View Full Version : Centurion

01-21-2012, 10:19 AM
Made a new guild for vet armor!! Finished thanks to
Farmermk finish up guild
Faoeskiki donate 58k
Itazi donate many pinks and purps
Pokemonkio donate 29k

Thanks to these people centurion is made!!
Requirements is that you have helm and chest plate of the new veteran armor, you must at least be a lvl 15, must be kind and helpful to others.

We are working on getting teir 3 but we have to raise 100k to get it, friend said if I got 100k he would purches it for us.

Pvp team is not made working on that, if you have any ideas what lvl it should be let me know.

We need you! If youd like to join please let me know add me in the game as Dugantale, or msg me on here.

Thanks for your time
Sincerly Dugantale

01-21-2012, 02:18 PM
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