View Full Version : upset with the SL population

01-27-2012, 04:01 PM
Kinda upset with how SL's crowd went from 10 busy Blackstars to maybe 1 18+ one. The items are starting to fill up the ah since theres no players to buy the merchers weapons and armors which is making everything incredibly cheaper. Hardly any zones being played now and finding a team as a new player is near impossible after 20+. My incredibly active guild went from 20+ people online all the time to hardly 5 :'[ and all my good friends quit. people say everyone quit cause after you capped it got boring. This is true but look at pocket legends. TONS of people walking around all the time and i see many lvl 66 people.

UGH! this is exactly how i feel right now

What in the world happened? D':

01-27-2012, 04:03 PM
yea, as of now its sad and lonely.

but tomorrow is a different story:P

01-27-2012, 04:07 PM
SL is still a baby. In PL when you cap at level 66 you almost forget what forest haven looked like, ya know? Plus there's items like vyx helms, green ice, elite lv50 gear to farm, twinking at about 50 different brackets, lvl1 groups, and about 10x the player base.

I capped my 3 toons in SL almost a month ago now and haven't done a run since. I went on for a few weeks after to PvP, and help guildies, but even that gets old when your whole guild is capped pretty much and only like 20 different people PvP.

01-27-2012, 04:09 PM
yeah i guess your right but when i started, people stayed even after the cap. the blackstar was full of life and people running around chatting. Now i can't even hold a conversation with a group for more than 5 mins cause people log on to check the CS and log right back off after.

01-27-2012, 04:14 PM
Pink system is broken because of the way elixir's work now combined with the extremely high chance of a purple. No incentive to farm.

01-27-2012, 04:14 PM
Maybe more xp for the next cap to solve the problem, and if it's that easy to max out try to challenge yourself by getting to the cap with no elixir if you used one.

01-27-2012, 04:18 PM
Maybe more xp for the next cap to solve the problem, and if it's that easy to max out try to challenge yourself by getting to the cap with no elixir if you used one.

I did this in like 3 days after Valeria was out. Tough but it was quite easy

01-27-2012, 04:23 PM
yeah that might be a reason. people got to lvl 40 first 8 hours of release and capped 41 within a few days. compared to a few weeks for a cap for the last zone release. grinding might be boring but its more rewarding to cap after a huge xp difference and show off with it then cap with a small xp difference and everyone has it.

01-27-2012, 04:24 PM
Pink system is broken because of the way elixir's work now combined with the extremely high chance of a purple. No incentive to farm.

i COMPLETELY agree with this. 100% truly think that miners luck reroll elixir killed both games.

01-27-2012, 04:48 PM
For about a week only one person showed up on the top guild leaderboard

01-27-2012, 04:49 PM
Pvp is dead :o i got on leaderboards with such a weak k/d ratio (havent died yet though)

01-27-2012, 04:50 PM
Well i did have a whole spiel of why ppl are leaving...but its adding gas to the flame... I want ppl to return, and i know they will with new content STS has created....."they will be back"

01-27-2012, 05:08 PM
I'm not sure about elixir, as all that times i used it i haven't got any decent drop, so for me it's a crap, not a salvation.. But maybe u used it more and i'm sure u know what u r talkin about

As for capping xp i strongly disagree as even though i capped relatively fast, i got bored to death with the need to run same Voleria maps over and over again. Note, that that boredom amplified by need to do it anyway (dam, i wanted that chest!) was killin me much more than the slight boredom i have now waiting for the new maps..


Simply because i found what to do and the variety is wider than just grinding:

1. I recruit low lvl members, help them and farm on lower lvls for greens which i sell to twinks at high prices. Yes, from 10 new recruits only 1 is good enough to lvl fast and focused, but we have more ppl online than b4 and some of those newcomers are becoming nice officers to support us in the future

2. I help my friends to lvl or to cap - again - farming on the way

3. I PvP. Yes, there's just several ppl who do it, but they do it good and i learn. Finally, i can smash a commando, being an Op. Auronn and Benderandfry still kick my butt so i have motivation to become better to kick theirs )))

Also, don't neglect CTF - this mode is awesome! Not just about killing. It's about strategy and teamwork applied. And nobody is crying about 'rushing' there..lol

4. Trading. I learn curves of the market and try to adapt to the recession which you can see now. Also i use tips of pro-traders such as Saiyen (thank u bro!)

