View Full Version : Twink guild any lvls <Renuity> PLZ READ

01-21-2012, 08:36 AM
A lot of ppl asked me wat this guild name means. This guild name has no meaning. I made up the word.
Ok this is a twink guild.

It is any lvl but I mostly do 23-35 and 56.

The gm is lvl 6 bird merch and a will b twink after a few weeks.

The guild right now is a little bit inactive but I hope it will b active when more ppl join since I have skool I cannot play everyday.

Well no requirements but there is one rule be NICE and friendly. To b officer I have to get
to kno u and stuff like that and pvp with u a lot. Recruiter will b given randomly 3 new recruiters per weekend I will have votes when guild gets bigger.

Hope ppl join.

Ign: gmrenuity(lvl 6 merch gonna b twink bird) iltwink(31 Mage) twinkmanbear (31 bear but will b copperhead bear soon) yamadbro (23 Mage but working on gear) (my old twinkmanship got deleted by me cuz it got boring in 26 lol) birdmasta (56 bird gonna b max when I get plat)