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View Full Version : Way Behind Schedule?

07-26-2010, 07:55 PM
It's almost the end of July, and we got none of the updates scheduled to be released this month. What's happening? Am I the only one curious about the delay in the scheduled plans? And I don't want to rush, I just feel ill-informed.

And P.S. Starcraft 2 is gonna come out tomorrow! Whose gonna buy it?!

07-26-2010, 08:06 PM
OK, what is Starcraft 2? Also, I hate this, pure update was supposed to be like 3 weeks ago, I realize the devs work hard and are busy and it's a lot of work, but this is far behind schedule, and when one update is behind schedule, most likely they all will be! :(

07-26-2010, 08:13 PM
OK, what is Starcraft 2? Also, I hate this, pure update was supposed to be like 3 weeks ago, I realize the devs work hard and are busy and it's a lot of work, but this is far behind schedule, and when one update is behind schedule, most likely they all will be! :(

Yea I realized they will be behind since the approval of 1.2. That approval period slowed things down. Also, you don't know what Starcraft 2 is?!?! OH -- MY -- GOSH

07-26-2010, 08:19 PM
Yea I realized they will be behind since the approval of 1.2. That approval period slowed things down. Also, you don't know what Starcraft 2 is?!?! OH -- MY -- GOSH

Nope I don't! Also, they surprisingly came out with AO1 at a good time!

07-26-2010, 08:37 PM
Yeah I prefer small update (even if it is minor) each a couple of weeks, rather than waiting for a massive update takes months.

Also communication is the key, if there is a delay, as long as some communication will be highly appreciated.

07-26-2010, 08:42 PM
My opinion is not to post a schedule, I definitively prefer having something good later, then bad early. But don't say you'll do something if you won't, even if it's for better reason.

07-26-2010, 08:52 PM
My opinion is not to post a schedule, I definitively prefer having something good later, then bad early. But don't say you'll do something if you won't, even if it's for better reason.

yer if the devs didnt post a roadmap and gotten everyones hopes up they wouldnt have pissed off so many people....

07-26-2010, 09:03 PM
So right!!
Remember when we had daily updates/tweaks?
We do need some better communication, I agree completely!


Yeah I prefer small update (even if it is minor) each a couple of weeks, rather than waiting for a massive update takes months.

Also communication is the key, if there is a delay, as long as some communication will be highly appreciated.

07-26-2010, 09:06 PM
They're working on the optimization update. When it comes out, it's gonna change PL like crazy. I do believe unified character bodies are in that update, which means a rework of clothes. Plus, ever since PL came out the devs have been practically working non-stop. Give them a break. :P

07-26-2010, 09:10 PM


07-26-2010, 09:21 PM


This made me laugh. XD

07-26-2010, 09:36 PM
They're working on the optimization update. When it comes out, it's gonna change PL like crazy. I do believe unified character bodies are in that update, which means a rework of clothes. Plus, ever since PL came out the devs have been practically working non-stop. Give them a break. :P

We did give them a break, but how long is the break?

Opinion: Make everything a little more expensive or add more cool cash items to hire more devs :)

07-26-2010, 09:57 PM
Yea I realized they will be behind since the approval of 1.2. That approval period slowed things down.

The approval period doesn't change anything, that's the time when it's out of STS's hands and down to how fast Apple process it, a time when they can carry on working on the next update.

It's 1.3 that's slowing everything down, I'm not sure character customisation is part of 1.3, and the stat based skill conversion, as far as I was aware, hadn't actually been started on yet.
Justg said in chat something along the lines of "Stat conversion will take a while and will need a lot of attention, but we're wrapped up with 1.3 at the moment"

07-26-2010, 11:37 PM
i just wish 1.3 could come out.. :(

07-27-2010, 12:08 AM
I believe they are giving us "minor" updates while workin on the bigger update.... This stuff takes alot of time and they are working on AO3 1.3 AND more character customization.... ALOT of work if u ask me.... Keep up the good work devs is gettin better everyday!

07-27-2010, 11:53 AM
They're working on the optimization update. When it comes out, it's gonna change PL like crazy.

How is it going to change PL like crazy?
In what way?


07-27-2010, 12:03 PM
Hmm if there really is a full graphic update, it'll take the devs some time.

07-27-2010, 12:39 PM
A few things will change the game "like crazy": the first being quests. Quests will guide the new players into and through the world, as well as telling so much more of the backstory. The second is that PL is becoming much more open world. All content can be accessed from inside the townes rather than going to the host/ join screens. You will be able to run from the townes of Forest Haven to Dark Forest to Fort Blackstone (outside of Balefort Castle)... and back. We'll be adding new townes as we go too. The last thing is the way we are reworking the graphics. It is a full graphic update, and it is incredibly intense, but in the end it will allow you much more customization options. Like hats and such. We're in final testing for it, as soon as we get it submitted we'll start giving you guys previews.

