View Full Version : STS, we need FEEDBACK on our IDEAS

01-29-2012, 08:44 AM
Hi devs!

The more i read forums (suggestions especially) the more often i come across posts like 'yeah, i've been suggesting this but it got lost past page 3' or 'yes, it was suggested already but we didn't got the answer'

You know what? This is just sad.

It's you, Sam, Flip, JustG who tell us 'dear fans, we love u and u mean so much for us' (like in a post about Best MMO Ever) and it's you who made this major 'Suggestions and Feedback' forum part for us to share our insights on the game. And we do share them. But do you really care? I hardly noticed...

Working in digital/social media for 7 years i can tell you the surprising fact:

The social media relations is not about posting on forums links of new shield pic in Facebook album so you can raise number of your fb page fans. It's about dialogue. We even have new branch of marketing called 'Dialogue Marketing'. It's about engaging the conversation with consumers and, even more importantly, keeping it going!

You do so in the 'Bugs' section of forums - sure, bugs are important, but suggestions' importance is hardly less..

Paying attention to what we say and replying to us can help you with understanding what way to develop not only SL, but all yo future games as well. And for us it's a sign you really care plus inspiration to generate more ideas (also making community more solid and game-concentrated)

And if we recieve any feedback, we could get the vectors of your thoughts on developement and together make a real framework out of this forum engine

But enough theory. Practice is even easier than you might think

It takes just one day a week and one guy who's doing it

Here r two ways how it could be done:

1) this 'social media guy' collects all the ideas and present them weekly at the 1-1,5 hour meeting with devs. Each suggestion is beind briefly discussed and evaluated. After this meeting the very same guy goes to forums and tells us your decisions (with short explanations)

2) the 'social media guy' reads forums every day and, if he works in the STS office, he just comes over and asks: 'Hey, Flip, there's a dude suggesting we make a 10x10 pvp maps for clan wars. Interested in details? What do u think?'. He's getting reply and posts it

As for me, first way is more systematic, thus more professional, but u can start with any.. we just really need yo feedback

You are not making physical objects - you work with information, data, energy (in a widest reading of the term). You are not P&G who got all sorts of social media regulations and rules. You really CAN do it!

Please mind, that you get us as free working-brain-force instead of paying for professionals who braistorm for money! Dudes, i got huge salary just to motivate me to braistorm for P&G, Nestle, LandRover and the rest of transcontinental corps but here i spend my time and generate ideas free - out of love for the game!! And i'm not alone - lots of ppl with wider and deeper experience in MMOs who dig the topic are here. Use us, yo, we don't mind! We want it actually...

With all due respect, your dedicated fan, FBF

May the Force b with you


Check the MimeRifle's post about the easy way to organize this part of the forum (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?48545-How-Can-We-Organize-our-Wish-List-for-SL). No coding needed;)

01-31-2012, 08:47 AM
I'm going to do some work under the suggestion section of the forum, as we discussed FBF. I have been short on time, but I have some ideas that might make it easier for the creators to engage us. Stand by!

01-31-2012, 03:17 PM
Hey Flashbackflip,

Good post and thanks for the input. The concern would be to keep the expectations set correctly. Right now, the team is pretty focused on getting Dark Legends out the door and that's holding up the next act to Star Legends a bit. Scorn Act II is coming, but it will be a bit longer than Star Legends players have probably been accustomed to. Scorn Act I was mid December and we're only 6 weeks out from that. We know content is king and what keeps people coming back, but there is the trade off with DL. We certainly value the feedback we receive and I agree we could be more active here letting you know that it's valuable. Just right now we're not looking to act on much of it, since they are larger initiatives and Scorn Act II and Act III are mostly set.

Warm regards,

01-31-2012, 03:35 PM
Hey Flashbackflip,

Good post and thanks for the input. The concern would be to keep the expectations set correctly. Right now, the team is pretty focused on getting Dark Legends out the door and that's holding up the next act to Star Legends a bit. Scorn Act II is coming, but it will be a bit longer than Star Legends players have probably been accustomed to. Scorn Act I was mid December and we're only 6 weeks out from that. We know content is king and what keeps people coming back, but there is the trade off with DL. We certainly value the feedback we receive and I agree we could be more active here letting you know that it's valuable. Just right now we're looking to act on much of it, since they are larger initiatives and Scorn Act II and Act III are mostly set.

Warm regards,

Alas! Thank you Samhayne for showing up and making things brighter) i was considering such matters as DL and a vacation period after NY, but u've been silent for too long what made me unsure of yo awareness..

