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View Full Version : When is the game completed?

01-25-2012, 10:27 AM
I finished all quests. Am at lvl 61 planning to gain all lvls. Then what? What are you working toward, those of you in the 60's? When is it game over?

01-25-2012, 10:29 AM
Multiple characters, twinks on endless number of levels, pvp, farming and always comes new campaign least until lvl 100. It's game over when you decide to quit playing.

01-25-2012, 10:49 AM
Actually, there is no "permanent" completion state, but rather a temporary stoppage of playing, if your goal is to level.

But think of it this way. Most of us have seen the first two Batman movies. So, temporarily, we are complete in terms of the Batman viewing. However, we are not really, as The Dark Knight Rises is going to be coming out in July. Humania is the Pocket Legends equivalent of The Dark Knight Rises.

Then, in 2015, the fourth installment, titled The Dark Knight Falls, will be available.

What we do know is that the goal of the developers is to give players the ability to level to 100. Aside from that, enjoy the journey. One of my mistakes was that I went from level 1 to 65 in less than a month. For the next campaign, I will most definitely take my time and enjoy the ride.

Hope this helps,

01-25-2012, 11:06 AM
The game is basically complete when you spend extra money on plat and you don't talk to the people you know in real life anymore. Jk

Basically once you hit endgame, you can farm and get yourself the best gear, build up some money for the next campaign release, and then PVP or make a secondary character or another or class or one for low level PVPing (twinks). You can also help noobies learn to play and explain how to best use their characters, if you're the charitable sort)