07-27-2010, 01:49 PM
A few things will change the game "like crazy": the first being quests. Quests will guide the new players into and through the world, as well as telling so much more of the backstory. The second is that PL is becoming much more open world. All content can be accessed from inside the townes rather than going to the host/ join screens. You will be able to run from the townes of Forest Haven to Dark Forest to Fort Blackstone (outside of Balefort Castle)... and back. We'll be adding new townes as we go too. The last thing is the way we are reworking the graphics. It is a full graphic update, and it is incredibly intense, but in the end it will allow you much more customization options. Like hats and such. We're in final testing for it, as soon as we get it submitted we'll start giving you guys previews.

SWEET! :D Thanks Justg!

07-27-2010, 01:57 PM
A few things will change the game "like crazy": the first being quests. Quests will guide the new players into and through the world, as well as telling so much more of the backstory. The second is that PL is becoming much more open world. All content can be accessed from inside the townes rather than going to the host/ join screens. You will be able to run from the townes of Forest Haven to Dark Forest to Fort Blackstone (outside of Balefort Castle)... and back. We'll be adding new townes as we go too. The last thing is the way we are reworking the graphics. It is a full graphic update, and it is incredibly intense, but in the end it will allow you much more customization options. Like hats and such. We're in final testing for it, as soon as we get it submitted we'll start giving you guys previews.

WOW this is gonna be soooo ballin!!

07-27-2010, 02:15 PM
A few things will change the game "like crazy": the first being quests. Quests will guide the new players into and through the world, as well as telling so much more of the backstory. The second is that PL is becoming much more open world. All content can be accessed from inside the townes rather than going to the host/ join screens. You will be able to run from the townes of Forest Haven to Dark Forest to Fort Blackstone (outside of Balefort Castle)... and back. We'll be adding new townes as we go too. The last thing is the way we are reworking the graphics. It is a full graphic update, and it is incredibly intense, but in the end it will allow you much more customization options. Like hats and such. We're in final testing for it, as soon as we get it submitted we'll start giving you guys previews.

sounds cool =p

07-27-2010, 02:23 PM
A few things will change the game "like crazy": the first being quests. Quests will guide the new players into and through the world, as well as telling so much more of the backstory. The second is that PL is becoming much more open world. All content can be accessed from inside the townes rather than going to the host/ join screens. You will be able to run from the townes of Forest Haven to Dark Forest to Fort Blackstone (outside of Balefort Castle)... and back. We'll be adding new townes as we go too. The last thing is the way we are reworking the graphics. It is a full graphic update, and it is incredibly intense, but in the end it will allow you much more customization options. Like hats and such. We're in final testing for it, as soon as we get it submitted we'll start giving you guys previews.

YES! Sounds amazing! Can't wait!

07-27-2010, 03:02 PM
A few things will change the game "like crazy": the first being quests. Quests will guide the new players into and through the world, as well as telling so much more of the backstory. The second is that PL is becoming much more open world. All content can be accessed from inside the townes rather than going to the host/ join screens. You will be able to run from the townes of Forest Haven to Dark Forest to Fort Blackstone (outside of Balefort Castle)... and back. We'll be adding new townes as we go too. The last thing is the way we are reworking the graphics. It is a full graphic update, and it is incredibly intense, but in the end it will allow you much more customization options. Like hats and such. We're in final testing for it, as soon as we get it submitted we'll start giving you guys previews.

Sounds very AMAZING!!!!
Especially the part, "in Final Testing"!!!!!!!

Thank you,

07-27-2010, 03:45 PM
A few things will change the game "like crazy": the first being quests. Quests will guide the new players into and through the world, as well as telling so much more of the backstory. The second is that PL is becoming much more open world. All content can be accessed from inside the townes rather than going to the host/ join screens. You will be able to run from the townes of Forest Haven to Dark Forest to Fort Blackstone (outside of Balefort Castle)... and back. We'll be adding new townes as we go too. The last thing is the way we are reworking the graphics. It is a full graphic update, and it is incredibly intense, but in the end it will allow you much more customization options. Like hats and such. We're in final testing for it, as soon as we get it submitted we'll start giving you guys previews.

this gave me an internection.

07-27-2010, 04:17 PM
A few things will change the game "like crazy": the first being quests. Quests will guide the new players into and through the world, as well as telling so much more of the backstory. The second is that PL is becoming much more open world. All content can be accessed from inside the townes rather than going to the host/ join screens. You will be able to run from the townes of Forest Haven to Dark Forest to Fort Blackstone (outside of Balefort Castle)... and back. We'll be adding new townes as we go too. The last thing is the way we are reworking the graphics. It is a full graphic update, and it is incredibly intense, but in the end it will allow you much more customization options. Like hats and such. We're in final testing for it, as soon as we get it submitted we'll start giving you guys previews.

yay! cant wait to wear a hat!

07-27-2010, 04:55 PM
So excited!!!

07-27-2010, 05:00 PM
Hats ftw... Bring us hatzzzzz