5. I make my 'pajamas' - sets i use at base and lower lvls which just looks cool.. I still need those lvl20 wings (white, not blue-gray!) so it keeps me busy hunting them

6. I started my private collection of good-lookin-guns. Mostly they r greens from 6 to 21 lvl (like iLied rifle). Already have 3 in the collection

7. I socialize - helping newbs to find CS terminal might seem dull, but you also can make good connections or just good laugh with ppl doing that

And last, but not the least, BlackStar is very crowded last two days. Yeah, it is! Just go check it

Don't give up hope (and this game) because it's us who make it fun...

It's like the conversation i had with one of short-time guild member: first he whined about nobody helping in his old guild coz everybody was so busy and i invited him to Jedi Council - shortly after that he began to whine about lots of low levels in JC but he showed no intention to help these ppl to lvl up and quit (i guess he whines elsewhere now).
The moral is - if you are unable to make fun for yourself and help others, dont wait some other guy will make fun for you or help you in return (because there's nothing to return). Either you are cool or just go die in the pool

Peace to all. Keep keepin it real

01-27-2012, 08:29 PM
I basicly just started sl but I have found out I missed the vanity helm and if I don't enhancer my way to 41 real quick I'm going to miss the vanity chest piece.

I don't want to be anouther 41 with 5k kills running around. I have no incentive to lvl cap now.

And for the old players who capped in a week all the can do now is pvp or farm items and well that's not to bad :)

I decided to make a character and run solo. Since I can't get the lvl cap vanities..I'm in no rush.

and since I won't have the elite gear to show off at least I can show off my stats :)

01-27-2012, 08:44 PM
I decided to make a character and run solo. Since I can't get the lvl cap vanities..I'm in no rush.

and since I won't have the elite gear to show off at least I can show off my stats :)

Well thought solution! I feel the Force is strong with u! If u ever need a guild u may join us in Jedi Council, bro..

01-27-2012, 09:08 PM
I know some of you guys are saying to find something to do. Ex: Pvp, farm, alts, etc.

But what about people like me who have done literally all of it.

And those who don't have patience to do some stuff like lvling multiple alts, and helping newbies.

There's a variety of types of people and because of that, there should be many things that can be done in game. People mainly leave because they're either bored. If STS can make it where there is nearly an infinite source of in game things to do, then more people will stay longer.

01-27-2012, 09:37 PM
I know some of you guys are saying to find something to do. Ex: Pvp, farm, alts, etc.

But what about people like me who have done literally all of it.

And those who don't have patience to do some stuff like lvling multiple alts, and helping newbies.

There's a variety of types of people and because of that, there should be many things that can be done in game. People mainly leave because they're either bored. If STS can make it where there is nearly an infinite source of in game things to do, then more people will stay longer.

idk if you saw it but before morfic quit he made an amazing suggestion to give pvp a world wide roam. instead of just joining a 3v3 kinda thing. throw some enemies in the map and give them some decent drops so people not only have fight the enemies for the drops but to fight off other people to. id play longer, much longer if this was here.

01-27-2012, 09:55 PM
Things like that being implemented in game is exactly what im talking about.

01-27-2012, 10:47 PM
idk if you saw it but before morfic quit he made an amazing suggestion to give pvp a world wide roam. instead of just joining a 3v3 kinda thing. throw some enemies in the map and give them some decent drops so people not only have fight the enemies for the drops but to fight off other people to. id play longer, much longer if this was here.

fantastic solution!

I've been thinkin of some kind of bounty hunting system (bounty terminals gave me the idea). Every day several random ppl are assigned as targets and others (hunters) should find em and terminate (or maybe targets should also sign up in terminal..) One hunter can pick one target. This target automatically adds as a friend (so u can locate it). Target gets a message but not the name of the hunter. Whoever survives recieves credits (formiddable amount) as a prize. While the hunt is on - the hunter and the target gets ability to pvp in any place (base, maps, guild halls). If target goes offline after first hunters' shots r fired, it's considered as death (to prevent hiding offline)

Idea is raw but can be fine tuned..

