View Full Version : Reduce/Remove Points from Eggs - Easter Event

03-22-2020, 02:40 PM
This year removing or reducing the points given from eggs should be considered. The LB doesn't have any meaning otherwise. Its just an arena for the rich without giving anyone else a chance. Considering the backpack from this event is one of the most sought out items, everyone should have an equal chance at it; not just depending upon how much gold you have or had during or before the event.

03-22-2020, 04:13 PM
-1, how about those who just want plat tier rewards at many chars
You already have a lot of events where u need grind one boring map and cant simple "buy LB", thats enough, let this event stay as it is
Even if you are poor for this LB, its more interesting to farm where and how u want (or merch or idk how u make gold) to buy LB, than grinding one boring event location 1000runs/day

03-22-2020, 05:22 PM
The points required for the platinum isn't much, well at least it was not until last year. Buying an Lb, the concept itself is wrong. Being rich helps, of course it does; but it should not mean everything. And events are created for that very reason, to grind. And when aiming for lb you have to do the very same thing a thousand times. Its tiring, I get it but that's what gives the LB its meaning; not sitting at your Tavern opening eggs to secure your position. That way you dont even have to run the event map even once. The very idea is ridiculous.
And just clarifying I dont make this post for myself. In fact it would be beneficial for me to have points in the eggs, makes my LB easier if I do plan to 'run' or should I say stay afk in my guild hall opening eggs. It is for the players who actually play events and lb for the thrill and excitement of getting the rewards after a week or two of hard work. You make more friends running with people during these events too. I for one always have. If you cut all of that out then its better not to have an LB for this event at all. Plain points tiers will suffice.

03-22-2020, 07:06 PM


03-23-2020, 03:13 PM
We should at least have 1 event that requires lots of gold.. If Easter was not a lb event then all of the eggs would be dirt cheap, which would mess up the economy.
We have swamp temple for op players and egg event for rich players. Come on, we have one event while you runners have like 20 events.
These are the only 2 events that rich players and OP players have a chance to get on lb on. Most of us work irl and do not have a life where we are on a video game 24 hours a day 7 days a week running the same map over and over and over for ever.

This event is for filling up your stashel, letting rich players get a lb spot, letting poor players make a lot of gold because: poor sell the eggs then the rich buy the eggs. You have no lb then eggs will be 100g each and there would be no profit to be made from.
Make a list of cons and pros and compare them. I don't see any cons, mostly pros. 1 Rich get to spend their gold and make lb on an event that does not require 99999 runs and hours, 2 poor people make loads of gold.

Snowman Is here
03-23-2020, 03:44 PM
Since players can simply buy their way into Easter Leaderboards perhaps a reward system for event boss kills might make the runners happy, this way players can differentiate between those who bought points and those who ran.

•50 boss kills- Wabbit Hunter title
•150 boss kills- Banner or back vanity (Event themed)
•300 boss kills- 1 Heroic egg crate (Chance to get any Heroic egg), House trophy

03-23-2020, 07:16 PM
Firstly, if you have to abuse to get your point across, I wont have a problem reporting you. Which I already did. Also you didn't put any point across actually; you just said some nonsensical thing, that's it.
Second to Encryptions, eggs wont be dirt cheap. I have run this event multiple years when it was not LB based and eggs still went for a lot. How will it ruin economy? Dont throw words around. Also all events are designed for the rich and 'OP' players. The rest have to just work harder to get their goal. And here I am not even saying the rich and the 'OP' didnt work hard themselves to reach where they are. But it is not the same for everyone. People have real life work, I get it. Many a times I have secured my position running in between the time I have. I have even secured #1 position that way, its all about if you can put in the effort at the end of the day. If you make it a one sided battle no one will want to fight except the ones who already can. And dont just assume that the 'poor' ( I hate how you term this word though, as if you are better than the ones who dont have as much gold as you do) players dont want to run LB, but just because they cant compete in the same manner as the ones who have more gold, they tend to give up because it will be disappointing at the end of the day. Literally everyone I know wants that backpack for its uniqueness.

On a side note I ll like to clarify that dont ever think being geared is equal to being OP, since people like to throw that word around too. OP includes being skilled enough to use everything at your disposal. While being geared just means you have the gold and means to buy all the latest gears. So if you think some people are OP, think again.

03-23-2020, 07:21 PM
Since players can simply buy their way into Easter Leaderboards perhaps a reward system for event boss kills might make the runners happy, this way players can differentiate between those who bought points and those who ran.

