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View Full Version : A Framework for New Honour Sets at Every Level Bracket

03-18-2020, 04:01 AM
Recently, I have heard rumours that there may be a rework to the Honour PvP System for lower levels (i.e: not 100-10). Coming from someone who has twinked in low-level PvP for longer than the majority of the active low-level community, I thought I could give a decent framework on what these sets should entail. If this is to be implemented, I hope this is at least a good place to use as a reference, devs :]

Now, I believe something to note before we begin is that I do not think amulets and enchantments were of benefit to any level of PvP, and therefore, I won’t be including their stat adjustments in this framework at all.

I guess something you may be asking is: what exactly do you have planned, Dexteritys?

Well, I propose that each level bracket gets its own set of Honour PvP Gear. I think low-level PvP was fairly diverse and balanced in its prime. Also, I know a lot of people who really don’t want to cap because of the mammoth effort and plat it can require. It was never necessary to reach endgame for balanced PvP in the past, and I really can’t see why that changed at all (in terms of gameplay, I can obviously see why it was changed, and so can you).

I know this has been mentioned in the past by numerous others (myself included), but I never really saw a proper framework for stats and items to base these Honour Sets off of. This is what I plan on achieving with this thread.

Note: if this is implemented, the new honour gear should not be tradeable, as that would mean you can buy weapons with equivalent stats to campaign (and in some cases event) gear for much cheaper. I really can’t stress this enough. DO NOT FORGET TO MAKE THEM UNTRADEABLE. Similarly, it SHOULD NOT BE POSSIBLE TO PvE WHILE WEARING THIS GEAR AT ALL. Just like the L105 set.

Arena modifiers also need to be removed in the corresponding honour level ranges if this is to be implemented. I say level ranges because I think if this is implemented, no one will play elite levels, and hence, there will be no need for arena modifiers.

I suppose another thing to mention is that: if I have listed multiple honour sets for a class (e.g: Str Mage, Dex Mage), I mean that each of these lists should come as a different purchasable item pack in the store. E.g: For Level 56, there should be 3 sets in the mage section, one for str, one for dex, and one for int. Alternatively, the purchase of a Level Pack could just give you every single item listed for the level. Again, please don’t make these items tradeable, the economy would literally implode.

Also, in some cases (namely 45-61) I know it is sometimes better to use lower-level gear. I don’t think the system needs adjusting for this, as you can already wear 15 Honour sets in a L110 game. An example would be a L61 using a L60 Dex set. Mixing and matching pieces would also be great for Levels 40-56, as I know that was fairly common.

Where I have listed multiple in-slot items (e.g: weapon 1,2,&3), I would like the purchased item pack to give each individual item listed as part of its purchase. Not everyone wants to use a wand when they could use a staff, or a talon when they could use a recurve bow, etc etc.

I don’t know what the gear should look like, because if it is identical to the original campaign gear, it kind of defeats the purpose of collecting sets. Suggestions for this problem would be good, I don’t have any lol.

Those are the only realistic problems I can see happening with this gear. However, I probably missed a few issues it could cause here and there. If you think of something, let me know.

I am pretty sure I got the stats for rings wrong by +-1 here and there, if you for some reason remember all the stats, let me know where my mistakes are.

There are also a few level ranges where I am unsure of what to suggest, because I never played them, being: L10-24 Foxes and Rhinos; L40-49; and, anything post Level 61 i.e: 62+

If there are any adjustments that you think could be made, feel free to explain why below. I probably missed an OP set or something every now and then. And obviously, I need all the help I can get for L62+ :p



Yes, I know this is almost never going to be implemented.

Yes, I was bored when I made this.

No, writing this only took me like 1 hour.

No, I don't have a life.

No, I don't think I know everything about this game.

Yes, you probably know more about X PvP Bracket than I do, that's why I am asking for feedback and suggestions.

No. forgotten bows, bone helms, marrow mantles, paws, reapers, and etc are not balanced. Have you see L25 paw mage? A L35 Reaper Dodge Cage Bear? Be glad you haven't - they're terrifyingly OP!

Yes, I spell honour like that.

Yes, I forgot the name of a lot of items.

Yes, some of these are copy-pasted - but only where you would literally use the same gear just on a different class.

No, I don't think this is the perfect solution either, there are obviously flaws. Though, better than elite PvP? Probably.

Yes, the economy will do three backflips and then implode if these items become tradeable - that's why I said not to do that in red.

No, I don't think the gear should look identical to the campaign drops. That defeats the purpose of farming.


So, with that out of the way I guess we can begin?

03-18-2020, 04:03 AM
Level 1:

From PvE kill farming to petitions for stash rights this level had fostered a fairly large community in PL’s prime. I think the simplest way to balance Level 1 PvP is to ban the use of pink and elite gear inside the Honour Arena.

Why? Well, Level 1 PvP was honestly a lot of fun before the implementation of these items. The procs that these weapons have, coupled with their stats just throw the balance too far out of proportion. I don’t think this level needs honour sets, per se, because there is already a good balance in the farmable items. As long as the Honour Map for Level 1 doesn’t allow pinks and elites to be equipped, the gameplay should act as it did before.

I don’t really have to list the stats for Level Ones, do I?

Level 5:

The first PvP Level where skills are accessible, and gear is varied. Level 5 PvPers used plat-store staffs and bling flingers. These were realistically the only useful weapons during this level’s activeness. So obviously, similar to Level 1, I think the only necessary adjustment for balanced PvP is to restrict the use of pink and elite weapons, along with valentine items (if they exist?).

Level 10-14:
I think overall, the most balanced period of gears for Level 10-14 was just before the introduction of forgotten bows.

I think birds, mages, and bears need access to multiple items in some slots, to complement the builds they want to use.

I think the L10 Bear Honour Set should include honour pieces with the following stats:

L10 Honour helm: the same stats as L10 Sniper’s Archery Cap,
L10 Honour weapon: the same stats as L10 Sniper’s Platinum Talon,
L10 Honour Weapon 2: The same stats as L10 Bling Flinger (maybe the fire crossbow in dark forest? I don’t know),
L10 Honour Armor: The same stats as the unnerfed L5 Expert Armor (7crit, not 4),
L10 Honour Armor 2: The same stats as L10 Jewel Thief’s Dark Forest Leather,
L10 Honour Shield: the same stats as L10 Sniper’s Avian Wing,
L10 Honour Ring: 9Damage, 1crit OR 6armor 1dodge,
L10 Honour Amulet: 0 stats.


I think the L10 Mage Honour set should include honour pieces with the following stats:

L10 Honour helm: the same stats as L10 Sniper’s Archery Cap,
L10 Honour Weapon: The same stats as L10 Winterfest Toyman Wand,
L10 Honour Armor: The same stats as (unnerfed) L5 Artisan Leather (7 hit, not 4),
L10 Honour Armor 2: The same stats as (unnerfed) L5 Expert armor (7crit, not 4),
L10 Honour Armor 3: The same stats as L5 Alchemist Robes,
L10 Honour Shield: The same stats as L10 Sniper’s Avian Ring,
L10 Honour Ring: 3mana/sec OR 9damage 1crit OR 6armor 1 dodge
L10 Honour Amulet: 0 stats.


