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01-22-2012, 04:12 PM
Ok, the reason why I wanted to make this thread because I am very mad about who gets the good pink drops. Now I'm not saying that only specific people should get pinks. But the point I'm trying to make is that one time I went into a game when me and another friend was doing most of the work killing Aunt Emma. And you know who got the pink? Some random person who just literally stood there and I had to revive him like 15 times. I'm trying not to be harsh here, but this happened to me more than 5 times today. I think the board is unbalanced. Anyone feel this way?

01-22-2012, 05:19 PM
I have felt like this before, but thats the way things are aren't they? I usually instead of getting mad, say, " Nice!" or "Gratz! :D." But it's all a matter of opinion. I personally, have thought this out before typing it, Would if I got the pink, and they din't? Then they would feel the same way right? Well, to counter the madness say "Nice!" or something nice to make the person feel good. Then when you get one, say, "Gosh I'm lucky! GL to y'all for the next runs!" I think this would really help everyone be nicer to others.

01-22-2012, 05:44 PM
I'm not meaning to be mad when I write this thread, I feel happy for them. But for people like me who work really hard and don't get anything... it's a bit unfair.

01-22-2012, 07:57 PM
It may seem that way but it is an individual roll so his drop in no way affected your drop. One way to prevent this is to host private games or let it be known if someone enters late, they MUST contribute to boss fight.

Unless it's a friend, I tell anyone below level 60 they need to pot up when I run Emma, because I'm not going to rev them constantly or have a mage in group be distracted with needing to revive. I'm sorry but a level 58 will not really be able to contribute with Emma. I won't even be potted myself, which sounds hypocritical, but as a level 66, it's really not necessary.

But my heart goes out to you, this has happened to me before, just say Gratz and hope that your positive attitude will rain some pinks down on you too! Happy farming! :)

01-22-2012, 08:21 PM
Ii aggre with superme when I'm farming I never get any pinks but whenever someone joins they get a pink strate away :(

01-23-2012, 12:52 AM
It happens. Just farm enough and you'll see your share of pinks. At least I think you will, though apparently there do exist some people who seem to have very bad luck. I just think -- do like 1000 runs or kills of xxxx and you'll see your luck average out.

You can count if you like. I've counted periodically before to get a small idea of drop rates. They're still something like 1% for rare items, but for a specific random item, the drop rate can seem lower as you have no control what the specific drop is.

Best you can do then is to sell the items you do not want and purchase the one you do want.

01-23-2012, 07:32 AM
Well... I understand the drop rates now are 'fair' in the sense all have equal chances and no ones actions impact the chances you get.
However, as to contributing, this is sometimes a real issue...
Not only low levels leeching off higher levels. I even often see higher levels (10s, 20s or even 30s) farming FH just standing around the boss fight while the low level 2 or 3 dudes are doing all the hard work...
Maybe have drop rates be influenced somehow by the contribution? Damage done or attacks performed or somesuch?

01-23-2012, 07:36 AM
this topic was already discussed a few times. it always ends in the same that theres no way to find out who deserve the pink.
thats why devs made the drop random

01-23-2012, 08:08 AM
Thanks riccits, that really helped o.o
Anyway, don't fret over the small things. You'll be farming vlod one day and be the one who gets the longbow (: not much you can do about the drop rate though, although I've heard that there's a pagan ritual that woks extremely well

01-23-2012, 08:12 AM
Thanks riccits, that really helped o.o
Anyway, don't fret over the small things. You'll be farming vlod one day and be the one who gets the longbow (: not much you can do about the drop rate though, although I've heard that there's a pagan ritual that woks extremely wellThere sure is! Go to magic rocks, when one has half health say "one of us will get pinks" and it works 95% of the time lol

01-23-2012, 08:38 AM
this topic was already discussed a few times. it always ends in the same that theres no way to find out who deserve the pink.
thats why devs made the drop random

100% agreed..

It might not feel like it but drops are simply totally random. If people aren't pulling their weight then that's down to the host to highlight it to said player and if they still don't pull their finger out then, if you're that way inclined, consider booting.

Personally if someone isn't pulling their weight I'd let everyone finish a map and start a new game and only include the players that help make it a good team, in as drama free a way as possible.

Being part of a wide group of friends or an active guild can help, but sometimes doesn't....lol

So basically drops are random and it's down to yourself to manage which teams you play in, if the host isn't managing it, then move on and find a team who deserves your skills....

