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View Full Version : Has anyone else noticed a lack of players at sewers and nuri's?

01-27-2012, 11:49 AM
Hello all,
I had a level 35 bear that I decided to level up. I had no problems finding games all the way up to sewers them it all changed. There doesn't seem to be very many going on and the ones that are are hideout runs where they remake at catspaw. My bear got to level 53 so I decided to look for some nuri games and never seem to find many going on there either.

Do you guys think people are quiting once they get to sewers and if so is there anything we can do to keep them around? You would think that as many games that go on at the lower levels there would be a constant supply of people coming up through the ranks.

I think a lot of players are missing out on the fun of battles with the sewers and nuri's bosses by trying to rush to end game. I think they xp grind with catspaw runs and by pass everything else. The boss runs I have found don't usually turn out well. I have to tell everyone to kill GF's chests when they turn green and the strategy against cockroach now is to just autoattack the whole time (not destroy the bins at first then aoe and combo until the bins regenerate then autoattack like we used to).

Any thoughts or other observations?

01-27-2012, 12:13 PM
Yup, many people just wanna level up, and farming bosses from older caps isn't very lucrative either. Also, may people don't really figure out how to overcome the bosses, like you pointed out.

And Nuris is a pain to run, since the mobs are high in haelth, dodgy and can sometimes whipe whole groups with their combos.

As soon as they get access to fang, it is 1. easier to find games 2. farming bosses can bring in quite alot of money 3. leveling speed is fastest.

01-27-2012, 12:15 PM
I think they can't get past the BS and Nuri bosses, especially a few I think of. Just think about which bosses you get help requests on. It's the usual suspects.

While bosses requiring strategy are fun to a certain group, the majority of players (90%?) just want to hack it out.

That's why the catspaw groups. They will level to 57 in sewers, without doing any bosses, spend an elixir level in prob non-boss Symphony and move to Fang.

It's what they've been told to do, what they want to do and viola! It's what's happening.

Prob result of elixirs + drop thing.

01-27-2012, 12:26 PM
But why is it only happening in sewers and nuri's? Is it because of the difficulty in the bosses? I don't think there's anything we can do as players to help besides encourage and share boss strategies but what about the devs? Do you guys think something like giving 20 xp per boss kill would encourage players to complete the maps? Is there anything else that could be done?

01-27-2012, 12:27 PM
That's why the catspaw groups. They will level to 57 in sewers, without doing any bosses, spend an elixir level in prob non-boss Symphony and move to Fang.That's what I did on my main after being MIA for a while.

I wish I hadn't, but I was in a hurry to get to Fang.

Now I'm working on two toons and my AoA, and am enjoying the game much more.

01-27-2012, 12:33 PM
Yup, many people just wanna level up, and farming bosses from older caps isn't very lucrative either. Also, may people don't really figure out how to overcome the bosses, like you pointed out.

And Nuris is a pain to run, since the mobs are high in haelth, dodgy and can sometimes whipe whole groups with their combos.

As soon as they get access to fang, it is 1. easier to find games 2. farming bosses can bring in quite alot of money 3. leveling speed is fastest.

Lol Fang is only busy cuz its cap. I, for 1, think fang bosses are alot harder then nuri's ever was. As soon as level cap changes, fang will be the dead zone. Nuris gear is "almost" as good as fang. Fang is a "bomb" in definition.

01-27-2012, 12:48 PM
Lol Fang is only busy cuz its cap. I, for 1, think fang bosses are alot harder then nuri's ever was. As soon as level cap changes, fang will be the dead zone. Nuris gear is "almost" as good as fang. Fang is a "bomb" in definition.
Lol i hope the next cap, bird and bear items are better and mages arent so op Lol

01-27-2012, 01:16 PM
Everything above 50 is harder, on purpose. People are used to the easier game. So they run the game above 50 on elixirs.

It's a waste to not maximize XP on elixirs. Fighting bosses is a waste of elixir time. Whatever formula results in the max XP is what they do.

40 plat for an hour of high speed leveling, always to Catspaw, gets you through Sewers. You can buy any 55 gear you want. For $50 you can buy that 40 plat elixir 20 times. It doesn't take that many times to get to cap, which leaves you some plat for purple antennas.

Then the game is over, I guess. Go to PvP, get handed your butt, and then find another game to play. The only way to farm is to kill bosses. But why farm? Is it that important to have all Sanguine, if you're a bird? Why? So your bird looks like a pilgrim?

Obviously, I don't agree with any of that, but this is the condition of the game. It's how the game was written. They made it easier at the lower levels, then, if you want to be a capped player, they made it so you must choose to 1. buy lots of plat elixirs or 2. go slow and die a lot. I'll choose the 2nd route this time, but I did it the first way last time.

When I get to AO3 with my new main I will run CtK, but when I get to Sewers it will be deserted. I will play CtK until I am 52 and use the gear I already have for Sewers, but I have no idea how I will survive.

01-27-2012, 01:27 PM
Everything above 50 is harder, on purpose. People are used to the easier game. So they run the game above 50 on elixirs.