I think the L10 Bird Honour Set should include honour pieces with the following stats:

L10 Honour helm: the same stats as L10 Sniper’s Archery Cap,
L10 Honour weapon: the same stats as L10 Winter Fest Toyman Wand,
L10 Honour Armor: The same stats as (unnerfed) L5 Artisan Leather (7 hit, not 4),
L10 Honour Armor 2: The same stats as (unnerfed) L5 Expert armor (7crit, not 4),
L10 Honour Armor 3: The same stats as L10 Jewel Thief’s Dark Forest Leather,
L10 Honour Shield: the same stats as L10 Sniper’s Avian Wing,
L10 Honour Ring: 9Damage, 1crit OR 6armor 1dodge,
L10 Honour Amulet: 0 stats.

I really don’t know what to suggest here, they just aren’t that good at this level. Maybe the Bird Loadout?

L10 Honour Helmet: The same stats as the L10 Plat-Pack Bear Helmet that gives dodge and armor over regents (conquerors?)
L10 Honour Weapon: The same stats as L10 Guru’s Premium War-Hammer
L10 Honour Armor: The same stats as L10 Conqueror’s Chain Mail (The Bear 4pc armor from plat-store set, I forget its name0
L10 Honour Ring: 9 Damage 1 grit OR 6armor 1 dodge
L10 Honour Amulet: 0 stats.

03-18-2020, 04:08 AM
Level 1:

From PvE kill farming to petitions for stash rights this level had fostered a fairly large community in PL’s prime. I think the simplest way to balance Level 1 PvP is to ban the use of pink and elite gear inside the Honour Arena.

Why? Well, Level 1 PvP was honestly a lot of fun before the implementation of these items. The procs that these weapons have, coupled with their stats just throw the balance too far out of proportion. I don’t think this level needs honour sets, per se, because there is already a good balance in the farmable items. As long as the Honour Map for Level 1 doesn’t allow pinks and elites to be equipped, the gameplay should act as it did before.

I don’t really have to list the stats for Level Ones, do I?

Level 5:

The first PvP Level where skills are accessible, and gear is varied. Level 5 PvPers used plat-store staffs and bling flingers. These were realistically the only useful weapons during this level’s activeness. So obviously, similar to Level 1, I think the only necessary adjustment for balanced PvP is to restrict the use of pink and elite weapons, along with valentine items (if they exist?).

Level 10-14:
I think overall, the most balanced period of gears for Level 10-14 was just before the introduction of forgotten bows.

I think birds, mages, and bears need access to multiple items in some slots, to complement the builds they want to use.

I think the L10 Bear Honour Set should include honour pieces with the following stats:

L10 Honour helm: the same stats as L10 Sniper’s Archery Cap,
L10 Honour weapon: the same stats as L10 Sniper’s Platinum Talon,
L10 Honour Weapon 2: The same stats as L10 Bling Flinger (maybe the fire crossbow in dark forest? I don’t know),
L10 Honour Armor: The same stats as the unnerfed L5 Expert Armor (7crit, not 4),
L10 Honour Armor 2: The same stats as L10 Jewel Thief’s Dark Forest Leather,
L10 Honour Shield: the same stats as L10 Sniper’s Avian Wing,
L10 Honour Ring: 9Damage, 1crit OR 6armor 1dodge,
L10 Honour Amulet: 0 stats.


I think the L10 Mage Honour set should include honour pieces with the following stats:

L10 Honour helm: the same stats as L10 Sniper’s Archery Cap,
L10 Honour Weapon: The same stats as L10 Winterfest Toyman Wand,
L10 Honour Armor: The same stats as (unnerfed) L5 Artisan Leather (7 hit, not 4),
L10 Honour Armor 2: The same stats as (unnerfed) L5 Expert armor (7crit, not 4),
L10 Honour Armor 3: The same stats as L5 Alchemist Robes,
L10 Honour Shield: The same stats as L10 Sniper’s Avian Ring,
L10 Honour Ring: 3mana/sec OR 9damage 1crit OR 6armor 1 dodge
L10 Honour Amulet: 0 stats.


I think the L10 Bird Honour Set should include honour pieces with the following stats:

L10 Honour helm: the same stats as L10 Sniper’s Archery Cap,
L10 Honour weapon: the same stats as L10 Winter Fest Toyman Wand,
L10 Honour Armor: The same stats as (unnerfed) L5 Artisan Leather (7 hit, not 4),
L10 Honour Armor 2: The same stats as (unnerfed) L5 Expert armor (7crit, not 4),
L10 Honour Armor 3: The same stats as L10 Jewel Thief’s Dark Forest Leather,
L10 Honour Shield: the same stats as L10 Sniper’s Avian Wing,
L10 Honour Ring: 9Damage, 1crit OR 6armor 1dodge,
L10 Honour Amulet: 0 stats.

I really don’t know what to suggest here, they just aren’t that good at this level. Maybe the Bird Loadout?

L10 Honour Helmet: The same stats as the L10 Plat-Pack Bear Helmet that gives dodge and armor over regents (conquerors?)
L10 Honour Weapon: The same stats as L10 Guru’s Premium War-Hammer
L10 Honour Armor: The same stats as L10 Conqueror’s Chain Mail (The Bear 4pc armor from plat-store set, I forget its name0
L10 Honour Ring: 9 Damage 1 grit OR 6armor 1 dodge
L10 Honour Amulet: 0 stats.

Level 15-19:

I think the L15 Bear Honour Set should include honour pieces with the following stats:

L15 Honour helm: the same stats as L10 Sniper’s Archery Cap,
L15 Honour weapon: the same stats as L15 Jewel Thief’s Platinum Talon,
L15 Honour Weapon 2: the same stats as L15 Auto-Crossbow of Finesse,
L15 Honour Armor: The same stats as the unnerfed L15 Expert Armor (7crit, not 4),
L15 Honour Armor 2: The same stats as unnerfed L15 Artisan’s Leather (7hit, not 4),
L15 Honour Shield: the same stats as L10 Sniper’s Avian Wing,
L15 Honour Ring: 9Damage, 1crit OR 6armor 1dodge,
L15 Honour Amulet: 0 stats.

I think the L15 Mage Honour set should include honour pieces with the following stats:

L15 Honour helm: the same stats as L10 Sniper’s Archery Cap,
L15 Honour Weapon: The same stats as L15 Winterfest Toyman Wand,
L15 Honour Armor: The same stats as (unnerfed) L15 Artisan Leather (7 hit, not 4),
L15 Honour Armor 2: The same stats as (unnerfed) L15 Expert armor (7crit, not 4),
L15 Honour Armor 3: The same stats as L5 Alchemist Robes,
L15 Honour Shield: The same stats as L10 Sniper’s Avian Wing,
L15 Honour Ring: 3mana/sec OR 9damage 1crit OR 6armor 1 dodge
L15 Honour Amulet: 0 stats.

I think the L15 Bird Honour set should include honour pieces with the following stats:

L15 Honour Helm: the same stats as L10 Sniper’s Archery Cap,
L15 Honour Helm 2: the same stats as L10 Conqueror’s Helm (From bear 4pc plat set),
L15 Honour Weapon 1: The same stats as L15 Winterfest Snowball Launcher,
L15 Honour Weapon 2: The same stats as L15 Winterfest Toyman Wand,
L15 Honour Armor: The same stats as unnerfed L5 Armsman Forged Armor (note I said level 5 not 15),
L15 Honour Armor 2: The same stats as unnerfed L15 Expert Leather,
L15 Honour Armor 3: The same stats as unnerfed L15 Artisan Leather,
L15 Honour Shield: The same stats as L10 Sniper’s Avian Wing,
L15 Honour Ring: 9damage 1crit OR 6armor 1 dodge,
L15 Honour Amulet: 0 stats.

