View Full Version : Merching

04-01-2020, 04:13 AM
Can someone teach how to merch from beginner, intermidiate & expert way? I been having alot of trouble to try this method. farming is quite difficult since i don't have that kind of gold.

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04-01-2020, 09:38 AM
i really dont know merch but if i do buy something i ask the guild mates if the price are fair,win,lose,

mostly i farm we all do start from scrap so why need huge money just to start farming? just farm low tier maps and items (Ren'gol,Events,Elite Crates) then strive your way to the high/medium tier farming (DM, Mauso,Gates,Jewels) still includes Events! all possible profits must be earned and not for use!

04-01-2020, 02:37 PM