•50 boss kills- Wabbit Hunter title
•150 boss kills- Banner or back vanity (Event themed)
•300 boss kills- 1 Heroic egg crate (Chance to get any Heroic egg), House trophy

I like this idea. Although more boss kills should be required. Hope the devs notice this. Thanks for the suggestion!

03-23-2020, 10:09 PM
Firstly, if you have to abuse to get your point across, I wont have a problem reporting you. Which I already did. Also you didn't put any point across actually; you just said some nonsensical thing, that's it.

Abuse what? Also false report?
False report me because I just don't think the idea would be good?
I'm just trying to help you understand that if there is no lb event then eggs will plummet in price due to lb players not buying thousands of them which means this (Quantity > Demand) eggs will lose value and no one will profit from this event, this event would not be fun, it would be useless.

03-24-2020, 12:22 AM
Agree on reducing points towards the egg.
Disagree on removing points towards the egg
In addition, increase points on destroying machines

This way egg won't lose value (especially blue and green)

I want low level and newbies to have something.
Only this event can help them make ton of golds

03-24-2020, 01:21 AM
I never understood the point of Easter lb. People do have work in real life, true, but I also know people who have secured top positions amidst their busy schedules. In leaderboards where one is to run run run, the players who spend gold on kits also do make a legimate effort by actually running the event. In contrast, Easter lb you just buy your way into it but making no actual effort. It totally undermines the very concept of having a leaderboard. If anyone remembers.. when the 76 cap was out and some bought their way in for the badge by buying XP kits and a lot of people were unhappy with it? It's the same issue in two different contexts.
I like snowman's idea. Adding to solution, if points aren't removed, why can't it be changed into 'chance to loot points' from the eggs. Chance factor shouldn't be too high or too low, just enough to keep everyone going, instead of having a guaranteed point for each egg. That way it will pose a challenge to the leaderboard buyers imo

03-24-2020, 06:04 AM
Abuse what? Also false report?
False report me because I just don't think the idea would be good?
I'm just trying to help you understand that if there is no lb event then eggs will plummet in price due to lb players not buying thousands of them which means this (Quantity > Demand) eggs will lose value and no one will profit from this event, this event would not be fun, it would be useless.

Dont jump the gun, the first line was not for you. I started the second line addressing you.

03-24-2020, 06:57 AM
+1 to snowman's idea and for this article that clearly wants equality for everyone.

03-24-2020, 08:19 AM
Guys keep yours eyes opened.if this stupid idea start implemented in easter event...easter event is died..r.i.p

03-24-2020, 08:38 AM
Leave this event as it is!

You all know this event come back once a year, i know people who play the game all year to save gold especially for this event, even then they are not sure to stay on LB as so many people want those jetpack

I have been able to get on top 10 lb 2 years ago, by running the event and by spending all my gold and selling almost all my tavern and vanity, no it was not easy at all, been rushing and stressing until the last minute!!!

and last year i took it relax and made tons of gold and ankh and respec scroll etc.. by just running the event, so stop trying to change this awesome event, everyone can get something good from it :)

03-24-2020, 12:23 PM
Two years ago was not as hard as it was last year. And last year wont be as hard as it will be this year if we keep it the same way as it was. The rich have always gotten richer. Rest are still struggling to catch up. And they will too someday but then they ll have to look out for people who will be catching up then. If we keep the event and the points from eggs as it is then we are cutting off the majority of AL population from trying to reach the LB. Why?! Because we feel we are entitled to everything just because we have the means to do so. When you say everyone can get something good from it, including what Encryptions said about 'poor' people can get gold out of it; its like you are patronizing them. You think the ones who have gold deserve the LB but its not all too bad because the ones who weren't able to make it to LB because they were 'poor'; at least they made some gold out of it.
LBs shouldn't ever be made in such a way that you can buy your way in. Events in all games are designed so that people fight their way to glory within the scope of the event. Gold or currency will help of course but if it is all that matters then why hold a LB? It was better off when there was no LB for this event.

03-24-2020, 01:05 PM
Egg event was for the ones paying most. Temple event for ones with best gear and all other events for the ones with most time.
I dont think its good to change it, many are happy that at least one lb works like this.

03-24-2020, 01:15 PM
Many are also unhappy that this lb works like this. But both parties arent showing statistics here.
My point is simple. Make this a fair competition. Tomorrow another event will be changed and the rich folks of the game will be given a better hand and the same rich people will want to continue it because it is them that is reaping the benefits. And truth be told all events and the game prefer the rich, as it should be, one who invests the most should be given an upper hand. But it should never completely annihilate the rest of the vast majority. Once you do that you lose a major chunk of what makes the game a fun space to be in.

