View Full Version : Idea for pets

01-19-2012, 04:01 PM

I've searched for this but there were too many results so I apologize if this has been thought of before. I think it would be cool if future vanity pets assisted players in some way. Perhaps a random heal or buff. Maybe even an random attack on nearby enemies. Or how about if some of them can sparkle. You know how we all love our particles :)

01-19-2012, 07:15 PM
That would be cool. It would be interesting to see bats attack nearby enemies. Would they dive down and bite the enemy?


01-20-2012, 12:53 AM
But then you have to consider, how much damage could a bat bite actually do to a black knight fully clad in armor or a mage who's shooting fire or "HA HA"s at them....


01-20-2012, 11:26 AM
im a mage RAWR

01-20-2012, 12:14 PM
I want the Guardian for a pet. "Sick em, Guardie!!!!"

01-20-2012, 07:15 PM
I would be simply amazed if pets had additional actions. I wouldn't even need the extra damage from a pets buff because I would love if my pet could randomly emote. Attacks by pets would be epic though, I have to agree there.

Admittedly, I'm a huge fan of the phoenix, and if it could fly around as well as randomly land on my shoulder every now and then I would be ecstatic:)