View Full Version : release new Sts game pls

03-05-2020, 11:41 PM
i want new Sts game xd

03-09-2020, 12:52 AM
I think everyone is waiting for a new Sts game.

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03-10-2020, 05:22 AM
100% agree, Arcane and Pocket legends have been my favourite games and I've been waiting for years for a new game of them.

03-12-2020, 12:34 AM
What type of game would you like to see them release?

03-12-2020, 09:14 AM
What type of game would you like to see them release?

Something similiar to the original pocket legends, the game was so amazing back then, when people were able to collect their gear from dungeons, reaching lv 56,61 and 66 caps gave you beautiful vanities, which added a sparkling set bonus. They have a big playerbase nowadays, pretty sure they could work with that, i'd be happy with a pocket legends 2.0

03-12-2020, 09:15 AM
Lock-on targeting like PL or arcade-style combat like AL?

03-12-2020, 11:11 AM
Lock-on targeting like PL or arcade-style combat like AL?

Wouldn't it be beneficial (if this were to ever happen) to keep the fighting style the same just so players don't have to try and adapt to a change that could end up being a big one? I know whenever I tried to switch to AL when it first came out the fighting style was one thing, but wow not being able to move the camera just struck a hard nerve with me.

I tried to get used to it for about a month and it would still just aggravate me more as time went on, so I quickly realized the game just wasn't for me even though I wanted it to be. It's funny though, I couldn't get used to it in AL but DL for some reason it just felt so good the play style and not being able to move the camera didn't affect me as much.

03-12-2020, 11:17 AM
I think it would be beneficial (if this were to ever happen) to keep the fighting style the same just so players don't have to try and adapt to a change that could end up being a big one. I know whenever I tried to switch to AL when it first came out the fighting style was one thing, but wow not being able to move the camera just struck a hard nerve with me.

I tried to get used to it for about a month and it would still just aggravate me more as time went on, so I quickly realized the game just wasn't for me even though I wanted it to be. It's funny though, I couldn't get used to it in AL but DL for some reason it just felt so good the play style and not being able to move the camera didn't affect me as much.

Camera motion / rotation actually makes quite a lot of people ill. Not adding it to AL was done with purpose and we've enjoyed quite a lot of success with AL compared to the other Legends games (obviously for more than just this one reason). My ideal game has a locked camera to please the majority but also has the option to unlock it - for pro players who don't get motion sickness :-)

I was asking if a brand new game should have combat like PL or like AL. I think that if a game were called "PL2" it would work like PL, and same goes for a game called "AL2."
Just wondering what folks think an 'Unknown' Legends game combat style should be like. Thanks!

03-12-2020, 11:28 AM
Oh, definitely and I would agree, there are far many people who would prefer to have their vision stationary rather than unfixed. I just didn't know if that was a thought of yours where you would take some ideas from AL and implement them into a "PL2" but I suppose that wouldn't make sense to an extent (depends on what the ideas are).

Have you thought about adding that option where you can switch on/off the locked camera to current game titles?

03-12-2020, 11:33 AM
Have you thought about adding that option where you can switch on/off the locked camera to current game titles?

Yes. Unfortunately almost all of "Arlor" is built with a fixed camera in mind so turning it could give you some very bad-looking, potentially confusing angles.
"Alterra," "Carvina" and the "Blackstar" universe were all built 360, anticipating the camera rotation :-)

03-12-2020, 11:37 AM
Ahh okay, so it's not that you couldn't, rather it just wouldn't make any sense to apply that to the current games.

03-13-2020, 10:42 PM
Lock-on targeting like PL or arcade-style combat like AL?

Great question!
Lock on works in pl because of the rotating camera, it makes it interesting and variable. A lock on with the fixed map like al makes it less interesting in the same way that auto walk makes games boring.
It takes more skill to be aware of range, plus other targets like barrels in al without auto lock.