I totally understand what Ardon is talkin about.. More 'self-running-playa-interaction-based' mechanics is always great...

But it seems to me STS chose another development strategy. More like 'a-piece-of-something-for-everybody'. Understanding that other mmo titles r breathing their neck they decided to 'spam-games' as engies 'spam-heal' i.e. make several differently themed games using their innovative and exclusive all-platform engine. The more the better. And then look which one will bcome the headliner do develop it deeper... Because if not for DL and the next WL title it would be not so hard (in terms of coding hours) to implement lots of great suggestions ppl gave to them.. Or at least make updates monthly..

On the other hand, if they achieve decent share on mobile mmo market, they could expand their staff and come back to all of their games with expansions and tuning-up their already existing and filled with ppl hits.. But this may happen not very soon.. So we gotta wait or go.. Some go, i'll stay coz there's no scifi title close enough to compete with SL.. And it hardly appear, coz not many studios choose the way STS chose - 'spam-game' - most just do 'elves-and-goblins' stuff coz it's easier to sell as ppl r more ready for it.. As we can see sts weakness becomes their strength in this case.. I just wish them to get even stronger and come up with updates more frequently

After all, what they say is 'u can play it on the go, casual style' and we, who discuss these matters here, r obviously hardcore ones. And nevertheless we consider ourselves 'the salt of the game', devs might not see it similar way - maybe their statistics shows that most revenues comes from fast changing casual playas, who just come and go making rotation

But my previous post should nt be negllected. I was trying to show perspective to those who is uber-bored.. Not the exact answers maybe, but intention to experiment and use all possibilities we have right now. If anyone has anything o add to this - that could save us from being bored (at least for the time we r waiting for the next update)

No offence meant in any way

01-28-2012, 10:25 AM
Maybe more xp for the next cap to solve the problem, and if it's that easy to max out try to challenge yourself by getting to the cap with no elixir if you used one.

Grinding is a cheap way to extend gameplay. The proper way would be adding more content a little more often. Truthfully, I'm a little concerned wether or not that STS will be able to properly support 3 games when they can't seem to keep up with the two they have now.

01-28-2012, 11:34 AM
Grinding is a cheap way to extend gameplay. The proper way would be adding more content a little more often. Truthfully, I'm a little concerned wether or not that STS will be able to properly support 3 games when they can't seem to keep up with the two they have now.

Correct, like the pinks guns they introduced to create a bonus, vanity, minigames aside from PvP would help, "More ways to get XP (not buying the 5 plat/5min thingy lol)"

01-28-2012, 03:57 PM
Heck, the content doesn't even need to be that much, honestly. A couple new pistols here, a rifle there, a shield, a vanity, whatever. Just make it fairly often, like once a week or two. Make us WANT to grind, not for XP, but for new gear. Man, I'd be a farming fool if they put in low lvl pinks and purples so I could gear up my twinks.

01-28-2012, 04:35 PM
Heck, the content doesn't even need to be that much, honestly. A couple new pistols here, a rifle there, a shield, a vanity, whatever. Just make it fairly often, like once a week or two. Make us WANT to grind, not for XP, but for new gear. Man, I'd be a farming fool if they put in low lvl pinks and purples so I could gear up my twinks.


01-28-2012, 06:33 PM
1. New gear (pinks for every expanded level)
2. New (repeatable quests). Use as alternate way to level, instead of grinding!
3. Accomplishments/Achievements. Another way to gain exp, also grant titles, etc based on number of achievements! Even have vanity rewards for completing the harder ones, such as kill the Mysterious Figure 1k times or something like that!