While you are working on content we might try to organize this part of forum a bit to help ya divide seeds from shells))

Wish ya godspeed and clean code lines ;)

Looking forward for collaboration with u guys! I love this game

01-31-2012, 03:43 PM
Hey Flashbackflip,

Good post and thanks for the input. The concern would be to keep the expectations set correctly. Right now, the team is pretty focused on getting Dark Legends out the door and that's holding up the next act to Star Legends a bit. Scorn Act II is coming, but it will be a bit longer than Star Legends players have probably been accustomed to. Scorn Act I was mid December and we're only 6 weeks out from that. We know content is king and what keeps people coming back, but there is the trade off with DL. We certainly value the feedback we receive and I agree we could be more active here letting you know that it's valuable. Just right now we're looking to act on much of it, since they are larger initiatives and Scorn Act II and Act III are mostly set.

Warm regards,
Sam you should have a super hero's cape attached to the corner of your avatar pic!

01-31-2012, 03:45 PM
We're patching Star Legends shortly (hopefully today, if not tomorrow) with some celebration fun for all the recent awards and positive reviews that Star Legends has received. Look for patch notes :)

01-31-2012, 04:03 PM
when you don't see responses to your feedback, it means that devs won't comment on things that aren't "set in stone" so to say. They aren't going to give out info unless it is definite.

And I'd be thankful for this, because it's the most I have seen said in general:

We certainly value the feedback we receive and I agree we could be more active here letting you know that it's valuable. Just right now we're not looking to act on much of it, since they are larger initiatives and Scorn Act II and Act III are mostly set.

See you at Act II

01-31-2012, 04:07 PM
Well put Newt!!!

01-31-2012, 04:07 PM
We're patching Star Legends shortly (hopefully today, if not tomorrow) with some celebration fun for all the recent awards and positive reviews that Star Legends has received. Look for patch notes :)

Speaking of which, Sam, there are two questions about recent updates:

1) What does "Skill cooldown is no longer reset when the rank of the skill changes." mean?

2) what was the last update about? Some say scorn engies started to push harder; others that 'boosters' in CTF now heal.. Maybe something else was tweaked?

01-31-2012, 04:14 PM
when you don't see responses to your feedback, it means that devs won't comment on things that aren't "set in stone" so to say. They aren't going to give out info unless it is definite.

And I'd be thankful for this, because it's the most I have seen said in general:

See you at Act II

Oh! Now i see what KillaSkillz was posting about... LMAO

But you are hopefully wrong as i can see from Sam's answer

01-31-2012, 04:14 PM
Speaking of which, Sam, there are two questions about recent updates:

1) What does "Skill cooldown is no longer reset when the rank of the skill changes." mean?

2) what was the last update about? Some say scorn engies started to push harder; others that 'boosters' in CTF now heal.. Maybe something else was tweaked?

#1 was an exploit fix with skills. I won't go into the details. It shouldn't have changed how anything worked (that was intented) just buff stacking and such that wasn't intended.

#2 Sorry, I don't have any specifics about NPC changes. I think the patch prior was all under the hood (billing stuff an whatnot) tweaks.

01-31-2012, 04:37 PM
Oh! Now i see what KillaSkillz was posting about... LMAO

But you are hopefully wrong as i can see from Sam's answer

Actually sam's answer proves me right. Nothing specific was addressed, he just said that they value our feedback.

01-31-2012, 04:38 PM
#2 Sorry, I don't have any specifics about NPC changes. I think the patch prior was all under the hood (billing stuff an whatnot) tweaks.

That's correct. We didn't put out patch notes for that build because it was all behind the scenes stuff that doesn't affect gameplay.

01-31-2012, 04:48 PM
Hey i have a question: will there be skill changes wen next lvl cap comes out? And to celebrate could we have free respecs for a day to celebrate.

02-01-2012, 05:16 PM
Flash have faith young padawan the force is strong with sts they are watching silently.

02-01-2012, 05:32 PM
Flash have faith young padawan the force is strong with sts they are watching silently.

lmao! thanx bro!

not that silently now)) and i hope we will get more action after they are done with DL! stay tuned

02-01-2012, 06:22 PM
Hey Flashbackflip,

Good post and thanks for the input. The concern would be to keep the expectations set correctly. Right now, the team is pretty focused on getting Dark Legends out the door and that's holding up the next act to Star Legends a bit. Scorn Act II is coming, but it will be a bit longer than Star Legends players have probably been accustomed to. Scorn Act I was mid December and we're only 6 weeks out from that. We know content is king and what keeps people coming back, but there is the trade off with DL. We certainly value the feedback we receive and I agree we could be more active here letting you know that it's valuable. Just right now we're not looking to act on much of it, since they are larger initiatives and Scorn Act II and Act III are mostly set.

Warm regards,
Can u tell us When will Scorn Act II come out?
I am a L40 op trying to get to 41 (and needs some time lol)