Again, I don’t know what to suggest here, foxes used reapers and forg bows. I don’t know how the balance would be if they had weapons with similar stats.

See above

Level 20-24:

I think the L20 Bear Honour Set should include honour pieces with the following stats:

L20 Honour helm: the same stats as L20 Sniper’s Archery Cap,
L20 Honour weapon: the same stats as L19 Jewel Thief’s Platinum Talon,
L20 Honour Weapon 2: the same stats as L19 Sniper’s Auto-Crossbow,
L20 Honour Armor: The same stats as the unnerfed L15 Expert Armor (7crit, not 4),
L20 Honour Armor 2: The same stats as unnerfed L15 Artisan’s Leather (7hit, not 4),
L20 Honour Shield: the same stats as L20 Sniper’s Avian Wing,
L20 Honour Ring: 11 Damage, 1crit OR 9 armor 1dodge,
L20 Honour Amulet: 0 stats.


I think the L20 mage Honour Set should include honour pieces with the following stats:

L20 Honour helm: the same stats as L20 Sniper’s Archery Cap,
L20 Honour Weapon: The same stats as L20 Winterfest Toyman Wand
L20 Honour Armor: The same stats as (unnerfed) L15 Artisan Leather (7 hit, not 4),
L20 Honour Armor 2: The same stats as (unnerfed) L15 Expert armor (7crit, not 4),
L20 Honour Armor 3: The same stats as L15 Alchemist Robes,
L20 Honour Shield: The same stats as L20 Sniper’s Avian Wing,
L20 Honour Ring: L20 Honour Ring: 11 Damage, 1crit OR 9 armor 1dodge OR 3mana/sec

L20 Honour Helm: the same stats as L20 Sniper’s Archery Cap,
L20 Honour Helm 2: the same stats as L20 Conqueror’s Helm (from Baer 4pc plat-set),
L20 Honour Weapon 1: the same stats as L20 Winterfest Toyman Wand,
L20 Honour weapon 2: the same stats as L20 Winterfest Snowball Launcher,
L20 Honour Weapon 3: the same stats as L20 Winterfest Mint Cutter,
L20 Honour Armor: The same stats as the unnerfed L15 Expert Armor (7crit, not 4),
L20 Honour Armor 2: The same stats as unnerfed L15 Artisan’s Leather (7hit, not 4),
L20 Honour Armor 3: The same stats as unnerfed L5 Armsman Forged Armor (note I said level 5 not 15),

Rhinos only really used the plat-store 3pc Hammer item-set. However, I and many others don’t think they were particularly balanced. I don’t really know what to suggest here.


Level 25-29:
I think the L25 Bear Honour set should include the following items:

L25 Honour Helm: Same stats as L25 Conq. Vyxnaar Helm (I believe I spelt that wrong),
L25 Honour Helm 2: Same stats as L25 Jewel Thief’s Crystalline Helmet,
L25 Honour Weapon 1: The same stats as L25 Conqueror’s Pick-Axe,
L25 Honour Weapon 2: The same stats as L25 Conqueror’s Onyx Longsword,
L25 Honour Weapon 3: The same stats as L27 Sniper’s Ice-Auto Crossbow,
L25 Honour Armor 1: The same stats as L15 Armsman Forged Armor (Level 15 this time),
L25 Honour Armor 2: The same stats as L15 unnerfed Artisan Leather (7hit not 4),
L25 Honour Armor 3: The same stats as L15 unnerfed Expert Leather (7crit not 4),
L25 Honour Shield 1: The same stats as L25 Steel Block Shield of Legend (I think this exists… 95% sure),
L25 Honour Shield 2: The same stats as L25 Jewel Thief’s Earthquake Wing,
L25 Honour Ring: 8 Damage 1hit OR 11 Damage 1 crit OR 9 Armor 1 dodge,
L25 Honour Amulet: no stats


The L25 Mage Honour set should include the following items:

L25 Honour Helm: The same stats as Dreamer’s Earthquake Hood,
L25 Honour Weapon 1: The same stats as L25 Winterfest Toyman Wand,
L25 Honour Weapon 2: The same stats as L27 Sniper’s Ice-Auto Crossbow,
L25 Armor: The same stats as L15 Alchemist Robes,
L25 Armor 2: The same stats as unnerfed Artisan Leather (7hit, not 4),
L25 Armor 3: The same stats as unnerfed Expert Leather (7crit, not 4),
L25 Honour Shield: The same stats as Jewel Thief’s Earthquake Wing,
L25 Honour Ring: 3 mana/sec OR 11damage 1crit OR 8armor 1mana/sec 1health/sec
L25 Honour Amulet: No stats.

Birds were almost always warbirds here (str-birds0 in the balanced period, at least. Therefore, the set should include the following:

L25 Honour Helm: Same stats as L25 Conq. Vyxnaar Helm (I believe I spelt that wrong),
L25 Honour Weapon: The same stats as L25 Conqueror’s Onyx Longsword,
L25 Honour Armor 1: The same stats as L15 Armsman Forged Armor (Level 15 this time),
L25 Honour Armor 2: The same stats as L15 unnerfed Artisan Leather (7hit not 4),
L25 Honour Armor 3: The same stats as L15 unnerfed Expert Leather (7crit not 4),
L25 Honour Shield: No stats
L25 Honour Ring: 8 Damage 1hit OR 11 Damage 1 crit OR 9 Armor 1 dodge,
L25 Honour Amulet: no stats

Since their introduction, both of these classes have always been 3pc str-classes. The honour set should be the same as the Bird set.

However, Rhinos may also need a L25 Honour Armor with the same stats as L5 Alchemist Robes to compensate for their mana usage.

Level 30-34:

This was probably one of the most balanced levels. Most classes were able to use str, dex, or int in some way. If I forgot something, let me know.

Bear (Str set):
The str set for L30-34 Honour bears should include the following items:

L30 Honour Helm: The same stats as L25 Conq. Vyxnaar Helm,
L30 Honour weapon: The same stats as L30 Frosty Iceberg Hatchet,
L30 Honour Weapon 2: The same stats as L30 Iceberg Frozen Longsword,
L30 Honour Weapon 3L The same stats as L30 Swamp Rat’s Lizard Leg,
L30 Honour Armor: The same stats as L30 Iceberg Frost knight Plate,
L30 Honour Shield: The same stats as L30 Iceberg Frozen Shield,
L30 Honour Ring: The same stats as Fine Iron Band of Life, OR Fine Platinum Band of Bravery (The L10 Variant),
L30 Honour Amulet: no stats

Bear (Dex set):

The dex set for L30-34 Honour Bears should include the following items:

