View Full Version : What Is Peace?

01-17-2012, 03:03 PM
When you think of peace, what comes to mind? Many times, we think of peace as the tranquil times or events in our lives. The times when all is calm and serene. For this way of thinking, peace represents the gaps in our lives in between the storms.

However, another way to look at peace is having peace in the midst of the storms in our lives.

How do we do this? How do we have peace despite the storms that rage in us and around us?

We must learn to live out of the space in us where we are being created by God, that place of deep peace, even in the midst of the storms. Learn to live out of that space, and you can endure the storms.

We can live in a chaotic space crying out in anxiety or we can live in the space of a peaceful Christ. In both cases, the storms are still there. But, what is your attitude, what is your orientation, where do you live spiritually?

None of this means the storms won't come, but we can find harbor in the midst of them.

After Christ is awakened in you, He has the power to calm the storms that rage around you. We just have to find a way to wake Him up. Wake up the Christ in you.

But, why are we terrified? When you get right down to it, why do we not have faith?

What faith means is trust. Where does our fear come from? It comes from a lack of trust in God. He tells us in the Book of Hebrews that He will never leave us nor forsake us. So, through it all, trust in the Lord. By doing so, you find your vindication.

You may not have the answers, or be able to see the path clearly, but at the end of the day, trust in God. The power of God dwells in us in the person of Christ. Christ lives in you. So, as the storm rages, look to that peaceful Christ, and trust in Him, and you will be able to withstand your storms.

01-17-2012, 03:21 PM
Very good talk
I'll add a verse if you don't mind

01-17-2012, 03:38 PM
I find peace by meditation. When I know that most of the time I am simply trying to control those things that are out of my control, it gives me great peace to release them. I sit and listen to the vowels in the word Aum. If thoughts come, I let them, and when they go, I let them go. They are not me. "Me" is the one sitting. I let the sound of the vowels Ah-oo-mmm sink into my body down from my head, and I let the breath enter and leave like clean water, taking away the polluting stress.

This technique works well with no requirement of belief. One need only do it. It proves itself.

It also is a good supplement to your belief system.

Ultimately, I think Jesus knew how to do this. That is why he taught forgiveness. Forgiving is a way to accept that other people are just as imperfect as you, and that you can't control them. You can only control yourself.

Where I differ from Jesus and Krishna Consciousness is that I don't believe in the concept of a PERSON. I think personae are created by composite systems so that the whole can be grasped as a greater good than the elements, but upon death this person is no longer needed. When we cling so much to the concept of person that we fear death, naturally we want to invent all kinds of post-death worlds where everything is nice. It's far better to simply realize that we are not really separate beings but all part of one universe. Knowing that, I find the greatest peace,

I complete understand if these latter thoughts are not in accordance with your worldview. I'm only sharing them in case it might help anyone else.

01-17-2012, 03:41 PM
Uhh. I sense a heated religious debate followed by mild flaming, someone getting shunned, and than a lock. I'll start by saying your being somewhat ignorant by implying that faith is Christ, and we must "awake the Christ" in us. The fact that I'm Jewish and don't believe that Christ is a diety just shows how this post can not be generalized to all the religions. This is basically saying everyone is Christian and nobody can believe anything else. Maybe I looked too far into it, but I tend to do that. Edit, revise, or lock.


01-17-2012, 03:50 PM
Yeah, I'm with Adidaman on this. In general, we don't allow discussion about religion, politics or other potential powder-kegs like abortion or capitol punishment on the forums. There are other more appropriate internet forums out there for those. This is a gaming forum :)

Thread locked.