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View Full Version : arc 71 vs mythic 76 ring,belt,pendant

04-09-2020, 05:31 AM
hi all...if anyone know, which one better combo in vardan map

1)arc 71 ring,pendant n belt

2)mythic 76 set
(as the stat buff not that much,idk about proc set buf,is it worth it than arc 71?)

04-09-2020, 05:37 AM
arc 71 better in long maps like mauso/dm ( provides decent stats but low in armor)

myth 76 better in specific zones ( provides huge amount off stats compare to 71 )

I'd preferred arcane 71 since procs are apply everywhere but i mix up i got arcane 71 ring/amu and 76 belt

im able to get like tons of hp to last mostly i get 12-13k+ hp at wave 40-60

04-09-2020, 06:05 AM
Short answer - Arcane 71✓ is still better than Mythic 76 & I have both sets.


04-09-2020, 06:51 AM
arc 71 better in long maps like mauso/dm ( provides decent stats but low in armor)

myth 76 better in specific zones ( provides huge amount off stats compare to 71 )

I'd preferred arcane 71 since procs are apply everywhere but i mix up i got arcane 71 ring/amu and 76 belt

im able to get like tons of hp to last mostly i get 12-13k+ hp at wave 40-60 that what i thought too...but since price of myth pendant are tripple the arc 71..that why asking,if the complete buff n proc myth 76 worth it...ty btw for the rply

04-09-2020, 06:54 AM
Short answer - Arcane 71✓ is still better than Mythic 76 & I have both sets.

Rogue[emoji1655] wow...nice info...tysm for saving my gold,buying the vale pendant lol...gonna stick to arc 71 gear, except weap... :)

04-09-2020, 07:43 AM
for me it was better to switch to complete 76 myth set, give me really good stats and its perfect for any vardan map(proc really nice), it also have stun reduction against spider in elite red portal :)

04-09-2020, 10:17 AM
wow...nice info...tysm for saving my gold,buying the vale pendant lol...gonna stick to arc 71 gear, except weap... :)

In fact if you know anybody that is buying the Mythic 76 pendant send them my way please XD I have been trying to sell it for over a month LoL true story
Ign Allset

04-09-2020, 11:07 AM
I use the mithyc valley set in vardan valley maps (from the beginning) and I’m pretty excited about it.
The only bad is you don’t have a better icon for the proc.
The good is that only the amulet is expensive and with the other items being cheap you can make multiple load out
for type of enemies in this map.
The proc off this set can stuck with ebon armor or they can proc separate .
From the other side the arcanes 71 lvl (armor,ring belt, artifact) I don’t think is made for this map.
This arcanes you can use there only if you can do extremely huge amount of damage with out enchantment and your attack is slow.
I have buy the amulet 800k when it was first arrived in auction house:)
The arcane ring, amulet belt is the best items you can awaken for movement speed;)