L30 Honour Helm: The same stats as L27 Sniper’s Penguin Snowcap,
L30 Honour Weapon: The same stats as L30 Shivering Ice Talon,
L30 Honour weapon 2: The same stats as Ice Talon of the Eagle (I think it’s L29?),
L30 Honour weapon 3: The same stats as L30 Shivering Ice-Auto Crossbow,
L30 Honour Armor: The same stats as L30 Shivering Frozen Yeti Leather,
L30 Honour Shield: The same stats as L30 Shivering Wing (I forget the proper name),
L30 Honour Ring: 11damage 1crit, OR 8 Armor 2 Dodge,
L30 Honour Amulet: no stats

Mage (Int Set):

L30 Honour Int set for mages:

L30 Honour Helm: The same stats as L25 Dreamer’s Earthquake Hood,
L30 Honour Weapon: The same stats as L30 Brain-Freeze Ice Wand,
L30 Honour Weapon 2: The same stats as L30 Winterfest Toyman Wand,
L30 Honour Weapon 3: The same stats as L30 Dreamer’s Frog Wand,
L30 Honour Armor: The same stats as L30 Brain-freeze Ice robes,
L30 Honour Shield: The same stats as L30 Brain Freeze Eyeball,
L30 Honour Ring: 9Damage, 1crit OR 6armor 1dodge, OR 3mana/sec,
L30 Honour Amulet: No stats

Mage (Dex Set):

The dex set for mages should include the following items:

L30 Honour Helm: The same stats as L27 Sniper’s Penguin Snowcap,
L30 Honour Weapon: The same stats as L30 Shivering Ice Talon,
L30 Honour Weapon 2: The same stats as Shivering Ice-Auto Crossbow,
L30 Honour Armor: The same stats as L30 Shivering Frozen Yeti Leather,
L30 Honour Shield: The same stats as L30 Shivering Frosty Snowbird Wing (the name eludes me, but I think that is it),
L30 Honour Ring: 11damage 1crit, OR 8 Armor 2 Dodge,
L30 Honour Amulet: no stats

Mage (Str Set):

The str set for L30 Honour mages should include the following items:

L30 Honour Helm: The same stats as L25 Conq. Vyxnaar Helm,
L30 Honour weapon: The same stats as L30 Frosty Iceberg Hatchet,
L30 Honour Weapon 2: The same stats as L30 Iceberg Frozen Longsword,
L30 Honour Weapon 3: The same stats as L30 Swamp Rat’s Lizard Leg,
L30 Honour Armor: The same stats as L30 Iceberg Frost knight Plate,
L30 Honour Shield: The same stats as L30 Iceberg Frozen Shield,
L30 Honour Ring: The same stats as Fine Iron Band of Life, OR Fine Platinum Band of Bravery (The L10 Variant), OR 3mana/sec
L30 Honour Amulet: no stats

Bird (Dex Set):

The Dex set for L30 Honour Birds should include the following items:

L30 Honour Helm: The same stats as L27 Sniper’s Penguin Snowcap,
L30 Honour Weapon: The same stats as L30 Shivering Ice Talon,
L30 Honour weapon 2: The same stats as L30 Shivering Ice Dagger,
L30 Honour Weapon 3: The same stats as L30 Copperhead’s Blunderbuss,
L30 Honour weapon 4: The same stats as L30 Shivering Ice-Auto Crossbow,
L30 Honour Armor: The same stats as L30 Shivering Frozen Yeti Leather,
L30 Honour Shield: The same stats as L30 Shivering Wing (I forget the proper name),
L30 Honour Ring: 11damage 1crit, OR 8 Armor 2 Dodge,
L30 Honour Amulet: no stats

Bird (Str Set):

The str set for L30-34 Honour birds should include the following items:

L30 Honour Helm: The same stats as L25 Conq. Vyxnaar Helm,
L30 Honour Weapon: The same stats as L30 Iceberg Frozen Longsword,
L30 Honour Weapon 2: The same stats as L30 Swamp Rat’s Lizard Leg,
L30 Honour Armor: The same stats as L30 Iceberg Frost knight Plate,
L30 Honour Shield: No stats
L30 Honour Ring: The same stats as Fine Iron Band of Life, OR Fine Platinum Band of Bravery (The L10 Variant),
L30 Honour Amulet: no stats


The stats for the L30 Honour Rhino set should include the following:
L30 Honour Helm: The same stats as L25 Conq. Vyxnaar Helm,
L30 Honour Weapon: The same stats as L30 Iceberg Frozen Longsword,
L30 Honour Weapon 2: The same stats as L30 Swamp Rat’s Lizard Leg,
L30 Honour Armor: The same stats as L30 Iceberg Frost knight Plate,
L30 Honour Shield: No stats
L30 Honour Ring: The same stats as Fine Iron Band of Life, OR Fine Platinum Band of Bravery (The L10 Variant),

Fox (Dex Set):

The Dex set for L30 Honour Foxes should include the following items:

L30 Honour Helm: The same stats as L27 Sniper’s Penguin Snowcap,
L30 Honour Weapon: The same stats as L30 Shivering Ice Talon,
L30 Honour weapon 2: The same stats as Ice Talon of the Eagle (I think it’s L29?),
L30 Honour weapon 3: The same stats as L30 Shivering Ice-Auto Crossbow,
L30 Honour Armor: The same stats as L30 Shivering Frozen Yeti Leather,
L30 Honour Shield: The same stats as L30 Shivering Wing (I forget the proper name),
L30 Honour Ring: 11damage 1crit, OR 8 Armor 2 Dodge,
L30 Honour Amulet: no stats

Fox (Str Set):

The str set for L30 Honour Foxes should include the following items:

L30 Honour Helm: The same stats as L25 Conq. Vyxnaar Helm,
L30 Honour Weapon: The same stats as L30 Iceberg Frozen Longsword,
L30 Honour Weapon 2: The same stats as L30 Swamp Rat’s Lizard Leg,
L30 Honour Armor: The same stats as L30 Iceberg Frost knight Plate,
L30 Honour Shield: No stats
L30 Honour Ring: The same stats as Fine Iron Band of Life, OR Fine Platinum Band of Bravery (The L10 Variant),
L30 Honour Amulet: no stats

Level 35-39:

Level 35 is honestly pretty varied when it comes to gear selection. Most classes are able to use str, dex, or int in some way shape or form. I tried my best to remember what they all were, but it’s likely I forgot a weapon or armor here and there.

Bear (Str Set):

The str set for level 35 honour bears should include the following items:

L35 Honour Helm: The same stats as L35 Copperhead’s Bullfrog Helm,
L35 Honour Helm 2: The same stats as L25 Conq. Vyxnaar Helm,
L35 Honour Weapon: The same stats as L35 Copperhead’s Swampy Trident,
L35 Honour Weapon 2: The same stats as L32 Iceberg Frozen Longsword,
L35 Honour Weapon 3: The same stats as L35 Swamp Rat’s Lizard Leg,
L35 Honour Armor: The same stats as L35 Copperhead Armor,
L35 Honour Shield: The same stats as L35 Copperhead’s Saintly Shield,
L35 Honour Ring: 11damage 1crit, OR 8 Armor 2 Dodge (Note, 112Str/67Dex is now possible, meaning L20 Dex rings can be worn),
L35 Honour Amulet: no stats

If it is impossible to give a user wearing the full copperhead a set bonus, then perhaps it should be added on to the amulet... but I am not sure if that would wildly impact a 2h bear with a statted amulet.

