View Full Version : Potions

01-20-2012, 01:24 AM
Do potions automatically refill from killing mobs in pve (assuming you don't use any?) Mine stop at 25 and don't increase any higher. I was told by some players this isn't the case for them and they've increased theirs to hundreds or thousands without purchasing any. Thanks for your help.

01-20-2012, 01:36 AM
From my knowledge, you need to buy potions, and they can't increase in combat. I hope this anwers your question.

01-20-2012, 01:38 AM
when u have less than 25, they can drop from enemies. some people farm them (deposit in stash once u hit 25 and then get more from PvE), but if you are like me, that takes too much work and you can just buy them.

01-20-2012, 01:40 AM
Thanks guys. People must have either misunderstood me or wanted to give me a hard time in game. Good to know I wasn't missing something drastic.

01-20-2012, 01:50 AM
SIDE NOTE: If you need potions DO NOT buy the DOTD 100 hp pots for 5 plat.
It's not worth it, might as well get a vanity.
I estimate you can make 1.5k gold in less than 10 mins.

01-20-2012, 08:54 AM
yes as lelouch said, when you have less than 25 you can get both mana and health pots from mobs up until you reach the 25 mark then i think it goes to another player if they have less than 25 and so on. As far as farming goes, what i do is me being lvl 65 me and another friend both go to plasma pyramid and clear the first hallways of mobs till we both reach 25 health and mana pots (literally takes like 2 mins) then key is i give my friend the pots i had just received so they (my friend) would now have 50, then i remake and we redo the process till i have 25 of each then trade them (so they now have 75) etc and so on. If done right you can rack up hundreds in a course of maybe 10-15 minutes? pretty easy and simple

01-20-2012, 08:59 AM
yes as lelouch said, when you have less than 25 you can get both mana and health pots from mobs up until you reach the 25 mark then i think it goes to another player if they have less than 25 and so on. As far as farming goes, what i do is me being lvl 65 me and another friend both go to plasma pyramid and clear the first hallways of mobs till we both reach 25 health and mana pots (literally takes like 2 mins) then key is i give my friend the pots i had just revived so they (my friend) would now have 50, then i remake and we redo the process till i have 25 of each then trade them (so they now have 75) etc and so on. If done right you can rack up hundreds in a course of maybe 10-15 mins? pretty easy and simple

Wow actually i hadn't thought of this in this case it may be worthwhile to pot farm

01-20-2012, 02:06 PM
Potions drop from mobs AND chests. I always try to run with minimal potions. Usually if it's my 1st time in an area, I'll carry at least a few hundred. Once I know an area, it'll depend. If it's hard, a few hundred potions. If not, then under 25 -- I'll usually carry a few to start. Also, potions drop randomly to the group, so if you're in a group, you can get no potions dropped to you, in which case, carrying a few is insurance.

If I'm running alone, I almost always leave room for potion drops. When I'm done, I dump a bunch into stash and usually that enough to keep my pot supply filled up.

01-20-2012, 02:09 PM
I always carry at leat 1000 health pots. I have 2500 now. If you're a good player like fyrce you can get by with just carrying a small amount but my pure dex bird has a mind of his own and always ends up out front leading the way. It's not unusual for me to use 1000 health pots in a day. Lol.

01-20-2012, 02:11 PM
I always carry at leat 1000 health pots. I have 2500 now. If you're a good player like fyrce you can get by with just carrying a small amount but my pure dex bird has a mind of his own and always ends up out front leading the way. It's not unusual for me to use 1000 health pots in a day. Lol.

Might as well have an auto-drink feature or make the life bar 100 times longer. :P

01-20-2012, 09:26 PM
yes as lelouch said, when you have less than 25 you can get both mana and health pots from mobs up until you reach the 25 mark then i think it goes to another player if they have less than 25 and so on. As far as farming goes, what i do is me being lvl 65 me and another friend both go to plasma pyramid and clear the first hallways of mobs till we both reach 25 health and mana pots (literally takes like 2 mins) then key is i give my friend the pots i had just revived so they (my friend) would now have 50, then i remake and we redo the process till i have 25 of each then trade them (so they now have 75) etc and so on. If done right you can rack up hundreds in a course of maybe 10-15 mins? pretty easy and simple

You, sir, are a genius.