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View Full Version : Combat Improvements

04-17-2020, 04:15 AM
For years, the combat in al has been mostly the same. Added abilities such as procs, set bonuses and ults have been great for the combat system but, I believe the game is capable of more. I think the following additions would make the combat system not only more involved and skill based, but more interesting and enjoyable for both new and veteran players.

One of the additions that could improve the combat system is the ability to block. The button to block could just be placed next to all the other abilities and the PC hotkey could be R as I dont... believe... that's currently used for something. As the game is now, upon being attacked, you either buff up your armor prior to the attack with abilities like gale, put up a shield, or take it to the face. These methods, in most cases, require you to anticipate the attack. But, why not add a reactive option instead by letting us block the attacks? This would reward players for paying attention.

This would mean people can just stand there holding the block button to constantly negate a portion of damage. My suggestion to avoid letting that happen is to make he block have diminishing returns. An example of this would be to make the block (a number only for the sake of the example) negate 50% of damage for the first 2 seconds it's being held. Every second beyond that (assuming it isn't released to "recharge" - let's say it has a 3 second recharge time) this % damage reduction effect is reduced by 60%. So, for the first two seconds, a block could negate 50% of the damage. After the fourth second of being held, it negates 20%. At the 5th second, it negates 12% and then if its held beyond that point, or they take damage, the block is stopped and the player is punished by making the recharge take twice as long. This would allow the block mechanic to be useful and fun yet still keep it from being spammed or held down for long periods of time. Again, these aren't nessecarily the numbers I want (not sure what I would want). It's just for the sake of explaining the idea.

The other idea is a live DPS display. The DPS counter could just be a little number at the top of the screen somewhere showing the average damage per second of that combat encounter (could start at the moment of aggro and end the moment either the player dies, the last mob dies, or, if getting too far from the enemies spawnpoint, the moment the enemy leashes back to its spawn) this would be an incredibly convenient addition because the current DPS stat is a horribly unreliable number in most situations. I have about 6,500 DPS and based on the little damage counters that show up, that's horribly inaccurate.

This live DPS display would be incredible when paired with a dummy. You could just have them be included with houses and they can just be placed wherever. If a player wants to test what builds are best for dps, they have a non-combative dummy to smack around. A dummy could be given health to simulate a boss fight, as well as a timer to see how fast you killed it. The moment it dies, it can just resurrect itself to be abused again. Or, if its partially damaged and you want to reset it, just click it and select reset.

These ideas would allow the game to evolve even further in terms of the combat experience, as well as allow players the convenience of testing what builds will make them the most efficient they can be.

Sorry about the long post. Just tried my best to explain what was on my mind. Let me know what you think? Constructive criticism is appreciated, of course :] thanks

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