View Full Version : The Plague has arrived

01-22-2012, 01:10 PM
Okay, so I've been in a few great guilds, but always wanted to start my own. At the urging of a few friends, I took the plunge.

The Plague is a tier 3 guild with only a few members right now, but we're slowly adding new people.

As for the purpose of this guild? Obviously to bring death to the enemies of Alterra, but seriously, my goal is to build a nice community of dedicated players who will help each other and will be good ambassadors to the game by helping people of lower levels when possible. There are no rules other than the rules of Pocket Legends: be courteous, be helpful and have fun. Ever since I hit the level cap, I've spent the majority of my time helping out other players with quests, bosses, leveling, etc. and I enjoy that.

Membership is open to all level players. Right now we have a few in the 50s, 30s and even one at level ten. My thinking was to not make a guild that would be exclusive to only high level players, but a fun community where all levels could find a home. Basically, noobs are welcome, snobs are not.

As for the name? Well, I've gotten a few comments as to why I would pick, The Plague, so let me explain. I'm a huge movie buff. Me and my friends are always quoting movies, talking movies, etc. My toon name, Mr. Furious, is named after Ben Stiller's character in Mystery Men, which is a really funny superhero spoof and I highly recommend it.

The guild is named after the pair of assassins in the movie, Hobo With a Shotgun, another awesome spoof film that I'd recommend to older people because it is pretty violent, although violent in an over-the-top kind of way.

Anyway, that's about it. If you have any questions or concerns about the guild, please look me up in game or PM me here.