday to be arraigned. Meanwhile you're building charges at the impound lot. That yahoo in the YouTube video doesn't care...shoot, he'd probably love for you to pay him his $400 per hour fee.

Bottom line - either way you go you can get burned or you can win. Obviously if you admit to guilt on a charge I can't overlook, then you're stuck. If you prefer to clam up and not cooperate then the hunt is on. I'm no different than anyone else - I don't want anyone making my job any more difficult than it has to be.

But like I said, there are some crappy cops out there who don't care. They'll pop everyone as soon as look at them. You never know who you're gonna get though, so I would suggest honesty. If you're wrong, you're wrong and you should assume the worst. At that point, what have you got to lose? If it were me I'd try to stack the deck in my favor by not making things any tougher than they had to be.

But that's just my opinion...and I'm not a suit and tie trying to earn someone's business. :witless:

01-17-2012, 12:37 PM
Well who pays for the damages to the tax payed vehicle?

01-17-2012, 12:53 PM
I have a question!!! Ok are there certain colors of cars and types of cars that cops look for? Like a sports car or a color red? Ive heard they catch the eye more so they get more attention..

01-17-2012, 01:42 PM
Well who pays for the damages to the tax payed vehicle?In your first scenario (lights THEN U-turn) she would be at fault. Officer put his lights on to let everyone around him know "HEY GUYS, I'M ABOUT TO DO SOMETHING HERE!" I would say it worked because an uninvolved pedestrian party (ie you) paid enough attention to see the whole thing. Too bad she didn't.
I have a question!!! Ok are there certain colors of cars and types of cars that cops look for? Like a sports car or a color red? Ive heard they catch the eye more so they get more attention..Good question. I think that transcends police though...I think that speaks to human psyche and social norms.

I usually work nights (though I do flex to days/swings sometimes) so typically I cannot see THAT much detail unless I'm up on you. Particularly if I'm running radar - that thing will pick up your vehicle moving LONG before I can see make/model/color.

01-23-2012, 01:20 PM
You guys kept this awful tame.

Kinda figured you'd push the envelope a bit.

01-23-2012, 01:22 PM
Hey I got a question.

If you have a carry conceal in Texas and somehow end up in a different State, let's say Louisiana. Can you still carry? If not, what do you do with the weapon?

01-23-2012, 01:55 PM
LOL! in my brand new red sporty Chevy I got pulled over for doing 1 mph over the limit because I gassed it to pass a truck that was throwing stones. I only got a warning (an actual ticket that said warning on it) but the officer walked around the car admiring it for about 5 minutes first. I think he pulled me over to check out the car itself. It was the model NASCAR was using at the time. Same car, when I crossed the Canadian border got a thorough search. Again, it was a new model and hot off the showroom floor (yeah, I got a discount for that). It was red and I waxed it loving by hand, so it did attract attention. I bet you would have seen it at night! ;)

01-23-2012, 02:14 PM
Cool story bro.

PL Playa
01-23-2012, 02:48 PM
Cool story bro.

LOL!!! Kids in my school say that way too much

01-23-2012, 07:28 PM
Hey I got a question.

If you have a carry conceal in Texas and somehow end up in a different State, let's say Louisiana. Can you still carry? If not, what do you do with the weapon?http://www.txdps.state.tx.us/administration/crime_records/chl/reciprocity.htm

That's a link for Texas reciprocity.

But if you were ever curious I would just call the state agency who issued the permit and ask them about whichever state you're going to. Then I'd contact a similar agency in the state you're going to visit and confirm that with them. Get names and badge numbers (if applicable) of those you speak to.

If their answer is no, and you still want to have it with you, ask them their laws on possession other than concealed carry. Some states require ammo and weapon to be transported separately, some states (New York for example) at one time required you to own a target permit just to keep one in your home. They may still do.

Above all, permit or no, please tell any officer you come in close contact with that you have a gun in your car or on your person. We don't like surprises.
LOL! in my brand new red sporty Chevy I got pulled over for doing 1 mph over the limit because I gassed it to pass a truck that was throwing stones. I only got a warning (an actual ticket that said warning on it) but the officer walked around the car admiring it for about 5 minutes first. I think he pulled me over to check out the car itself. It was the model NASCAR was using at the time. Same car, when I crossed the Canadian border got a thorough search. Again, it was a new model and hot off the showroom floor (yeah, I got a discount for that). It was red and I waxed it loving by hand, so it did attract attention. I bet you would have seen it at night! ;)Actually, it's kinda hard to see that detail at distance because we have those amber street lights...you'd be surprised how that throws things off. Sounds like a risky reason for a stop. Not saying it didn't happen, but that's kinda shady.

