View Full Version : Are We Too Sensitive? [SERIOUS TOPIC]

01-26-2012, 12:49 PM
Hello, all! Bronxman here!

I have to admit that I may be biased in this topic because I stand 5' 11", weigh 215 pounds, and am in pretty good shape. So, I will admit that it is not likely that I am going to be bullied. And yes, there is such a thing as cyberbullying, and this is not a good thing at all. In short, if your sole purpose for being on a site is to bully or harass others, then no, you should not be there.

However, I am wondering if we are going too far in the other direction. Are we becoming too sensitive? Are we really preparing today's youth for the harsh realities of life by shielding and coddling them in all areas of life, not just ones on the Internet. How can we expect them to develop thick skins if we mollycoddle them whenever their sensitivities are impacted?

All kidding aside, this is not about me offering my opinion on the matter, but rather to hear from all of you.

What do you think? Are we too sensitive?

Looking forward to receiving your feedback.


01-26-2012, 01:09 PM
Well, these are kind of kid's games, ya know? So, with this being the forum for these games, no I don't think we're being too sensitive. That being said, I definitely think that most kids nowadays are way too spoiled. There's just not any discipline anymore, but this is all up to the parents.

01-26-2012, 01:15 PM
Yep. Absolutely. I didn't wear helmets when riding my bike and drank from the water hose. Only one person got first place in a contest and we had ONE graduation from public school.

Let kids live, make mistakes, and have fun. Guard them all the time and they will be stifled.

From an older generation i dont buy into this "kids today are -insert expectation not met here-" and blame whole generations for screwing up.

We all need to learn humility in our lives, that comes with experiencing things, not being pampered.

From Gen x to Gen y: go find a socket to stick your tongue in and learn somethin. I did and i can tell you i wont do that again!

(tone should read as "this guy is looney, dont actually find a socket and fo that. It was a metaphor for go out and live")

01-26-2012, 01:17 PM
On second read, maybe we're talking about the forums.

Forum hall monitors who let power go to their head is more annoying than a post in all caps.

01-26-2012, 01:19 PM
Id say there is some of each but a lot of my generation learns to have their parents fix any little problem we have, when in reality we need to learn on our own, i know this isnt true for every scenario and im not trying to say that it is