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View Full Version : New class skills from the plat store.

04-07-2020, 05:56 AM
This idea may be criticized albeit in a negative way. If you don't like the idea, that is completely fine but I ask that you refrain from posting unless criticism is constructive. This is to avoid tiresome arguments which I dont have the energy or time for. Thank you.

I was thinking of a new way in which STS can make some cash and also provide more diversity in pvp with respect to skillbuilds. This might be a nice addition which you can buy from PL bday vendors.

In some games, like Order and Chaos, you have more skills available than you can equip. This way, everyone mostly possesses a different skill set.
Currently, we have 12 skills so what if Cinco decided to introduce 3(maybe 2) more new skills for each class and put them in a pack which you buy from the plat store?

What I propose is that the maximum number of skills you can carry remains at 12 but the 3 new ones should be added into the mix once you buy the pack.
Also I think the pack should be of an affordable price e.g. 50 plat(perhaps upon reaching gold tier maybe?). This means that people would readily buy these packs and sell then for maybe 1-2m which is quite affordable for many pvpers(I may be wrong though).
Please please please Cinco think your prices though carefully before you set them if you ever consider making a skills pack like this. Otherwise the super rich will be the only ones who will be able to enjoy this new content and it wouldn't be fair on everyone else. If done wrong, it could kill off a large proportion of the playerbase.

I also think that all pvp brackets would benefit from this feature, not just endgame. If you were to design new skills that debuff, I think that they should be percentage reductions. E.g. say at L56 pvp(making up for sake of argument), your gear gives you 200 armour. A debuff is intended to take away 50 armour. That's a 25% armour reduction from their armour value. Now at endgame, lets say you have 5000 armour. A 50 armour debuff is going to be negligible here. What you want is a percentage reduction of 25% instead so the debuff is still useful at all levels. Similarly, designing a debuff that takes away 600 armour(to be noticable at endgame with lets say 5000 armour), would cause havoc at twink due to their sets having low armour. See why percentages are better here?

Sure, this whole idea sounds like a bunch of hard coding and will not be easy to implement but I think that the numerous purhcases of this pack will pay STS back more than they bargained for. It would cater to PVE and pvp people alike.

Obviously this is an extremely controversial feature. I suggest making a feedback thread to see if this is something that people want and also get input to get a better feel for how this feature could be balanced.

Here's a skill idea I thought of for archers:

FLAMETHROWER/ BLAZING SHOT (or maybe anything else that sounds cooler):

[Would have included a picture of dragonet using his flamethrower attack but couldn't find]

This would be the first damage over time skill the game has ever seen and one I think would be easy to implement because it is based on recycled animations and effects.

12m range. Takes 2 seconds to activate(for flamethrower animation to finish). No damage. Sets the target on fire(this blaze animation exists already). Does 2.5% of their health every 0.5 seconds for 4 seconds(20% reduction overall). Slows down target by 50% when blazed. User cannot move when the flamethrower animation is happening(the animation would be taken from dragonet's fire breath). This would have a 6m radius so would be area of effect skill.
If this is too op, maybe the user should be debuffed himself when they cast the skill (e.g. 25% armour reduction).
The skill's blaze effect would continue even after the user has died.

This skill is similar to Tanki Online's firebird. I would suggest you google this as it is a cool concept I think this game would enjoy.
This whole thread in fact was inspired by Tanki. They have this system where you can buy these things called 'alterations'. These change how your gun/turret works so you can adopt a different play style. It has provided a good source of revenue for Tanki and many players seem to enjoy the feature.

Once again, I would like to emphasise that if this new feature was brought to the game, please make it so everyone can enjoy it. I believe that this pack should be tradable as well so that their is incentive to buy them for people who want to sell them for gold. Thank you and I hope this was a good read if you got this far.

I look forward to hearing what others think :)

04-07-2020, 02:01 PM
This idea may be criticized albeit in a negative way. If you don't like the idea, that is completely fine but I ask that you refrain from posting unless criticism is constructive. This is to avoid tiresome arguments which I dont have the energy or time for. Thank you.

I was thinking of a new way in which STS can make some cash and also provide more diversity in pvp with respect to skillbuilds. This might be a nice addition which you can buy from PL bday vendors.