01-23-2012, 07:46 PM
Cool story bro.
...tell it again

01-23-2012, 08:11 PM
What is the most minor offence that u can do to get a day of jail time? (dont worry its just a question)

01-23-2012, 08:32 PM
Good thanks. And yes I always tell the police officer about the firearms not about ti get shot by mr nervous over a stop sign. Lol

01-23-2012, 10:23 PM
What is the most minor offence that u can do to get a day of jail time? (dont worry its just a question)Where I work, everything is either a felony or a misdemeanor. While it would take an extreme circumstance, you could go to jail for anything.

However, our jailers typically won't bother misdemeanors. They just don't accept them...won't even buzz us in to drop off. DWIs and domestic batteries are about the only misdos they take on a regular basis.

01-23-2012, 10:27 PM
I'm very interested about gadgets in police cars :) For example, do you have a computer in there?

01-23-2012, 11:07 PM
I'm very interested about gadgets in police cars :) For example, do you have a computer in there?Everyone at my department does, except for the detectives, plainclothes guys...stuff like that.

I've also got a Jotto desk, radio, siren/light controller, 6 port AC converter, a lockbox in the console, and a radar - all of which are mounted or some way attached to the vehicle. My other toys include a tint meter, a preliminary breath tester (portable breathalyzer), an electronic ticket writer/printer, a Remington 870 12 gauge, a Colt .223 AR15, an old pack of cigarettes (I give some looseys to the bums I talk with :p)...not counting all the crap on my belt.

02-07-2012, 01:53 PM
Extraordinarily cool thread... Kudos Maiohwmai.

Wish I'd have known you during my earlier days :D

02-07-2012, 05:14 PM
I'd like some police advise for my future career.

I am going to be a supervillain but I can't decide to which town should I build my headquarters. I am searching for a large enough city but still not a huge one. It should also have a good football team. Preferably not Denver because I hate Tebow. I do not need any advice on taking out police forces since I already got a super evil plan for them:

I am going to destroy every single Dunkin' Donuts by replacing donuts' sugar with salt. I have calculated that within 3 hours 21 minutes and 46 seconds the police force is disabled no matter how big the city is when all of the Dunkin' Donuts are destroyed.

And any advice where to search for my super evil minions as well? And is Comrad Donutsoff (like a super evil russian name with Donuts in it) a good name for my super evil secret identity? Which is the best superpower for invading a city?

02-07-2012, 07:45 PM
I'd like some police advise for my future career.

I am going to be a supervillain but I can't decide to which town should I build my headquarters. I am searching for a large enough city but still not a huge one. It should also have a good football team. Preferably not Denver because I hate Tebow. I do not need any advice on taking out police forces since I already got a super evil plan for them:

I am going to destroy every single Dunkin' Donuts by replacing donuts' sugar with salt. I have calculated that within 3 hours 21 minutes and 46 seconds the police force is disabled no matter how big the city is when all of the Dunkin' Donuts are destroyed.

And any advice where to search for my super evil minions as well? And is Comrad Donutsoff (like a super evil russian name with Donuts in it) a good name for my super evil secret identity? Which is the best superpower for invading a city?

Supervillians-Any/every Baldwin ever, Red Mist.
Name-The Bavarian Bandit.
Super power-Going super saiyan.

02-07-2012, 07:49 PM
@dudetus: Run for mayor of LA and you'll be fine.

02-07-2012, 07:54 PM
Extraordinarily cool thread... Kudos Maiohwmai.

Wish I'd have known you during my earlier days :DWhy thank you. As I've told you, providing quality games that I can take with me on break or whatever helps keep my sanity.
I'd like some police advise for my future career.

I am going to be a supervillain but I can't decide to which town should I build my headquarters. I am searching for a large enough city but still not a huge one. It should also have a good football team. Preferably not Denver because I hate Tebow. I do not need any advice on taking out police forces since I already got a super evil plan for them:

I am going to destroy every single Dunkin' Donuts by replacing donuts' sugar with salt. I have calculated that within 3 hours 21 minutes and 46 seconds the police force is disabled no matter how big the city is when all of the Dunkin' Donuts are destroyed.

And any advice where to search for my super evil minions as well? And is Comrad Donutsoff (like a super evil russian name with Donuts in it) a good name for my super evil secret identity? Which is the best superpower for invading a city?I think the whole "oink oink piggy piggy donut" cracks are dated. However, you'd do more damage replacing ALL sugar packets at gas stations with salt packets. We graveyarders depend on coffee way more than donuts.

As for your city, I'd go with Dallas. Lots of skyscrapers (perfect for evil corporate headquarters, no?), decent football team I guess...