01-28-2012, 07:16 PM
Heck, the content doesn't even need to be that much, honestly. A couple new pistols here, a rifle there, a shield, a vanity, whatever. Just make it fairly often, like once a week or two. Make us WANT to grind, not for XP, but for new gear. Man, I'd be a farming fool if they put in low lvl pinks and purples so I could gear up my twinks.

i actually made a suggestion thread about those low lvl pinks months ago, but i guess it was never considered or not looked at. i think a good reason why PL is still enjoyable cause you can deck out a twink with a bunch of epic items. on SL you have one choice and thats it. choose differently and you dont stand a chance in pvp, making it insanely repetitive.

if you agree with some points bump it up for sts to see:] i think its in the abyss of forgotten threads past page 3 lol

01-29-2012, 02:25 AM
Being committed to staying lvl 15 for pvp, I don't get much enjoyment from grinding through levels. I usually play only when my friends are on. Sadly, there just aren't that many pvp games anymore

01-29-2012, 02:09 PM
Getting back to your title

The population in this town was bumping :D


It's a party it's a party it's a partayyy! Lol

01-29-2012, 02:26 PM
Getting back to your title

The population in this town was bumping :D


It's a party it's a party it's a partayyy! Lol

lol this is what SL should look like everyday :]

01-29-2012, 10:06 PM
Getting back to your title

The population in this town was bumping :D


It's a party it's a party it's a partayyy! Lol
Wait till the bros get there :p
I'm usually there with them lol
Edit: You gonna lvl up? Lol I see the +

01-30-2012, 07:27 AM
SL is still a baby. In PL ...

Calling it a baby aims to imply that it's just not there yet, but the exodus we've witnessed is more about it no longer being what it was. As in maintained, fun and interesting. The current state the game is in is horrible, and for us that have paid plenty for it, also inexcusable. It has precious little to do with it being still in the works.

And for the record, I've read your sentiments on this matter, eb, and I concur with all that, all I'm saying is that going with baby excuse is just about as far off as the dl excuse. This was caused by a succession of bad choices and lack of effort and participation from their behalf.

01-30-2012, 11:25 AM
I'm not sure about elixir, as all that times i used it i haven't got any decent drop, so for me it's a crap, not a salvation.. But maybe u used it more and i'm sure u know what u r talkin about

The only place the elixir is a problem is fighting the Mysterious Figure, but there the problem is extreme. He has a 20%(Guestimate) chance of dropping a purple and less then 1% (guestimate) chance of dropping a pink. As the elixir turns purple roles into pink roles this means the chance of getting a pink goes from less then 1 in a 100 to around 1 in 5. There does not seem to be pinks yet in the new area, but considering the insanely high purple drop rate, if pinks were introduced, they would be dropping like candy to elixir players.

01-30-2012, 11:30 AM
The only place the elixir is a problem is fighting the Mysterious Figure, but there the problem is extreme. He has a 20%(Guestimate) chance of dropping a purple and less then 1% (guestimate) chance of dropping a pink. As the elixir turns purple roles into pink roles this means the chance of getting a pink goes from less then 1 in a 100 to around 1 in 5. There does not seem to be pinks yet in the new area, but considering the insanely high purple drop rate, if pinks were introduced, they would be dropping like candy to elixir players.

If introduced...Vol pinks would probably only drop from Thyra, and trust me...she aint droppin epics at a high rate!

01-30-2012, 11:38 PM
If introduced...Vol pinks would probably only drop from Thyra, and trust me...she aint droppin epics at a high rate!

thyra loves me. she hands me purples all the time <3

i still dont like the purple drop rate in voleria. purples went from epics to trash in 2 weeks time.

01-31-2012, 05:02 AM
Hmm. The main difference in PL and SL, that makes SL boring is that I can list You the whole armor and weapon collection in two minutes that you can get in the game. Only a few vanities.. There is nothing to hunt for. The only thing that You can do in this game is to lvlup your character. If You finished with lvling, You can start another class. And now I think everyone have max lvl alts in all class and there's really nothing to go for in the game.. The only reason that I'm still playing with it every day is that I have a full army that many characters I have and I lvl them up all as zero death characters. So.. I understand You all. And some players say they found some better games, and they will come back only at new lvlcap update.. Some strange fact: As You see at my info, I'm hungarian. Lots of hungarians were playing the game. There was time, when we took over Blackstar and we were chatting for hours. Since December my gf and a newbie guy are the only ones I see in the game..
And I also don't like to be in the game, only when I really play on dungeons. I hate Blackstar... Whenever I drop in Blackstar I immediately get a beggar message....