It's a waste to not maximize XP on elixirs. Fighting bosses is a waste of elixir time. Whatever formula results in the max XP is what they do.

40 plat for an hour of high speed leveling, always to Catspaw, gets you through Sewers. You can buy any 55 gear you want. For $50 you can buy that 40 plat elixir 20 times. It doesn't take that many times to get to cap, which leaves you some plat for purple antennas.

Then the game is over, I guess. Go to PvP, get handed your butt, and then find another game to play. The only way to farm is to kill bosses. But why farm? Is it that important to have all Sanguine, if you're a bird? Why? So your bird looks like a pilgrim?

Obviously, I don't agree with any of that, but this is the condition of the game. It's how the game was written. They made it easier at the lower levels, then, if you want to be a capped player, they made it so you must choose to 1. buy lots of plat elixirs or 2. go slow and die a lot. I'll choose the 2nd route this time, but I did it the first way last time.

When I get to AO3 with my new main I will run CtK, but when I get to Sewers it will be deserted. I will play CtK until I am 52 and use the gear I already have for Sewers, but I have no idea how I will survive.

I agree that everything above 50 is harder and I have no problem with that. I notice that hardly any of the groups I run with have any elixir users in them so I wonder if the elixir users have already passed through and I'm left with running with people who have chosen to go non elixired and die a lot or a lot of people just quit the game once they get to sewers?

I agree with the rest of your assessment to snake, unfortunately. I saw unfortunately because I think it speaks to human nature and, as such, isn't something we can change. I guess the thing to do is to stay at level cap and have fun as the game progress and don't try to go back and relive the old maps after their time has passed.

Good luck leveling your toon. I'm just about to give up on my bear (he's level 53) because it's too frustrating trying to find games.

01-27-2012, 01:29 PM
I don't think there's much the devs can do about it. I think that the players can maybe bring about change by getting BS runs together and I know some of my guild members have been doing BS runs but when there's not a lot of incentive to do the runs you won't see the runs. Unfortunately, with the XP elixirs, the game has become more about a grind to hit level cap than a game about playing and technique. I mean, really, you can hit cap without ever really learning to play your character as long as you're fully elixired up. I found the forums because I realized around the time of AO1 that my skill mashing wasn't cutting it and I needed to actually learn to play. I doubt many people come to that realization because they just do the whole level fast on E thing.

01-27-2012, 01:59 PM
I did very few BS runs. They, to me, were the worst & very boring. I still have quests there. All but 3 quests I have left are BS quests.

01-27-2012, 03:14 PM
I came across this same problem after I got red to 66 and wanted to get my bird from 51 to 65, which I somehow managed. I had to get guild mates and friends that were already capped to help me out, and I was on 4x combo elixirs constantly to speed up the process. Nuri's is just inconvenient since you always only get one do per kill, 4 maximum with the elixir. What I did, as well as everyone else while I was in the process, was get to 57 in sewers, do one level to 58 in nuri's, then immediately move on to fang with everyone else.

01-27-2012, 05:21 PM
Going solo takes a lot longer and will grant you less xp. It's just not convenient at all to stick through nuri's for 5 levels.

01-27-2012, 05:26 PM
Going solo takes a lot longer and will grant you less xp. It's just not convenient at all to stick through nuri's for 5 levels.

Word, bro.. I will be taking my bear to nuri's for level 57 and then straight to Fang. Nuri's is a drag even with a full team. It was fun at the start when there were thrasher runs, but since Nuri's isnt the cap anymore, nobody is running there, let alone on thrashers. I just find all 5 of those levels extremely boring. Personally, with 1hit ko enemies who have too much health, I spent alot of time chipping away at the map one mob by one, or playing catch up after respawning.

01-27-2012, 06:52 PM
To keep it exiting, I think STS should consider adding some longer quests (yes, cyber style) to those maps.

The quests that are there now are pretty week. And the rewards are even weaker.

01-27-2012, 07:04 PM
Anytime someone needs help in BS, give me a shout! I still love playing there with my lvl 52 bear Warprider. If i am on another toon I will gladly switch.

01-28-2012, 12:52 AM
Me and some friends run regularly at sewer, we usually doing all dailies, killing all bosses, from hideout to swillpitz...its fun, and we re not planning on stopping..got some good drops too, and some pinks sighted every now and then...but yes, mostly ppl only running on that 1/3 part of hideout. And it gets annoying when a player pop in a hideout map, their 1st greeting is "who rmk??!!" Geez,...a simple hello would be nice...