Either way, your plans would be thwarted because unlike most, my crew functions on energy drinks (I'm partial to low carb, uncarbonated Rockstar lemonade). Fuel to duel, baby...fuel to duel.
Supervillians-Any/every Baldwin ever, Red Mist.
Name-The Bavarian Bandit.
Super power-Going super saiyan.I'd love to kick any of the Baldwins in the throat. Please recruit one.

02-07-2012, 08:06 PM
Which one ya want big guy, I can..take care of things. :p
Wow I just read what you drank, naaaasty. Try a java monster, Irish blend. Don't get no better

02-07-2012, 08:32 PM
I got a question not sayin this is me its just a situation that has showed up in my life an i need to know can they actually convict this person......
Say i jump into a car an sell them some pills..then i jump out of the car an sell someone else pills..and while im the car 2 undercovers pull up in front of the car..the driver gets out..and i throw my bottle of pills behind the driver seat ( no prescription ) the cops pull us out of the car..they say they pulld the first person who left over.. an he snitched me out sayin the guy in the blue shirt sold me the pills ( me) an he still in the parkin lot..so the cops say wheres the pills i just keep sayin idk wut yur talkin bout..so they search the car ( not mine ) but they find em immediatly..the guy who owns the car said its mine to..so now i have 2 people sayin its mine but it wasnt on me an wasnt my car..they charged me with sellin in a school zone possion of shed 1 and 2 w/o prescription..i go to jail.........
So do they actually have good enough proof to charge this person with the crimes or would they drop it?

Also this case is over with an i know the outcome ..i just wanna know your input on what yu think should b done

02-07-2012, 09:11 PM
I got a question not sayin this is me its just a situation that has showed up in my life an i need to know can they actually convict this person......
Say i jump into a car an sell them some pills..then i jump out of the car an sell someone else pills..and while im the car 2 undercovers pull up in front of the car..the driver gets out..and i throw my bottle of pills behind the driver seat ( no prescription ) the cops pull us out of the car..they say they pulld the first person who left over.. an he snitched me out sayin the guy in the blue shirt sold me the pills ( me) an he still in the parkin lot..so the cops say wheres the pills i just keep sayin idk wut yur talkin bout..so they search the car ( not mine ) but they find em immediatly..the guy who owns the car said its mine to..so now i have 2 people sayin its mine but it wasnt on me an wasnt my car..they charged me with sellin in a school zone possion of shed 1 and 2 w/o prescription..i go to jail.........
So do they actually have good enough proof to charge this person with the crimes or would they drop it?

Also this case is over with an i know the outcome ..i just wanna know your input on what yu think should b done

Dunno what the OP will say but I would personally use a lawyer for that one. lol

02-07-2012, 10:06 PM
Depends how cute you are, so I'm guessing you're good:p

Javier busting a move? ;)

02-07-2012, 10:18 PM
Which one ya want big guy, I can..take care of things. :p
Wow I just read what you drank, naaaasty. Try a java monster, Irish blend. Don't get no betterNah, it's great. But to each his own. It's got plenty of vitamins and milkthistle and such so it's quasi-healthy.
I got a question not sayin this is me its just a situation that has showed up in my life an i need to know can they actually convict this person......
Say i jump into a car an sell them some pills..then i jump out of the car an sell someone else pills..and while im the car 2 undercovers pull up in front of the car..the driver gets out..and i throw my bottle of pills behind the driver seat ( no prescription ) the cops pull us out of the car..they say they pulld the first person who left over.. an he snitched me out sayin the guy in the blue shirt sold me the pills ( me) an he still in the parkin lot..so the cops say wheres the pills i just keep sayin idk wut yur talkin bout..so they search the car ( not mine ) but they find em immediatly..the guy who owns the car said its mine to..so now i have 2 people sayin its mine but it wasnt on me an wasnt my car..they charged me with sellin in a school zone possion of shed 1 and 2 w/o prescription..i go to jail.........
So do they actually have good enough proof to charge this person with the crimes or would they drop it?

Also this case is over with an i know the outcome ..i just wanna know your input on what yu think should b doneAs I stated in my original post, I cannot speak for your area. However, in the two jurisdictions I have served in your goose is cooked. Personally I'd have gotten you saying that the bottle wasn't yours and you've never seen it and then I'd have sent it to the lab. When your prints come back, your alibi is toast. Failing that, the people in the other vehicle not only gave you up but described you as well...yeah, you could fight where I work, but you'd lose unless there were some mitigating circumstances.
Dunno what the OP will say but I would personally use a lawyer for that one. lolBingo.