01-31-2012, 05:15 AM
... Whenever I drop in Blackstar I immediately get a beggar message....

hi, Feke! I'm not a big PL playa, just tried it at the start, so tell me are there less beggars roaming Townies? And if yes, then why? What do u think?

01-31-2012, 08:12 AM
hi, Feke! I'm not a big PL playa, just tried it at the start, so tell me are there less beggars roaming Townies? And if yes, then why? What do u think?

If anything there's more beggars. Try walking into CS or forest haven wearing full custom and not getting begged lol

01-31-2012, 11:08 AM
If anything there's more beggars. Try walking into CS or forest haven wearing full custom and not getting begged lol

Lol! Thanx, Eb!

Your words back up mu assumption that every mmo game has its own 'begging tribe'..

01-31-2012, 11:16 AM
If anything there's more beggars. Try walking into CS or forest haven wearing full custom and not getting begged lol

Haha! Yeah...and they are always asking "How much credits do you have?"...I always respond with "that's private info."

01-31-2012, 12:55 PM
I basicly just started sl but I have found out I missed the vanity helm and if I don't enhancer my way to 41 real quick I'm going to miss the vanity chest piece.
... I decided to make a character and run solo. Since I can't get the lvl cap vanities..I'm in no rush.

It's best if you don't get on the level cap vanity treadmill. The time required to continue increases with each level cap. Just do whatever is fun or easy and log off. There is very little benefit to the vanity gear, if you compare the hours of your life wasted for such a tiny virtual benefit. Some people can do great things in RL in that amount of time. But, for the people that will do nothing anyway, might as well get the vanity gear.

01-31-2012, 02:02 PM
Getting back to your title

The population in this town was bumping :D


It's a party it's a party it's a partayyy! Lol

woot, i was there!!!!
I love the Engi line up

01-31-2012, 07:02 PM
It's best if you don't get on the level cap vanity treadmill. The time required to continue increases with each level cap. Just do whatever is fun or easy and log off. There is very little benefit to the vanity gear, if you compare the hours of your life wasted for such a tiny virtual benefit. Some people can do great things in RL in that amount of time. But, for the people that will do nothing anyway, might as well get the vanity gear.

exactly why i stopped at one lvl under elite cap. i saw no purpose for the vanity tbh. even though there will be a bonus eventually but thats when the other vanity pieces come out.. and who knows how long that will take and if ill even be playing this game still.

01-31-2012, 07:09 PM
Maybe its because people are more accustomed to Pocket Legends and Star Legends isnt really like PL.

01-31-2012, 07:30 PM
SL is still a baby. In PL when you cap at level 66 you almost forget what forest haven looked like, ya know? Plus there's items like vyx helms, green ice, elite lv50 gear to farm, twinking at about 50 different brackets, lvl1 groups, and about 10x the player base.

I capped my 3 toons in SL almost a month ago now and haven't done a run since. I went on for a few weeks after to PvP, and help guildies, but even that gets old when your whole guild is capped pretty much and only like 20 different people PvP.

Yeh cuz PL was way more exciting when it started since u had to buy map STS made awesome maps to attract many players including elite items/dungeons/quests. So PL has a large number of players which were won over by this.

SL is different, since they started it out free except for elixirs to hit elite level, they dont add anything unless it increases the cap, getting more elixir sales. So although the cool endgame gear is there it doesnt have the awesome atmosphere to draw players like PL did when it was new.

02-01-2012, 12:58 PM
hi, Feke! I'm not a big PL playa, just tried it at the start, so tell me are there less beggars roaming Townies? And if yes, then why? What do u think?
The problem should be with me, but in PL I can talk with friends for an hour without being asked for gold. Yes, there are beggars in PL too, but not as many as in SL. There are beggars in every mmo, but in PL most of the members play the game, not waiting for wonder to happen.