But we re not fond of running at Nuri, why? Coz lately, esp. Since Fangs out, Nuri s pink drops is sucks,...not just pink, craft items are nowhere sighted too. And whats with that Strongmen competiotion and Mathilda at Nuri's Hallow?? Was that supposed to be for daily quest?? I think make dailies at Nuris would be awesome,...
Glyph and Demonic are very awesome stuffs, u can survive fang using demonic and glyph and zero drop at Nuri wiping these out,... no craft materials dropped means no Demonic crafted,..and ppl would just think, why bother running Nuri? Just do runs at sewer until maxed, run nuris a bit until 58 then move to fang with L.55 sewer sets until u get the L.61 fang stuffs,..[died alot of course, and annoys the higher level u run with, but better to die at fang than at Nuri,....duh. I even saw a bird running at fang on his mystery armor, thats what Im calling 'gone in 60 seconds']

Btw, that one period where mages buff are broken, the drop at Nuri returned, I got a pink, and a friend who run with me got a para aramid,...but when a new patch come and buffs are fixed, the drop is back to zero...anyone else observe that?

using Tapatalk on ASUS Transformer

01-28-2012, 09:14 AM
From what I've observed, it seems that those who can afford elixirs have already blown through everything and hit 65/66 (number of high level players with barely 6k kills and have no idea of how to play their class), leaving those that can't afford elixirs to struggle through the lower levels doing mostly xp runs.

The game mechanics are set up such that there isn't any incentive to rerun lower level maps (no xp, no kill, very low drop rate, even when you get a pink it's no longer worth much). Unless STS changes the game mechanics to give scaled xp and drops so we have reasons to run maps beside the end-game campaign, this situation won't change.

Anyway, I'm glad that the OP made this thread: this shows that while it's technically true that one can "enjoy" all contents plat free, in reality it's simply not very much fun for new players without guilds/friends/elixirs to help with leveling.

01-28-2012, 06:06 PM
Sewers and Nuri arent exactly known for being easy gold farming places. All there is a bunch of mid players struggling to lvl up. I personally would do sewers to 58 and skip Nuris to Fang where bunch of ppl are doing x4s.

01-30-2012, 09:04 PM

And I think items there are still a good value.

Problem is, nothing good dropped at Nuris anymore...how can we craft demonic if no glyph and blade steel dropped?
So i kinda understand why ppl skipping nuris..
I bet if the drop at nuris fixed and they add a dailies at nuris, ppl will run there more,...

using Tapatalk on ASUS Transformer

01-30-2012, 09:07 PM
They could make pinks a little more common to encourage people to do bosses.

02-12-2012, 05:41 PM
The main reason nuris is dead is because about half the players that play often are lvl 60+, so they all go to fang. theres too many 65s and 66s in this game now :(

02-13-2012, 09:12 AM
I just thought of something...
Back when we first got the teaser looks at mt fang and nuri's the devs said that both were going to be level 60. One was scheduled to be the main spine while the other was going to be an elite (plat) map. I bet mt fang was the main spine and nuri's was the elite and that's why the mobs in nuri's are so much harder. That's too bad too because I think style-wise nuri's is tons better than mt fang.

02-13-2012, 09:35 AM
I worked the quests and daily's until I hit 55. Then I started the 56 grind. Along the way I made millions and got a whole set of 55 fury from drops.

I missed the initial AO excitement and drops. I really enjoyed the sewers. I didn't craft so I sold my components. I took a few months off and came back after Christmas. Now I can just buy all of the new gear :/

02-13-2012, 10:38 AM
Not sure... I quit at sewers... they were so darn depressing...

02-13-2012, 10:40 AM
Not sure... I quit at sewers... they were so darn depressing...

I think the the AOs are simply too good for the game's own good. If that makes any sense...

02-13-2012, 04:00 PM
It's all about the experience. When I got to BS, it was still the endgame for a short time, and then Nuri's came out. I found that even before Nuri's, and especially after, it was really hard to find a party willing to plow through to bosses. It happened, but was a bit hit or miss. I imagine today it's more or less unheard of to bother with bosses. After I got to Nuri's, I found that there were a lot of boss-clearing runs to be had (since it was endgame), but I'm not surprised to hear that the volume has fallen off now that Fang is out.

Personally, I always wanted to do bosses in both places just because I like taking the chance to get a good drop. However, in practice, that pretty much never happens in either of these places. I ran my entire time in BS without a pink drop, but at the time I chalked it up to Nuri's being out and taking the focus. Once I did Nuri's, though, I farmed bosses non-stop until Fang arrived and never got a single pink. I really like trying to farm pinks, and I know they're supposed to be rare, but getting not even one over months of play time is ludicrous. There's no way I could recommend anyone do anything different than escape both BS and Nuri's as quickly as possible based on my own experience. And that's apparently exactly what players are doing now. I can't say I blame them. It's sad that this content is going to waste, but unless the devs actually put something worth doing there, why should they expect anyone to go there?

02-14-2012, 02:43 AM
Have u noticed the chemtrails over nuri's hallow lately?

02-14-2012, 05:40 PM
blame the government. XD

this is due to the fact (IMO) that xp gets significantly harder here (it wouldnt be fun if it didnt) and you cant just lv up casually. there really isnt anything anyone can do to "fix" this. all the new guys quit at 50 (including most of my ingame friends who i never see anymore.) :(

02-14-2012, 06:19 PM
If you're still having trouble just find a group of LVL 60+ friends and do a couple runs each day :) It also makes it less painful.