02-08-2012, 04:04 AM
Ok well the person went to county jail and had to wait 30 days to go to court.because they have 30 days to file charges..we'll they went to court on the 33rd day because they took a 3 day extensioon..when they went to court they only had a public defender ( one that's given to you) well the PD said if u plead guilty to the misdemeanor pharaphenlia then you can go home today ( I forgot to post the paraphenlia charge in the above post). They never said anythin about the other felony charges. So the person wentr home after 30 days..also the person said they touch all over the bottle.they had there prints everywhere probably. So since the person was released . If they in the future pull prints off the bottle could they charge them in the future? Or since the case is closed then is it over with an they can't do anythin bout it?

02-08-2012, 04:08 AM
Keep in mind they got caught with 45 roxicodones and 5 suboxen. I believe its synthetic heroin I hear. And it was taken place in west palm beach florids. Nicknamed the pill mill county of the united states

02-08-2012, 09:21 AM
Ok well the person went to county jail and had to wait 30 days to go to court.because they have 30 days to file charges..we'll they went to court on the 33rd day because they took a 3 day extensioon..when they went to court they only had a public defender ( one that's given to you) well the PD said if u plead guilty to the misdemeanor pharaphenlia then you can go home today ( I forgot to post the paraphenlia charge in the above post). They never said anythin about the other felony charges. So the person wentr home after 30 days..also the person said they touch all over the bottle.they had there prints everywhere probably. So since the person was released . If they in the future pull prints off the bottle could they charge them in the future? Or since the case is closed then is it over with an they can't do anythin bout it?If the case has been completely adjudicated then the evidence has probably been destroyed and cannot be prosecuted any further. However, I would tell the person to be doubly sure that the case has been completely closed. I say that because it sounds like the person was arraigned after 30 days, probably credited for time served and released pending a trial or some other hearing. Then again, everything could have been dropped or nolle prossed or some such.
Keep in mind they got caught with 45 roxicodones and 5 suboxen. I believe its synthetic heroin I hear. And it was taken place in west palm beach florids. Nicknamed the pill mill county of the united statesI'm not sure what those charges entail in that area. Felony, gross misdemeanor, who knows.

02-08-2012, 09:43 AM
If the case has been completely adjudicated then the evidence has probably been destroyed and cannot be prosecuted any further. However, I would tell the person to be doubly sure that the case has been completely closed. I say that because it sounds like the person was arraigned after 30 days, probably credited for time served and released pending a trial or some other hearing. Then again, everything could have been dropped or nolle prossed or some such.I'm not sure what those charges entail in that area. Felony, gross misdemeanor, who knows.

1. What the hell is milk thistle?
2. Evidence isn't destroyed, at least in the police departments around here. I can't go into too awful much detail, but it's true.
3. lwmark, tell your "friend" that he's a retard for doin pills. That's one of the most senseless drugs out there.

02-08-2012, 10:00 AM
1. What the hell is milk thistle?
2. Evidence isn't destroyed, at least in the police departments around here. I can't go into too awful much detail, but it's true.
3. lwmark, tell your "friend" that he's a retard for doin pills. That's one of the most senseless drugs out there.

Milk thistle is a plant that has some health benefits, namely liver detoxification.

And I don't know where you are, but my departments were both very large municipal agencies. After a case has been thoroughly prosecuted we destroy everything. There's no use in keeping it and we have so much evidence from so many arrests we'd have nowhere to put it all.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk

02-08-2012, 10:09 AM
Nice, I might try that. I just thought it was some muscle milk knock off or something.

02-08-2012, 10:28 AM
Some studies have shown it helps, some showed that it did nothing.

I think Rockstar markets it like a hangover recovery drink. I like it because it's caffeine and it isn't carbonated. Seems like everytime I drink a carbonated drink at work I end up having to chase someone down...then you get all burpy...ick.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk

02-08-2012, 11:39 AM
Nothin worse than gas and robbers.

02-08-2012, 08:04 PM
3. lwmark, tell your "friend" that he's an idiot for doin pills. That's one of the most senseless drugs out there.

+1,000. Get some new friends Lwmark.

02-11-2012, 02:13 PM
Sorry for the late response, I'm never on forums lol

I'm in the most recent page of People Behind Characters. You be the judge :P

I judged and i was correct :p

Javier busting a move? ;)

Haha, in a way:p

Don't do drugs kids. Messes up your whole life. Stay away from those who do drugs as well.

Peer pressure might seem easy to overcome, but its not so don't hang out with people when they are doing drugs.

It's not that you're scared, don't listen to them when they say that, it's just that you're smart enough not to waste your time on something that "makes you feel good".

If you want to "feel good", take up a hobby and do that.

Stay drug free kids.

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