Bear (Dex Set):

The L35 Honour Bear Dex set should include the following items:

L35 Honour Helm: The same stats as L35 Swamp Rat Helmet,
L35 Honour Weapon: The same stats as L30 Shivering Ice Talon,
L35 Honour weapon 2: The same stats as Ice Talon of the Eagle (I think it’s L29?),
L35 Honour weapon 3: The same stats as L35 Sniper’s Bayou Bow,
L35 Honour weapon 4: The same stats as L35 Bayou Bow of the Eagle,
L35 Honour Armor: The same stats as L30 Shivering Frozen Yeti Leather,
L35 Honour Armor 2: The same stats as L35 Swamp Rat Armor
L35 Honour Shield: The same stats as L30 Shivering Wing (I forget the proper name),
L35 Honour Ring: 11damage 1crit, OR 8 Armor 2 Dodge,
L35 Honour Amulet: no stats

Bear (Int Set):

For those of you unaware, yes, int bears were a thing. Nicknamed Terror-Bears ;]

The L35 Honour Bear Int set should include the following items:

L35 Honour Helm: The same stats as L35 Mamboza’s Voodoo Master Helm
L35 Honour Weapon: The same stats as L35 Dreamer’s Dark Wand,
L35 Honour Weapon 2: The same stats as L35 Mamboza’s Voodoo Fire Pin,
L35 Honour Armor: The same stats as L35 Zombie’s Voodoo Master Robe,
L35 Honour Shield: The same stats as L30 Brain Freeze Eye,
L35 Honour Shield 2: The same stats as L35 Copperhead’s Voodoo Doll,
L35 Honour Ring: 11damage 1crit, OR 8 Armor 2 Dodge (Note, 112int/67Dex is now possible, meaning L20 Dex rings can be worn),
L35 Honour Amulet: no stats

Mage (Int set):

L35 Honour Helm: The same stats as L35 Mamboza’s Voodoo Master Helm
L35 Honour Weapon 2: The same stats as L35 Mamboza’s Voodoo Fire Pin,
L35 Honour Armor: The same stats as L35 Zombie’s Voodoo Master Robe,
L35 Honour Shield: The same stats as L30 Brain Freeze Eye,
L35 Honour Shield 2: The same stats as L35 Copperhead’s Voodoo Doll,
L35 Honour Ring: 11damage 1crit, OR 8 Armor 2 Dodge (Note, 112int/67Dex is now possible, meaning L20 Dex rings can be worn),
L35 Honour Amulet: no stats

Mage (Dex Set):

L35 Honour Helm: The same stats as L35 Swamp Rat Helmet,
L35 Honour Weapon: The same stats as L30 Shivering Ice Talon,
L35 Honour weapon 2: The same stats as L32 Shivering Ice-Auto Crossbow, (note I said 32),
L35 Honour Armor: The same stats as L30 Shivering Frozen Yeti Leather,
L35 Honour Armor 2: The same stats as L35 Swamp Rat Armor
L35 Honour Shield: The same stats as L30 Shivering Wing (I forget the proper name),
L35 Honour Ring: 11damage 1crit, OR 8 Armor 2 Dodge,
L35 Honour Amulet: no stats

Mage (Str Set):

L35 Honour Helm: The same stats as L35 Copperhead’s Bullfrog Helm,
L35 Honour Helm 2: The same stats as L25 Conq. Vyxnaar Helm,
L35 Honour Weapon: The same stats as L35 Copperhead’s Swampy Trident,
L35 Honour Weapon 2: The same stats as L30 Iceberg Frozen Longsword,
L35 Honour Weapon 3: The same stats as L35 Swamp Rat’s Lizard Leg,
L35 Honour Armor: The same stats as L35 Copperhead Armor,
L35 Honour Shield: The same stats as L35 Copperhead’s Saintly Shield,
L35 Honour Ring: 11damage 1crit, OR 8 Armor 2 Dodge (Note, 112Str/67Dex is now possible, meaning L20 Dex rings can be worn),
L35 Honour Amulet: no stats

Bird (Dex Set):

I don’t particularly think 35 dex bird is particularly strong, but I know it’s at least decent. The set should include the following:

L35 Honour Helm: The same stats as L35 Swamp Rat Helmet,
L35 Honour weapon: The same stats as L35 Swamp Rat's Shiv (I forget what it's called),
L35 Honour weapon 2: The same stats as L35 Bayou Bow of the Eagle,
L35 Honour Weapon 3: The same stats as L35 Copperhead’s Blunderbuss,
L35 Honour Armor: The same stats as L30 Shivering Frozen Yeti Leather,
L35 Honour Armor 2: The same stats as L35 Swamp Rat Armor
L35 Honour Shield: The same stats as L30 Shivering Wing (I forget the proper name),
L35 Honour Ring: 11damage 1crit, OR 8 Armor 2 Dodge,
L35 Honour Amulet: no stats

Bird (Str Set):

The set for L35 Honour birds should include the following items:

L35 Honour Helm: The same stats as L35 Copperhead’s Bullfrog Helm,
L35 Honour Helm 2: The same stats as L25 Conq. Vyxnaar Helm,
L35 Honour Weapon 2: The same stats as L32 Iceberg Frozen Longsword,
L35 Honour Weapon 3: The same stats as L35 Swamp Rat’s Lizard Leg,
L35 Honour Armor: The same stats as L35 Copperhead Armor,
L35 Honour Shield: No Stats
L35 Honour Ring: 11damage 1crit, OR 8 Armor 2 Dodge (Note, 112Str/67Dex is now possible, meaning L20 Dex rings can be worn),
L35 Honour Amulet: no stats


The str set for the L35 Honour Rhino should include the following items:

L35 Honour Helm: The same stats as L35 Copperhead’s Bullfrog Helm,
L35 Honour Helm 2: The same stats as L25 Conq. Vyxnaar Helm,
L35 Honour Weapon 2: The same stats as L32 Iceberg Frozen Longsword,
L35 Honour Armor: The same stats as L30 Iceberg Frost Knight Plate (more mana region than copperhead),
L35 Honour Shield: No Stats
L35 Honour Ring: 11damage 1crit, OR 8 Armor 2 Dodge (Note, 112Str/67Dex is now possible, meaning L20 Dex rings can be worn),
L35 Honour Amulet: no stats

Fox (Str set):

L35 Honour Helm: The same stats as L35 Copperhead’s Bullfrog Helm,
L35 Honour Helm 2: The same stats as L25 Conq. Vyxnaar Helm,
L35 Honour Weapon 2: The same stats as L32 Iceberg Frozen Longsword,
L35 Honour Weapon 3: The same stats as L35 Swamp Rat’s Lizard Leg,
L35 Honour Armor: The same stats as L35 Copperhead Armor,
L35 Honour Shield: No Stats
L35 Honour Ring: 11damage 1crit, OR 8 Armor 2 Dodge (Note, 112Str/67Dex is now possible, meaning L20 Dex rings can be worn),
L35 Honour Amulet: no stats

Fox (Dex set):

L35 Honour Helm: The same stats as L35 Swamp Rat Helmet,
L35 Honour weapon: The same stats as Ice Talon of the Eagle (I think it’s L29?),
L35 Honour weapon 2: The same stats as L35 Bayou Bow of the Eagle,
L35 Honour Armor: The same stats as L30 Shivering Frozen Yeti Leather,
L35 Honour Armor 2: The same stats as L35 Swamp Rat Armor
L35 Honour Shield: The same stats as L30 Shivering Wing (I forget the proper name),
L35 Honour Ring: 11damage 1crit, OR 8 Armor 2 Dodge,
L35 Honour Amulet: no stats

Level 40-44:

I’ll admit, I don’t know much about this level at all. I question its balance, too. Suggestions for this would be great.