03-24-2020, 01:41 PM
You seem to don't understand that some people are running this event almost for 1 year to get on lb, not because they dont run the event map that they dont run for this event by grinding anyway to get there, and when thos people pay 150m gold to get on lb, who get that 150m? it is the player who decide to dont run for lb and sell there eggs who get it, so this is why i say everybody can get something good out of this event, the people that you naming "rich" are very often people who are not lazy and earn their gold by playing all year long!

03-24-2020, 02:20 PM
I didnt start naming 'rich', it was one of your fellow supporters for the idea; thus I used it in speaking in the context.
And by your reference then every event should be like this. All event LB should be held outside the actual event. People can farm outside the event and win outside the event.
You save a billion that is alright, you can spend it in running the event. Not staying out of the map making your way to the top of the LB. I understand fully well what you mean; its just you who doesn't understand that it shouldn't have ever been made that way. Its a good event. Always has been. Everyone made gold from running it even before the LB came in two years ago. And please dont preach about laziness here. Its ironic you speaking about not being lazy by suggesting the event be won by being lazy.

03-24-2020, 02:24 PM
And mind you, I asked for the removal OR reduction of points. Whichever helps make it fairer.

03-24-2020, 03:25 PM
I didnt start naming 'rich', it was one of your fellow supporters for the idea; thus I used it in speaking in the context.
And by your reference then every event should be like this. All event LB should be held outside the actual event. People can farm outside the event and win outside the event.
You save a billion that is alright, you can spend it in running the event. Not staying out of the map making your way to the top of the LB. I understand fully well what you mean; its just you who doesn't understand that it shouldn't have ever been made that way. Its a good event. Always has been. Everyone made gold from running it even before the LB came in two years ago. And please dont preach about laziness here. Its ironic you speaking about not being lazy by suggesting the event be won by being lazy.

there is only one event like this, i just say this one should remain the way it is, thats it, i will never ask that any other event use same model, imo it is only fair that we have one event like this, for people who are able to prepare through the year and are never able to run any regular event due to the impossibility of running one or 2 week straight, ty :)

03-24-2020, 04:10 PM
Look Rich people have 1 event and op players have 1 event. You runners get every single other event and you guys are trying to remove our 2 events we love.
Just let us have our 2 events and you guys can keep the rest, also reducing points isn't going to do anything. More like make the tiers harder to get, it won't change lb.

What is the point of playing a game if you are super rich and op when the game doesn't even have an event for you? So what if rich people don't run the maps, they keep the egg prices up by buying them which keep in mind helps the poor alot because the prices stay up and their eggs sell faster.

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03-24-2020, 04:58 PM
I think it's fine. It's all about the grind. But I am not into the LB runs because it takes too much dedication. If you plan on running this LB event or any LB event for that matter. You better be ready.


03-24-2020, 05:15 PM
Leave the event alone...please..its a great event how it was last year.

03-24-2020, 05:31 PM
I wont keep arguing here. This post was for the devs to take notice of something important. And I hope they have and I trust their judgement.
I ll just end by repeating what I said all along, no event excludes people who have gold. Dont ever try to spread such a false rumor. Every event is meant for them. The rest struggle harder to get their goal, especially if they are newer to the game. I don't have anything to gain from it, I have already won twice. And I have the means to do so again without stepping into the event zone even once. But when the vanity is something that is so rare that it comes once a year, everyone should have an equal chance on acquiring it.

03-25-2020, 02:01 AM
Devs..plzzz mute fightbeast or bann him.to leave this great event alone!

03-25-2020, 03:15 AM
Yikes, really. Every event lb meant for those who are rich, even "The Funniest Event", Swamp Temple. Since making gold is technically worth nothing now and you mostly need to open crates to get good stuff and be "OP".

+1 for the idea.

People who keep saying - 1 must be hella rich I think, easily spend money or gold in game and get stuff but please, like please, G-R-I-N-D.

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03-25-2020, 04:23 AM
Second to Encryptions, eggs wont be dirt cheap. I have run this event multiple years when it was not LB based and eggs still went for a lot. How will it ruin economy? Dont throw words around.
That is because in the past where egg event had no lb you would run normal maps and hope to loot 1-5 eggs max. There was no energy runs, also in the auction things did not stack sale. Red eggs were 12k each at the time, gold eggs 30k each. There were no plat or purple eggs.

Now in portal we loot over 100 eggs a run so lb is needed to keep the use amount of eggs up there fore keeping the prices up.