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View Full Version : My Final Regina Spektor painting. For real this time lol

01-17-2012, 06:15 PM
I love her to death, obviously, but I can't do this anymore. This marks my tenth Regina painting. I need to start drawing other people/things to broaden my abilities. It's been fun! But I have to move on :(

Alright so here's the paintings meaning. The lyrics are from her song 'Dance Anthem of the 80's', and the hand with the road painted on it with a tree at the finger tips is featured in the intro of the music video for the song. She's asleep with her head rested on her hands and she's black and white to depict her in a sleeping/dreaming state. I tried to make the painting look sketched out, while still looking like a painting. I can't really explain it further so I hope you all know what I mean lol :p

I lost my stylus recently, so I was stuck using my fingers. I used my iPad, The art rage app for the painting, and sketchbook pro for the lettering. It took me about 8hrs to complete, taking 5-20 min breaks throughout. Enjoy!


01-17-2012, 07:57 PM
Any feedback? :(

01-17-2012, 07:59 PM
Lol, maybe they've seen enough pictures already. But, its very pretty, keep doing what you do! :D

01-17-2012, 08:00 PM
This is one of my faves of your regina series.

01-17-2012, 08:02 PM
Love your work :) seen only your two.most recent picks but their great :)
Wudnt rlly.be able to give u.critical.feedback :/ dont have any.idea who she is

01-17-2012, 08:07 PM
Love your work :) seen only your two.most recent picks but their great :)
Wudnt rlly.be able to give u.critical.feedback :/ dont have any.idea who she is

One hell of an alternate singer! My favorite music artist.

01-17-2012, 08:14 PM
Lol, maybe they've seen enough pictures already. But, its very pretty, keep doing what you do! :D

I guess you're right lol. I guess it'd be more appealing if it were PL related :p those always get a lot of buzz

01-17-2012, 08:51 PM
I love it!

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01-17-2012, 08:58 PM
You should draw what inspires you the most, and its Obviously regina! :p

01-17-2012, 09:30 PM
I think this is the best out of the other recent two. Keep going with what you like

01-17-2012, 10:40 PM
Love it Red, i like how you softened the background a bit, good contrast to the definition of her face. I watched something on TV where an.artist showcased all of his ios art in a gallery. The show was a hit and I thought of all your i'art. Def see that in the future for you. Follow your bliss. :)

01-17-2012, 11:04 PM
Love it Red, i like how you softened the background a bit, good contrast to the definition of her face. I watched something on TV where an.artist showcased all of his ios art in a gallery. The show was a hit and I thought of all your i'art. Def see that in the future for you. Follow your bliss. :)

Thanks Kall ^_^ still figuring out ways I can get my artwork out there outside of my deviant art :/

01-17-2012, 11:20 PM
One way would be to target the "hip" nightclubs, coffeehouses, and possibly restaurants, as most have some sort of TV, projection, entertainment display. They could make a slideshow from your art and have credits that roll to your deviant art site. Gets your name out there, builds your portfolio, and expands your resume! Check out some silent auction sites and offer to donate a piece of your work. You'd be presented to a demographic that (usually) has deep pockets, thus making connections and you could also use the amount for which it sold as a tax deduction! :)

01-17-2012, 11:20 PM
Love it Red, i like how you softened the background a bit, good contrast to the definition of her face. I watched something on TV where an.artist showcased all of his ios art in a gallery. The show was a hit and I thought of all your i'art. Def see that in the future for you. Follow your bliss. :)

Thanks Kall ^_^ still figuring out ways I can get my artwork out there outside of my deviant art :/if you have an iDevice, save your artwork to your cam roll, go to app store and buy iMovie (if i remember correcty its four dollars). And you can put your artwork together as a little "video gallery". You can also add music from your music library too it.

01-17-2012, 11:22 PM
It's marvellous! Love it Love it Love it. :D

01-17-2012, 11:53 PM
if you have an iDevice, save your artwork to your cam roll, go to app store and buy iMovie (if i remember correcty its four dollars). And you can put your artwork together as a little "video gallery". You can also add music from your music library too it.

Just so happens that I have iMovie ahaha thanks for the tip! Doing it now :D

01-18-2012, 05:41 AM
you need new models?

hmm... Sheryl Crow? Matt Damon? Scooby Doo?
(guess which is my favorite)

01-18-2012, 07:20 PM
Great painting Red! Becoming alot more creative with them, each one seems to have a different direction.

you need new models?

hmm... Sheryl Crow? Matt Damon? Scooby Doo?
(guess which is my favorite)

Matt Damon? ;)

01-18-2012, 07:32 PM
Your one of the best artists i have ever seen...