Level 45-49:

I don’t know much about this level at all, besides the popularity of the ballista. Suggestions for this would be great.

Level 50:

The level bracket 50-51 generally had a mix of people use Shadow Cave Sets and people using Sewer Items. I would like for people to be able to use either, and hence split 50 and 51-4 into two separate packs. (L51 items outclass L50 gear, but the L50 Dex set is arguably better on some classes).

Bear (Str):

The L50 Bear Honour set should include the following items:

L50 Honour Helm: The same stats as L50 Guardian’s Helmet of Hate,
L50 Honour Helm 2: The same stats as the 4pc Rift helm,
L50 Honour Weapon: The same stats as L50 Hate Hax,
L50 Honour Weapon 2: The same stats as L50 Rift scimitar,
L50 Honour Weapon 3: The same stats as L50 Gurgox Hammer (2h ;]),
L50 Honour Armor: The same stats as L50 Hate Armor,
L50 Honour rmor 2: The same stats as rift armor,
L50 Honour Shield: The same stats as L50 Hate Kite Shield,
L50 Honour Shield 2: The same stats as L50 Rift Shield,
L50 Honour Ring: 11damage 1crit, OR 8 Armor 2 Dodge,
L50 Honour Amulet: no stats

Bear (Dex):

The L50 Honour Bear Dex set should include the following items:

L50 Honour Helm: The same stats as L50 Death Helmet,
L50 Honour Weapon: The same stats as L50 Death Shotgun,
L50 Honour Weapon 2: The same stats as L50 Death Talon,
L50 Honour Armor: The same stats as L50 Death armor,
L50 Honour Shield: The same stats as L50 Death Wing,
L50 Honour Ring: 11damage 1crit, OR 8 Armor 2 Dodge,
L50 Honour Amulet: no stats

Mage (Int):

The L50 Honour Mage Set should include the following items:

L50 Honour Helm: The same stats as L50 Shadow Helm,
L50 Honour Helm 2: The same stats as L50 Cosmo Helm,
L50 Honour Weapon: The same stats as L50 Shadow Wand,
L50 Honour Weapon 2: The same stats as L50 Keeper’s Staff of the Cosmos,
L50 Honour Armor: The same stats as L50 Shadow Robes,
L50 Honour Armor 2: The same stats as L50 Cosmos Robes,
L50 Honour Shield: The same stats as L50 Shadow Doll,
L50 Honour Ring: 11damage 1crit, OR 8 Armor 2 Dodge

Mage (Dex):

The L50 Honour Mage Dex Set should include the following items:

L50 Honour Helm: The same stats as L50 Death Helmet,
L50 Honour Weapon: The same stats as L50 Death Shotgun,
L50 Honour Weapon 2: The same stats as L50 Death Talon,
L50 Honour Armor: The same stats as L50 Death armor,
L50 Honour Shield: The same stats as L50 Death Wing,
L50 Honour Ring: 11damage 1crit, OR 8 Armor 2 Dodge,
L50 Honour Amulet: no stats

Mage (Str):

The L50 Honour Mage Str Set should include the following items:

L50 Honour Helm: The same stats as L50 Guardian’s Helmet of Hate,
L50 Honour Helm 2: The same stats as the 4pc Rift helm,
L50 Honour Weapon: The same stats as L50 Hate Hax,
L50 Honour Weapon 2: The same stats as L50 Rift scimitar,
L50 Honour Armor: The same stats as L50 Hate Armor,
L50 Honour rmor 2: The same stats as rift armor,
L50 Honour Shield: The same stats as L50 Hate Kite Shield,
L50 Honour Shield 2: The same stats as L50 Rift Shield,
L50 Honour Ring: 11damage 1crit, OR 8 Armor 2 Dodge,
L50 Honour Amulet: no stats


The L50 Bird Honour Set should include the following items:

L50 Honour Helm: The same stats as L50 Death Helmet,
L50 Honour Weapon: The same stats as L50 Death Shotgun,
L50 Honour Weapon 2: The same stats as L50 Death Talon,
L50 Honour Armor: The same stats as L50 Death armor,
L50 Honour Shield: The same stats as L50 Death Wing,
L50 Honour Ring: 11damage 1crit, OR 8 Armor 2 Dodge,
L50 Honour Amulet: no stats

Rhino (Str):

The L50 Rhino Honour Str set should include the following items:

L50 Honour Helm: The same stats as L50 Guardian’s Helmet of Hate,
L50 Honour Helm 2: The same stats as the 4pc Rift helm,
L50 Honour Weapon: The same stats as L50 Hate Hax,
L50 Honour Weapon 2: The same stats as L50 Rift scimitar,
L50 Honour Armor: The same stats as L50 Hate Armor,
L50 Honour Armor 2: The same stats as rift armor,
L50 Honour Shield: The same stats as L50 Hate Kite Shield,
L50 Honour Shield 2: The same stats as L50 Rift Shield,
L50 Honour Ring: 11damage 1crit, OR 8 Armor 2 Dodge,
L50 Honour Amulet: no stats

Rhino (Dex):

The L50 Rhino Honour Dex Set Should include the following items:

L50 Honour Helm: The same stats as L50 Death Helmet,
L50 Honour Weapon: The same stats as L50 Death Shotgun,
L50 Honour Weapon 2: The same stats as L50 Death Talon,
L50 Honour Armor: The same stats as L50 Death armor,
L50 Honour Shield: The same stats as L50 Death Wing,
L50 Honour Ring: 11damage 1crit, OR 8 Armor 2 Dodge,
L50 Honour Amulet: no stats

Fox (Str):

The L50 Honour Fox Str Set should include the following items:

L50 Honour Helm: The same stats as L50 Guardian’s Helmet of Hate,
L50 Honour Helm 2: The same stats as the 4pc Rift helm,
L50 Honour Weapon: The same stats as L50 Hate Hax,
L50 Honour Weapon 2: The same stats as L50 Rift scimitar,
L50 Honour Armor: The same stats as L50 Hate Armor,
L50 Honour Armor 2: The same stats as rift armor,
L50 Honour Shield: The same stats as L50 Hate Kite Shield,
L50 Honour Shield 2: The same stats as L50 Rift Shield,
L50 Honour Ring: 11damage 1crit, OR 8 Armor 2 Dodge,
L50 Honour Amulet: no stats

Fox (Dex):

The L50 Fox Honour Dex Set should include the following stats:

L50 Honour Helm: The same stats as L50 Death Helmet,
L50 Honour Weapon: The same stats as L50 Death Shotgun,
L50 Honour Weapon 2: The same stats as L50 Death Talon,
L50 Honour Armor: The same stats as L50 Death armor,
L50 Honour Shield: The same stats as L50 Death Wing,
L50 Honour Ring: 11damage 1crit, OR 8 Armor 2 Dodge,
L50 Honour Amulet: no stats

Level 51:

To put it bluntly, almost every combination of sewer gear was balanced and viable. I really don’t want to list the entire loot table for each class, so I will just try and explain what I think should be accomplished for this level:

1) Honour Sets of x Spec should just give you each item of that spec in the L51 loot table for you to equip and use (remember I said these honour sets are to be untradeable? This is where it starts to be important).

