View Full Version : Quality if life updates and suggestions (NEEDED)

04-14-2020, 07:45 PM
Hello devs and all, these have been suggested before and im gonna suggest it again anyways because we do need it (badly)

1. A search bar in friend list and guild list (also friend request list too pretty pls)
For example, if we type "Ab" all character ign that starts with "Ab" comes up. Its hard scrolling through members in a big guild is such a hassle.

2. An option to search pets faster (as stated above i type the first few letters of the pet you want and it shows up)

3. Are we able to create our own event banners and post a pic of it on forums and may the best banner win? Eh? Ik there r a lot of creative heads in al and they can do some a sick job with banners and stuff. Let us help you help us.

4. Is there a way we can get better rewards for tiers please? (I did like the track suit reward tho) I say this because the easter event rewards were a rip off, the harry egg u gave for gold tier is lootable from the machines and it drops ever so often. I suggest giving us a nice heroic pet (like u use to) so everyone can benefit.

I can't think of anything else atm if anyone has any else suggestions or something, feel free to comment down below. Thanks!