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View Full Version : pink inflation

01-17-2012, 12:57 PM
I'm here to talk about pink inflation. You know, that problem that has led to the creation of terms like "trash pinks". It's time that the devs addressed this problem.

For most of the game, players go along and can count on the "rating" system for items. Pinks are better than purples, which are better than green, etc. But somewhere near the top level areas, this goes awry. IMO, the problem really started with Nuri's. The fact that there were "common pinks" and "rare pinks" really broke things. Adding to the confusion is the fact that purples as a category seemed to vanish, especially in Fang. For current endgame farming, you can get really excited to see the notification pop up that you "looted a legendary item" only to find out it was a "trash pink" worth 20k if you're lucky.

It seems like the developers felt some kind of pressure to "put out more pinks" and so created these "not quite pink" drops to artificially inflate the numbers. But the truth is that there is a stark division among pink items: the ones that are the real legendary items and the others that are merely pretenders. It would make a lot more sense if the devs simply used the existing purple category to designate the "good but not the absolute best" items. This would reduce confusion and restore the "legendary" pink category to its original intended use. Sure, that means the color pink would be seen less often, but it would also mean that it really means something when it does appear.

I really hope the upcoming Humania expansion will rediscover use of the lost purple category and keep only the true pink items at the legendary level.

01-17-2012, 01:06 PM
I fully agree with you... .when I first saw these "trash pinks" drop in nuris the only thing I could ask was, "why not just make them purple like they should be?" It's obvious that had they dropped in any other campaign prior to nuris they would have been classified as purps but all the sudden they that class of weapon have been all but removed from the new game content. Kind of sad that to get more pinks in game and appease the masses all they did was over glorify a lower class item by changing it's color pink....


01-17-2012, 01:06 PM
+1 great job shining the lime light on this situation.

01-17-2012, 04:42 PM
I don't really have a problem with non-set pinks. I think it's a good alternative for those who can't afford the set pinks. I've checked out the vampyr set and it's really comparable to the sanguine set except it doesn't have to smoke and isn't craftable. Btw, swamps, AO3 (destiny, fate, fortune) and sewers (sewer king/queen, royal sewer) also have non set pink so it's not something that's just came out.

I think the absence of purples is due to the luck elixirs. The devs knew if they put in tons of purples then there would be lots of rerolls into pinks. Then everyone would be complaining that they're pinks are worthless.

01-17-2012, 04:55 PM
what's the point of getting purples (epic) when no one gonna use them even if you sell them they would be pretty cheap ,every one trying to get a pink and they want pinks so purples are useless

01-17-2012, 11:28 PM
I guess my point is, if everything is pink then nothing is pink. The whole point of having categories is to group like things together. If there are both "real" and "fake" pinks together, then there are actually two categories, and they should be broken up as such. Maybe an example would help.

Suppose you have a really bad toothache so you go to get it looked at. You tell the person at the front desk of the office, "I need to see a dentist".
"I am a dentist," he answers.
"Um, ok, then," you reply, "Can you look at my tooth?"
"Oh, I don't look at the teeth. I just make the appointments," the man answers.
You scratch your head. "Well I need to see a dentist for my tooth."
"Like I said, I am a dentist," the man says, "I just don't work on teeth. You see, this is a dentist's office. We are all dentists here!"
"Well, how can I get my tooth fixed?" you ask, exasperated.
"Oh well then, you want the tooth dentist. I'll check when he's available."
Hours later, new filling in place, you leave the office wondering what on earth made the receptionist think he could call himself a dentist, and wondering whether "tooth dentist" would appear in the dictionary someday.

The point of my thread is to highlight the silliness of the need to invent the title of "tooth dentist" pinks to distinguish from the "non-tooth dentist" pinks.

01-18-2012, 12:57 PM
I think the absence of purples is due to the luck elixirs. The devs knew if they put in tons of purples then there would be lots of rerolls into pinks. Then everyone would be complaining that they're pinks are worthless.I think the main people who would be whining would be the merch's looking to add money to their ever growing wallet. Imo purples should be brought back but keep the set pinks and non-set pinks (vampyr and that stuff), even if there were massive amounts of pinks rerolled it would do nothing but make things more affordable for the average player who doesn't have the time or plat to compete with wide scale merchants.

I vote bring back purples.