03-14-2020, 08:15 AM
Lock-on targeting like PL or arcade-style combat like AL?

for me i want arcade style combat like AL sir 😊 or any new sts game is okey ✨ arcade combat style 😊

03-17-2020, 11:18 AM
A new STS game would be great may be STS can afford it to work on the new generations of gaming-I mean the visual-reality " VR " would be awesome, I have a concept game that crossed my mind Goblins Legends "LOL" or may be stick to the original games and start to apply them into VR one by one or create a Legend of Legends game which is a combination of all the legend games...I am excited there is a lot of possibilities ^^

03-17-2020, 01:12 PM
A new combat-style game similar to AL would be cool, perhaps some added classes/skills with honor gear which could be obtained via locked crates, trading, premium currency etc. Then spacetime can continue working on PvE for the die hard farmers on AL, while everyone else takes their love for PvP to this new game which solely focuses on combat. Something like 'Battle Legends' .

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03-20-2020, 09:33 AM
I love the mechanics of PL PvE/PvP, but admire the glossy visuals and immersive campaign of AL. I just hope a new Legend's title utilizes both games!

Just think how much of a smashing success a new title could be, attracting players from all titles. Sounds exciting to me.

03-20-2020, 11:01 PM
Just think how much of a smashing success a new title could be, attracting players from all titles. Sounds exciting to me.

It would be a dream come true. Can you imagine AL but with PL's combat system? <33

I was asking if a brand new game should have combat like PL or like AL.

If there is to be a new "Legends title," it should definitely have the combat system from PL.

I think regardless of the art and camera style, (e.g: PL2 vs AL2) the player should still have the ability to choose whom/what they target, similar to the way PL works.

I think the lack of "touch/click-targeting," per se, really made SL/DL/AL feel like more of an arcade-style experience compared to other titles released by STG.

It's no argument, at least in my opinion, that "touch/click-targeting" makes a game more competitive, along with making the game more engaging. Imagine what Starcraft or League of Legends would be like without the ability to (in this case) click to target? I think it would be far less competitive and even less complex.

By giving the player more to do whilst playing (e.g: clicking to target instead of walking around to target arbitrarily in a radius) it adds to the game's complexity and overall it increases the strategy required. These are both things that leave casual and hardcore players alike hungering for more; meaning they will spend more time playing the game and trying to improve. By adding to the potential competitive experience of the game, you create a market for hardcore players who typically spend a lot, and have hours upon hours of playtime. And besides, even from a casual perspective, click targeting just makes so much more sense intuitively. I can't name a game I have tried where I would prefer to not have touch/click targeting.

I think touch/click targeting makes the game more complex and entertaining for both casual and hardcore players. I definitely think PL's combat system is far superior to the style used in AL - which is why PL's combat system is closer to the standard in any competitive game like Starcraft or LoL.

There obviously needs to be a balance between hardcore and casual elements of the combat system, but I really don't think touch to target increases difficulty levels too much - if anything, it's more intuitive.

Also, I think tap-to-cast spells (like PL) feel far less clunky than charge-to-cast spells (like AL/DL/SL). For mostly the same reasons as above. It just removes another unnecessary element of randomness from a potentially competitive game.

I wouldn't call my opinion a bias for PL, either. The combat system in PL is just better, honestly. (As above, it's why almost every other competitive game has combat closer to PL's than to AL's.)

This is just my opinion, it's not necessarily the view of every player.

P.S: I very much like the idea of the unlocked camera being an option, and not a necessary mechanic (the best of both worlds, really).

tl;dr: PL's combat system (touch targeting, tap-to-cast skills) is far superior to AL's combat system from both a casual and hardcore perspective. This is why PL's combat system is closer to the standard seen in other competitive games.

03-21-2020, 12:08 AM
I think If you have played both games You can instantly tell how much more satisfaction you feel killing enemies in pl. AL to me I can barely tell If im hitting the enemy. Trying to sit my biases aside here But PL to me feels so much smoother in combat and more rewarding killing enemies.
And I would definitely make it have a new name like medieval legends or something cool like that.

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03-21-2020, 02:47 AM
Lock-on targeting like PL or arcade-style combat like AL?
AL please, as you have many games out there with auto lock. I really like al because I can perform many strategies.

03-21-2020, 04:05 AM
Unlock and lock camera option tooo! Will be dope

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