2) Any combination of gear equipment should allow for a Level 51’s entry into the Honour Arena in games between 46-56.

Level 55:

The same that was said for 51 can be said for 55: literally every permutation of gear combinations was viable and balanced on every class. The same thing should happen for L55 as in L51. Just don’t forget the set bonuses :P

I guess I’ll repeat here:

1) Honour Sets of x Spec should just give you each item of that spec in the L55 loot table for you to equip and use - including crafted items. Not forgetting about being untradeable either.

2) Any combination of gear equipment should allow for a Level 55’s entry into the Honour Arena in games between 50-60.

Level 56:

This level should function the same as Level 55, but with any Nuri’s Hallows Pink Gear being able to be used.

Level 60:
I played this level sparingly, and not with the top gear, so I’m going to base my recommendations off of guides I’ve read, and players I’ve watched. I am pretty sure the balanced gear sets were the demonic sets with dragon rings. I might be wildly off the mark.. it’s been like 4 years since I tried.

Also, I remember that towards the end of twinking a few L61 birds that used plat store talons to get better overall stats than L60-61 campaign sets. If anyone active remembers what I mean could you try and let me know what item combinations were used? Thanks :]

Bear (Str):

The L60 Str Bear Honour Set should have the following items:

L60 Honour Helm: the same stats as L60 Demonic Str Helmet,
L60 Honour Weapon: The same stats as L60 Demonic Mace,
L60 Honour Armor: The same stats as L60 Demonic Armor,
L60 Honour Shield: The same stats as L60 Demonic Str Shield,
L60 Honour Ring: the same stats as L60 Dragon Ring?
L60 Honour Amulet: No stats

Bear (Dex):

The L60 Dex Bear Honour set should have the following items:

L60 Honour Helm: the same stats as L60 Demonic Dex Cap,
L60 Honour Weapon: the same stats as L60 Demonic Auto Crossbow,
L60 Honour Armor: the same stats as L60 Demonic Leather,
L60 Honour Shield: No stats,
L60 Honour Ring: the same stats as L60 Dragon Ring?
L60 Honour Amulet: No stats

Mage (Int):

The L60 Int Mage Honour Set should include the following items:

L60 Honour Helm: The same stats as L60 Demonic Hood,
L60 Honour Weapon: The same stats as L60 Demonic Wand,
L60 Honour Weapon 2: The same stats as L60 Demonic Staff,
L60 Honour Armor: The same stats as L60 Demonic Robes,
L60 Honour Shield: The same stats as L60 Demonic Bracer,
L60 Honour Ring: the same stats as L60 Dragon Ring?
L60 Honour Amulet: No stats

Mage (Dex):

The L60 Dex Mage Honour set should have the following items:

L60 Honour Helm: the same stats as L60 Demonic Dex Cap,
L60 Honour Weapon: the same stats as L60 Demonic Auto Crossbow,
L60 Honour Armor: the same stats as L60 Demonic Leather,
L60 Honour Shield: No stats,
L60 Honour Ring: the same stats as L60 Dragon Ring?
L60 Honour Amulet: No stats

Mage (Str):

The L60 Str Mage Honour Set should have the following items:

L60 Honour Helm: the same stats as L60 Demonic Str Helmet,
L60 Honour Weapon: The same stats as L60 Demonic Mace,
L60 Honour Armor: The same stats as L60 Demonic Armor,
L60 Honour Shield: The same stats as L60 Demonic Str Shield,
L60 Honour Ring: the same stats as L60 Dragon Ring?
L60 Honour Amulet: No stats

Bird (Dex):

The L60 Dex Bird Honour set should have the following items:

L60 Honour Helm: the same stats as L60 Demonic Dex Cap,
L60 Honour Weapon: the same stats as L60 Demonic Auto Crossbow,
L60 Honour Armor: the same stats as L60 Demonic Leather,
L60 Honour Shield: No stats,
L60 Honour Ring: the same stats as L60 Dragon Ring?
L60 Honour Amulet: No stats

Bird (Str):

The L60 Str Bird Honour Set should have the following items:

L60 Honour Helm: the same stats as L60 Demonic Str Helmet,
L60 Honour Weapon: The same stats as L60 Demonic Mace,
L60 Honour Armor: The same stats as L60 Demonic Armor,
L60 Honour Shield: The same stats as L60 Demonic Str Shield,
L60 Honour Ring: the same stats as L60 Dragon Ring?
L60 Honour Amulet: No stats

Rhino (Str):

The L60 Str Rhino Honour Set should have the following items:

L60 Honour Helm: the same stats as L60 Demonic Str Helmet,
L60 Honour Weapon: The same stats as L60 Demonic Mace,
L60 Honour Armor: The same stats as L60 Demonic Armor,
L60 Honour Shield: The same stats as L60 Demonic Str Shield,
L60 Honour Ring: the same stats as L60 Dragon Ring?
L60 Honour Amulet: No stats

Rhino (Dex):

The L60 Dex Rhino Honour set should have the following items:

L60 Honour Helm: the same stats as L60 Demonic Dex Cap,
L60 Honour Weapon: the same stats as L60 Demonic Auto Crossbow,
L60 Honour Armor: the same stats as L60 Demonic Leather,
L60 Honour Shield: No stats,
L60 Honour Ring: the same stats as L60 Dragon Ring?
L60 Honour Amulet: No stats

Fox (Str):

The L60 Str Fox Honour Set should have the following items:

L60 Honour Helm: the same stats as L60 Demonic Str Helmet,
L60 Honour Weapon: The same stats as L60 Demonic Mace,
L60 Honour Armor: The same stats as L60 Demonic Armor,
L60 Honour Shield: The same stats as L60 Demonic Str Shield,
L60 Honour Ring: the same stats as L60 Dragon Ring?
L60 Honour Amulet: No stats

Fox (Dex):

The L60 Dex Fox Honour set should have the following items:

L60 Honour Helm: the same stats as L60 Demonic Dex Cap,
L60 Honour Weapon: the same stats as L60 Demonic Auto Crossbow,
L60 Honour Armor: the same stats as L60 Demonic Leather,
L60 Honour Shield: No stats,
L60 Honour Ring: the same stats as L60 Dragon Ring?
L60 Honour Amulet: No stats

Level 61:

I didn’t really play this level, most of my knowledge of this bracket is second-hand, I.e: what I’ve learnt from other people. I am pretty sure every spec is viable on every class, except maybe some int builds.

Bear (Str):

The L61 Str Bear Honour set should include the following items:

L61 Honour Helm: The same stats as L61 Orlok Helm,
L61 Honour Weapon: The same stats as L61 Orlok Sword (1h),
L61 Honour Armor: The same stats as L61 Orlok Armor,
L61 Honour Shield: The same stats as L61 Orlok Shield,
L61 Honour Ring: The L60 dragon ring? Again, I am not sure.
L61 Honour Amulet: No Stats.

