View Full Version : Space Pirates?! o.O

01-16-2012, 01:54 PM
I was browsing around and found that there are very few space pirate games. The only other space pirate themed game, IK of, is "Pirate Galaxy," which was pretty boring IMO. SL however has a lot of potential for a space pirate class and more space pirates in general. Mostly due to Spacetime games being playable anywhere so the player-base is always going to be strong and with diverse age groups. Another reason is the "formula" or how everything is set up - that is what makes these games so fun.

Due to the current storyline, space pirates couldn't be implemented now, but maybe in a future game, perhaps SL2?

Think of: space pirate Captain Harlock, space pirate Cobra or even the space pirates in the Ratchet and Clank series. I also watched Treasure Planet again recently and was craving a space pirate game.

All in all, I'm saying, give birth to a space pirate game with your tried-and-true formula. It can be a new plot in the next SL game, since It can't be an expansion (unless you guys can figure something out).

Thanks for reading. Peace.

P.S. Guys, leave a comment if you think this is good idea, so this can get noticed.

01-16-2012, 08:21 PM
WOW no1 likes space pirates?

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01-16-2012, 08:33 PM
Its a cool idea:) but I dont think just to add Space Pirates to their games StS would make "SL2"
Maybe in a map in a new lvl cap
But idk:D
Either way cool idea;)

01-16-2012, 08:37 PM
Dont we already have an entire campaign geared toward stopping a band of dastardly space pirates?

Red Sun Pirates anyone?

Lol why do so many people forget that map?

01-16-2012, 09:07 PM
Eh, forget it, no1 here likes space pirates anyway...

btw ik about that map, thats y I said it would have to be in a completely diff game like SL2 maybe.