In some games, like Order and Chaos, you have more skills available than you can equip. This way, everyone mostly possesses a different skill set.
Currently, we have 12 skills so what if Cinco decided to introduce 3(maybe 2) more new skills for each class and put them in a pack which you buy from the plat store?

What I propose is that the maximum number of skills you can carry remains at 12 but the 3 new ones should be added into the mix once you buy the pack.
Also I think the pack should be of an affordable price e.g. 50 plat(perhaps upon reaching gold tier maybe?). This means that people would readily buy these packs and sell then for maybe 1-2m which is quite affordable for many pvpers(I may be wrong though).
Please please please Cinco think your prices though carefully before you set them if you ever consider making a skills pack like this. Otherwise the super rich will be the only ones who will be able to enjoy this new content and it wouldn't be fair on everyone else. If done wrong, it could kill off a large proportion of the playerbase.

I also think that all pvp brackets would benefit from this feature, not just endgame. If you were to design new skills that debuff, I think that they should be percentage reductions. E.g. say at L56 pvp(making up for sake of argument), your gear gives you 200 armour. A debuff is intended to take away 50 armour. That's a 25% armour reduction from their armour value. Now at endgame, lets say you have 5000 armour. A 50 armour debuff is going to be negligible here. What you want is a percentage reduction of 25% instead so the debuff is still useful at all levels. Similarly, designing a debuff that takes away 600 armour(to be noticable at endgame with lets say 5000 armour), would cause havoc at twink due to their sets having low armour. See why percentages are better here?

Sure, this whole idea sounds like a bunch of hard coding and will not be easy to implement but I think that the numerous purhcases of this pack will pay STS back more than they bargained for. It would cater to PVE and pvp people alike.

Obviously this is an extremely controversial feature. I suggest making a feedback thread to see if this is something that people want and also get input to get a better feel for how this feature could be balanced.

Here's a skill idea I thought of for archers:

FLAMETHROWER/ BLAZING SHOT (or maybe anything else that sounds cooler):

[Would have included a picture of dragonet using his flamethrower attack but couldn't find]

This would be the first damage over time skill the game has ever seen and one I think would be easy to implement because it is based on recycled animations and effects.

12m range. Takes 2 seconds to activate(for flamethrower animation to finish). No damage. Sets the target on fire(this blaze animation exists already). Does 2.5% of their health every 0.5 seconds for 4 seconds(20% reduction overall). Slows down target by 50% when blazed. User cannot move when the flamethrower animation is happening(the animation would be taken from dragonet's fire breath). This would have a 6m radius so would be area of effect skill.
If this is too op, maybe the user should be debuffed himself when they cast the skill (e.g. 25% armour reduction).
The skill's blaze effect would continue even after the user has died.

This skill is similar to Tanki Online's firebird. I would suggest you google this as it is a cool concept I think this game would enjoy.
This whole thread in fact was inspired by Tanki. They have this system where you can buy these things called 'alterations'. These change how your gun/turret works so you can adopt a different play style. It has provided a good source of revenue for Tanki and many players seem to enjoy the feature.

Once again, I would like to emphasise that if this new feature was brought to the game, please make it so everyone can enjoy it. I believe that this pack should be tradable as well so that their is incentive to buy them for people who want to sell them for gold. Thank you and I hope this was a good read if you got this far.

I look forward to hearing what others think :)Better make a new class [emoji23] add armor pierce, rework fox and paladin .[emoji23]

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04-17-2020, 10:00 AM
New class is quite a good idea.
I remember in order and chaos 1 when capped characters could create a new toon of the new flame knight class. The new class was 5 levels below cap so only a bit of xp grinding was needed.

04-18-2020, 09:55 PM
Great idea , that will make ppl that play pvp more happy cuz will diversity.

Clap Clap

04-19-2020, 09:30 PM
Your example of a skill sounds like the mythic bow proc. From what im seeing all of these debuffs and skills that would be added have already been implemented in the procs. This would add a whole new complexity to a pvp that is already severely broken. Some of the already existing kills have been shown to be glitchy and not perform as they say they should anyways. Honestly i dont agree with the idea,, and even more so because its already been hard enough to master a balance in pvp with 12 skills, let alone another 3.