Bear (Dex):

The L61 Dex Bear Honour set should include the following items:

L61 Honour Helm: The same stats as L61 Sanguine Helm,
L61 Honour Weapon: The same stats as L61 Sanguine Bow,
L61 Honour Weapon 2: The same stats as L61 Sanguine Longbow,
L61 Honour Armor: The same stats as L61 Sanguine Leather,
L61 Honour Shield: No Stats.
L61 Honour Ring: The L60 dragon ring? Again, I am not sure.
L61 Honour Amulet: No Stats.

Mage (int):

The L61 Int Mage Honour Set should include the following items:

L61 Honour Helm: The same stats as L61 Lilith Helm,
L61 Honour Weapon: The same stats as L61 Lilith Wand,
L61 Honour Weapon 2: The same stats as L61 Lilith Staff,
L61 Honour Armor: The same stats as L61 Lilith Robe,
L61 Honour Shield: The same stats as L61 Lilith bracer,
L61 Honour Ring: The L60 dragon ring? Again, I am not sure.
L61 Honour Amulet: No Stats.

Mage (Dex):

The L61 Dex Mage Honour set should include the following items:

L61 Honour Helm: The same stats as L61 Sanguine Helm,
L61 Honour Weapon: The same stats as L61 Sanguine Bow,
L61 Honour Weapon 2: The same stats as L61 Sanguine Longbow,
L61 Honour Armor: The same stats as L61 Sanguine Leather,
L61 Honour Shield: No Stats.
L61 Honour Ring: The L60 dragon ring? Again, I am not sure.
L61 Honour Amulet: No Stats.

Mage (Str):

The L61 Dex Mage Honour set should include the following items:

L61 Honour Helm: The same stats as L61 Orlok Helm,
L61 Honour Weapon: The same stats as L61 Orlok Sword (1h),
L61 Honour Armor: The same stats as L61 Orlok Armor,
L61 Honour Shield: The same stats as L61 Orlok Shield,
L61 Honour Ring: The L60 dragon ring? Again, I am not sure.
L61 Honour Amulet: No Stats.

Bird (dex):

The L61 Honour Bird Dex Set should include the following items:

L61 Honour Helm: The same stats as L61 Sanguine Helm,
L61 Honour Weapon: The same stats as L61 Sanguine Bow,
L61 Honour Weapon 2: The same stats as L61 Sanguine Longbow,
L61 Honour Armor: The same stats as L61 Sanguine Leather,
L61 Honour Shield: No Stats.
L61 Honour Ring: The L60 dragon ring? Again, I am not sure.
L61 Honour Amulet: No Stats.

Bird (Str):

The L61 Bird Honour Str Set should include the following items:

L61 Honour Helm: The same stats as L61 Orlok Helm,
L61 Honour Weapon: The same stats as L61 Orlok Sword (1h),
L61 Honour Armor: The same stats as L61 Orlok Armor,
L61 Honour Shield: The same stats as L61 Orlok Shield,
L61 Honour Ring: The L60 dragon ring? Again, I am not sure.
L61 Honour Amulet: No Stats.

Bird (Int):

Yes, I have been told this worked to some degree.

The L61 Int Bird Honour Set should include the following items:

L61 Honour Helm: The same stats as L61 Lilith Helm,
L61 Honour Weapon: The same stats as L61 Lilith Wand,
L61 Honour Weapon 2: The same stats as L61 Lilith Staff,
L61 Honour Armor: The same stats as L61 Lilith Robe,
L61 Honour Shield: The same stats as L61 Lilith bracer,
L61 Honour Ring: The L60 dragon ring? Again, I am not sure.
L61 Honour Amulet: No Stats.

Rhino (Str):

The L61 Rhino Honour set should include the following items:

L61 Honour Helm: The same stats as L61 Orlok Helm,
L61 Honour Weapon: The same stats as L61 Orlok Sword (1h),
L61 Honour Armor: The same stats as L61 Orlok Armor,
L61 Honour Shield: The same stats as L61 Orlok Shield,
L61 Honour Ring: The L60 dragon ring? Again, I am not sure.
L61 Honour Amulet: No Stats.

Rhino (Dex):
The L61 Rhino Honour Dex Set should include the following items:

L61 Honour Helm: The same stats as L61 Sanguine Helm,
L61 Honour Weapon: The same stats as L61 Sanguine Bow,
L61 Honour Weapon 2: The same stats as L61 Sanguine Longbow,
L61 Honour Armor: The same stats as L61 Sanguine Leather,
L61 Honour Shield: No Stats.
L61 Honour Ring: The L60 dragon ring? Again, I am not sure.
L61 Honour Amulet: No Stats.

Fox (Str):

The L61 Fox Honour set should include the following items:

L61 Honour Helm: The same stats as L61 Orlok Helm,
L61 Honour Weapon: The same stats as L61 Orlok Sword (1h),
L61 Honour Armor: The same stats as L61 Orlok Armor,
L61 Honour Shield: The same stats as L61 Orlok Shield,
L61 Honour Ring: The L60 dragon ring? Again, I am not sure.
L61 Honour Amulet: No Stats.

Fox (Dex):

The L61 Honour Fox Dex Set should include the following items:

L61 Honour Helm: The same stats as L61 Sanguine Helm,
L61 Honour Weapon: The same stats as L61 Sanguine Bow,
L61 Honour Weapon 2: The same stats as L61 Sanguine Longbow,
L61 Honour Armor: The same stats as L61 Sanguine Leather,
L61 Honour Shield: No Stats.
L61 Honour Ring: The L60 dragon ring? Again, I am not sure.
L61 Honour Amulet: No Stats.

03-18-2020, 04:10 AM


03-18-2020, 12:57 PM
If i can put a input for Bird Archer through 30-35. The second Weapon for L 30 should be the Shivering Dagger instead. L.35 could be the Swamo Rat Dagger.

03-18-2020, 09:04 PM
If i can put a input for Bird Archer through 30-35. The second Weapon for L 30 should be the Shivering Dagger instead. L.35 could be the Swamo Rat Dagger.

Adjusted. Are daggers all that useful though? I've never really seen it.

03-19-2020, 06:52 PM
Yes amazing idea would be great if this was added but u also forgot 66-77

03-21-2020, 02:15 AM
Seems to be a lot of work typing this up for something that will never be implemented. It seems like a recurring theme with your threads - you make them unnecessarily long when you could condense everything into something more digestible to read. Pick two levels that you'd like Cinco to create Honor sets for. Anything more is just wishful fantasy and honestly a waste of your time and a waste of our time to read. It just gets the community's hopes up.

03-21-2020, 06:22 AM
Seems to be a lot of work typing this up for something that will never be implemented. It seems like a recurring theme with your threads - you make them unnecessarily long when you could condense everything into something more digestible to read. Pick two levels that you'd like Cinco to create Honor sets for. Anything more is just wishful fantasy and honestly a waste of your time and a waste of our time to read. It just gets the community's hopes up.

From now on, I too will make digestible, three word long posts crying for similar things just like everyone else in the community :] It's clear that they are of more use to the developers if they ever choose to implement the things we ask for.

No one's forcing you to read anything.

Replies like yours are a waste of my own time to read and reply to. You could have said nothing and accomplished the same thing.

03-21-2020, 10:24 AM
How come honor sets will have similar stats to corresponding level sets lol, where L100 honor set has almost zero added stats.

03-22-2020, 11:05 PM
You’ve really put a lot of thought into this one, nice job