View Full Version : Re-occuring Nightmares..

01-25-2012, 07:56 AM
I seem to be hounded by the same nightmare every night, which involves me being chased or trying to avoid something inevitable. I can wake up in a clod sweat, stay up for an hour, and fall back asleep and it seems to come back. It's always so vague but it relates to the last few things I was thinking about before falling asleep. 6am and I've been trying to sleep still, gettin woken up every hour or so by these crazy friggin nightmares. Anyone else experience this?

01-25-2012, 08:00 AM
That may be Anxiety or just fright IRL influincing your dreams. I had a reccuring one when I was younger, it was like liquid embarassment :P

Or of course, Dom Cobb wants to find your passwords :D

01-25-2012, 09:22 AM
I have joked about my only *current* recurring "nightmare" on this forum before, hehe... When I was a KID, I was chased by a "Troll". (yeah, funny, right?) At the time, I didn't know about Tolkien's trolls, this was really more a gnome, with a horrible evil face and gnarly teeth and stuff. He'd try to get me, and I would dream from my 5-6 year-old perspective, seeing only the grown-ups' legs - but the "Troll" was just my height. Also - none of the adults could see him and thought I was making it up, but he was REAL and he was gonna get me! I dreamed it many times!

Nowadays, oh, maybe once every year or two, I have the same dream - that I'm back at my high school and have 25 years of make-up work to do!! lol!! Now THAT is terrifying on a totally different level!! :D

01-25-2012, 09:47 AM
I have joked about my only *current* recurring "nightmare" on this forum before, hehe... When I was a KID, I was chased by a "Troll". (yeah, funny, right?) At the time, I didn't know about Tolkien's trolls, this was really more a gnome, with a horrible evil face and gnarly teeth and stuff. He'd try to get me, and I would dream from my 5-6 year-old perspective, seeing only the grown-ups' legs - but the "Troll" was just my height. Also - none of the adults could see him and thought I was making it up, but he was REAL and he was gonna get me! I dreamed it many times!
I had dreams like that after I watched the leprechaun movies. I also had one where general bison from street fighter stabbed me in the stomach with a potted cactus.

Nowadays, oh, maybe once every year or two, I have the same dream - that I'm back at my high school and have 25 years of make-up work to do!! lol!! Now THAT is terrifying on a totally different level!! :D
I have a lot of vivid dreams, I've noticed that it's mainly after I do something right before I go to sleep, like eat, drink, anything really.

01-25-2012, 10:55 AM
Ebalare writes:

"I seem to be hounded by the same nightmare every night, which involves me being chased or trying to avoid something inevitable."

This is a common nightmare. Here is what this means. You are avoiding something you should be doing, or doing something you should be avoiding. In short, you know you should be facing whatever is on your mind, or avoiding that in which you are partaking, but you are failing to act.

As a result, this manifests in your subconscious, which is the gateway to your dreams (or nightmares). My recommendation is to face this head on, and your nightmares will go away.

01-25-2012, 11:30 AM
Ebalare writes:

"I seem to be hounded by the same nightmare every night, which involves me being chased or trying to avoid something inevitable."

This is a common nightmare. Here is what this means. You are avoiding something you should be doing, or doing something you should be avoiding. In short, you know you should be facing whatever is on your mind, or avoiding that in which you are partaking, but you are failing to act.

As a result, this manifests in your subconscious, which is the gateway to your dreams (or nightmares). My recommendation is to face this head on, and your nightmares will go away.

I have 40 hours of community service to do, that I have been avoiding for months. I have court in a few weeks to show I've done it, so if what you say is true, that's my problem right there. Looks like I better go get it done!

01-25-2012, 11:39 AM
Woah why Community Service & Court??

Ps: Im pretty sure its just Dom Cobb tryna jack your PL account :P

01-25-2012, 11:56 AM
Yep, get the Community Service out of the way, and you are well on your way to being nightmare-free. Also, you may be feeling guilty for whatever it is for which you have to perform community service. If you can make amends to the guilty party, that may be the way to go. If you can't, don't beat yourself up over it. Do your best to learn from your experience and move on.

01-25-2012, 01:07 PM
Thats really connected to RL. Lol 30min. ago i had a nightmare of not preparing Mathematics and not able to reach college on time.Though its no more a subject in 5th sem but it was my fav. and exams are going on these days.

01-25-2012, 02:02 PM
See, that's what will happen if you become an elixir addict!:p

01-25-2012, 02:08 PM
The reason I have community hours doesn't involve anyone but myself, so I have no unsettled business with people. It's just been buggin me to get it done, but I've been dodging it as I hate working, let alone for free XD.

@suicune: Psssshhhht

01-25-2012, 02:09 PM
No problem, then. After you complete this, your nightmares should end. This is all a part of M.R.

01-25-2012, 08:10 PM
You doin trash duty? I'd go with that if you get a choice, it's simple, boring work. Sounds bad, but it beats mowin grass or servin soup.

01-25-2012, 11:33 PM
IMO dreams are just your imagination. On some occasions, you can take control of your dream. For example, let's say I'm in an airplane that's free-falling, I can then imagine I have a parachute and go sky diving (something I've always wanted to do). You see what I'm saying?

01-25-2012, 11:39 PM
IMO dreams are just your imagination. On some occasions, you can take control of your dream. For example, let's say I'm in an airplane that's free-falling, I can then imagine I have a parachute and go sky diving (something I've always wanted to do). You see what I'm saying?

You soooo stole that from Shark Boy & Lava Girl! :D

01-26-2012, 11:56 PM
You soooo stole that from Shark Boy & Lava Girl! :D

Whats that? :/

01-28-2012, 09:35 PM
I seem to be hounded by the same nightmare every night, which involves me being chased or trying to avoid something inevitable. I can wake up in a clod sweat, stay up for an hour, and fall back asleep and it seems to come back. It's always so vague but it relates to the last few things I was thinking about before falling asleep. 6am and I've been trying to sleep still, gettin woken up every hour or so by these crazy friggin nightmares. Anyone else experience this?

It's because it's time to pay the piper. PAY UP!!!! lol