View Full Version : level ten PvPers what is your opinion?? (dex bears)

01-25-2012, 10:47 PM
what do you think is more effective in a duel...

pink lv10 tinsel talon (2010 xmas) + pink lv10 gingerbread defender/pink lv10 runner sled (same exact stats)


snipers talon (lv10 35 platinum pack) + snipers wing (lv10 35platinum pack)

also what do you think is more effective in a duel...

lv5 expert reinforced leather


lv5 artisan reinforced leather

just curious on peoples opinions. i prefer artisan leather even though i own both expert and artisan. also i do not own a pink tinsel talon so i cannot really have an opinion on the first one. i do own snipers talon and wing and a pink runner sled though...

01-25-2012, 10:50 PM
It's all preference

01-25-2012, 10:53 PM
I prefer a talon/wing, but wand and duckfoot are fun as well

01-25-2012, 10:54 PM
From what I've tested, the best matches with these sets is this (for me):

Sniper's Talon, Sniper Wing, Expert armor.
Pink Tinsel Talon, Sniper Wing (Or any pink dex WF item), Expert Leather.

Of course, if you use a WF shield and a WF weapon at the same time, you might also want to use artisan. (To make up for the loss of hit %). However, I haven't done a lot of playing around with level 10-20 bears much in... A while. :D

01-26-2012, 12:58 AM

According to Phy…(Forgot how to spell name lol) The maximum hit% is 85% no matter what is your hit%. Only usefulness for having high hit is it counters debuffs.

Id say sniper helm, expert, Winterfest talon and shield. All totals 89%. Doesnt know if it counts since I provided you with the info previously :).

01-26-2012, 01:51 AM
It's possible for 106% hit artisans leather pure DEX mecha bear helm
Pink talon, snipers helm, pink winter feat wing, and hit % ring!

01-26-2012, 03:19 PM
i bought a pink lv10 tinsel talon and now am experimenting. i would say more or less its preference on hit% crit damg/dps and armor. i rocked the tinsel talon with a pink WF str shield and it seems my ratio of deaths had gone up in comparison to sniper talon and sniper wing. so now i am using tinel talon and sniper wing. but i am not experimenting with my two rings which i think are probably the most popular (lv10 magician fine golden band/platinum band) and with either expert of artisan armor. im trying to figure out how much armor really makes a difference at a level so low, i think probly almost nothing lol. i mean whats the diff in 23 armor or 33 armor? (33being the most i could get my level 10 to obtain even with all the gold/plat i could spend) so yeah just messing around. i am still leaning towards artisan but i think that shall change soon because 4 armor i dont think makes a difference at such a low level. just an ever so slight difference

01-26-2012, 04:06 PM
i bought a pink lv10 tinsel talon and now am experimenting. i would say more or less its preference on hit% crit damg/dps and armor. i rocked the tinsel talon with a pink WF str shield and it seems my ratio of deaths had gone up in comparison to sniper talon and sniper wing. so now i am using tinel talon and sniper wing. but i am not experimenting with my two rings which i think are probably the most popular (lv10 magician fine golden band/platinum band) and with either expert of artisan armor. im trying to figure out how much armor really makes a difference at a level so low, i think probly almost nothing lol. i mean whats the diff in 23 armor or 33 armor? (33being the most i could get my level 10 to obtain even with all the gold/plat i could spend) so yeah just messing around. i am still leaning towards artisan but i think that shall change soon because 4 armor i dont think makes a difference at such a low level. just an ever so slight difference

The difference of 23 armor, and 32 armor is fairly large, especially in low levels. I know that, at 16, artisan seems pretty OP with a high armor wing with it. I was passing through these levels with my bear, and I played a few PvP games with it (at level 11). I used a sniper helm, artisan leather, sniper wing, and a sniper talon. I was killing level 15-17 bears with mine. But that was due to the practice with kiting I've had. That's the real way to win, lol. Put all your points into SMS/Stomp for damage, and use those two to knock bears that have all the slashes back, and you'll win. I worked when I did it with my recent bear, it worked when I use to play 15, and it worked with my original 20 bear. Although artisan is nice, I'm fairly certain expert is indeed better at level 10. :disturbed:


According to Phy…(Forgot how to spell name lol) The maximum hit% is 85% no matter what is your hit%. Only usefulness for having high hit is it counters debuffs.

Id say sniper helm, expert, Winterfest talon and shield. All totals 89%. Doesnt know if it counts since I provided you with the info previously :).

If that's true, then something has definitely been changed. Last time I played 15, I used blacksmith armor(level5), jewel thief's avian wing, WF tinsel talon, and sniper's avian helm. My hit % was in the low 90's... That's when I had 22 base strength, and only 19% hit increase. With artisan + Sniper you should get about 23% more hit. He should be getting at least into the 90's with that... Especially with full dex. Even if he is level 10. :(
And no, it's usefulness is not solely in countering debuffs. Having 80 hit % is almost as bad as being under hell scream the entire time, without losing damage. Hit % is the 3rd most important stat to any character. The first is damage. The second is armor.

01-26-2012, 04:22 PM
Zapoke and srry,

What I mean is that even if it displays 120% hit, your actual hit is still only 85%. Physiologic has runned several tests to prove this true. So 85%=85% but 120% is stil =80%. I may be wrong but this is based off of Physiologic's thread.

01-26-2012, 04:34 PM
Zapoke and srry,

What I mean is that even if it displays 120% hit, your actual hit is still only 85%. Physiologic has runned several tests to prove this true. So 85%=85% but 120% is stil =80%. I may be wrong but this is based off of Physiologic's thread.

Removed due to a threat of flaming 

01-26-2012, 08:05 PM
Zapoke and srry,

What I mean is that even if it displays 120% hit, your actual hit is still only 85%. Physiologic has runned several tests to prove this true. So 85%=85% but 120% is stil =80%. I may be wrong but this is based off of Physiologic's thread.

Could you provide a link?

01-26-2012, 08:38 PM
My device doesnt allow links so I bumped the thread. Its in the Player Guide section and is called 'Guide to Advanced Mechanics in PL: Dps, Crit, etc'

01-26-2012, 09:41 PM
Ok...I think its all = it just depends on your stradagy and luck...
For ex: L56 custom bird vs L56 custom bird=Double K.O.

01-26-2012, 10:09 PM

Not really... Strategy and skills are around 40% of make you good at pvp. The other 40% comes from equipment and the final 20% is luck.

01-26-2012, 10:16 PM
Zapoke and srry,

What I mean is that even if it displays 120% hit, your actual hit is still only 85%. Physiologic has runned several tests to prove this true. So 85%=85% but 120% is stil =80%. I may be wrong but this is based off of Physiologic's thread.

Later tests showed that the hit% was only capped (85%) for auto-attack dmg. Your skills can actually hit 100% (with the exception of enemy dodging of course).

01-28-2012, 01:43 PM
Ah I see…