Good luck, enjoy.

01-23-2012, 04:37 PM
I think we've all felt that same frustration at one time or another. I dont like to boot people who are trying their best- even if that means theyre dying like crazy. Some people are still honing their skills or dealing with a lag issue, etc. However, I will boot somebody that is basically leaching xp and standing in the background for a chance at a pink.

When the pink-less blues get to be too annoying, i head to magic rocks or plasma just for a reminder of what pink looks like lol

01-24-2012, 12:44 PM
It's annoying but keep trying....many times the player dead on the floor gets the freaking Pink!!!?!?! Seen it many times! Wtfbbq

01-24-2012, 01:03 PM
Ok, the reason why I wanted to make this thread because I am very mad about who gets the good pink drops. Now I'm not saying that only specific people should get pinks. But the point I'm trying to make is that one time I went into a game when me and another friend was doing most of the work killing Aunt Emma. And you know who got the pink? Some random person who just literally stood there and I had to revive him like 15 times. I'm trying not to be harsh here, but this happened to me more than 5 times today. I think the board is unbalanced. Anyone feel this way?

Yes, farmed like 200 bosses, I received 1 good pink (orlok plate). Once I had dailly, anothet guy head 4x elixer, we had a great team, except 1 bear of 60 or something, he did almost nothing and he dropped a lilith vampiric bracer. Omg! I think I deserve a good pink again :/

01-24-2012, 10:19 PM
Yes, farmed like 200 bosses, I received 1 good pink (orlok plate). Once I had dailly, anothet guy head 4x elixer, we had a great team, except 1 bear of 60 or something, he did almost nothing and he dropped a lilith vampiric bracer. Omg! I think I deserve a good pink again :/

U r lucky. I'd be very happy if I were u. The best thing i got was only a sanguine crossbow.

01-24-2012, 11:11 PM
It may seem that way but it is an individual roll so his drop in no way affected your drop. One way to prevent this is to host private games or let it be known if someone enters late, they MUST contribute to boss fight.

Unless it's a friend, I tell anyone below level 60 they need to pot up when I run Emma, because I'm not going to rev them constantly or have a mage in group be distracted with needing to revive. I'm sorry but a level 58 will not really be able to contribute with Emma. I won't even be potted myself, which sounds hypocritical, but as a level 66, it's really not necessary.

But my heart goes out to you, this has happened to me before, just say Gratz and hope that your positive attitude will rain some pinks down on you too! Happy farming! :)

It was a lvl 65 bird doing nothing but putting on auto.

01-25-2012, 11:06 AM
I think we have all been in this situation. I always say congrats and blow some fireworks.
I figure its good karma to simply show good sportsmanship. Its all luck of the draw like so
many have said. I got lucky and fate seemed to shine down on me for my mages set. I got almost everything I needed dropped. A friend truly surprised me with a gift for the bracer I needed. I can't say how good that felt as I do the same thing for friends. Karma does work.

As far as the worst thing I have seen as of late is this.
I can go through a nasty fight healing and reviving the party and get to the boss.
Then I get through 98 percent of the boss fight revving like crazy only to die myself saving
party again and the rest of party gets revved by me and the other mages leave me dead hoping they
will get the pink instead of me like we can control it. Just rude!
I laugh it off, but its rude......

01-25-2012, 11:12 AM
I always celebrate for the person who gets the pink. I usually am playing with friends but even in a PUG I will celebrate and if they do more runs with me, I'll tease them about getting the pink. We're all playing for the same cause, at our own various skill levels... You feel happy when you get a pink, if it's a really good one, it feels great. The other players odds of getting a pink is just as low as yours, so show some love just for getting to see one drop!

01-25-2012, 11:36 AM
Sometimes I run the map just to see something drop, not necessarily to me though :p

01-25-2012, 07:51 PM
If you dont want other people getting it, run a locked game with or without friends. If you can't stand him, boot him at the boss XD.

01-25-2012, 08:00 PM
sometimes in life u dont get what u want.
but never give up hope!

01-25-2012, 10:52 PM
Well I think everyone who has a long pink drought knows what I mean. Yes, I do feel good for the people who gets the pink. But, it seems like all the new farmers get the pinks. What happens to the other farmers who have never gotten a premium pink?