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01-29-2012, 10:14 AM
What about F/B comp

01-29-2012, 10:34 AM
Rdrox,cutebowtress,elitephonix. Joined a game and caught them boosting

01-29-2012, 12:08 PM
But what do you Think off my Idea"s for Snapshots for a Compition on P/L Face Book Wall Or the Other Compition Inseda of just Having to Use Google Plus ??? ( Again No Malice to the person who set up the google + Copmition ) Just ThinkmIt Would be /Soo much easier and a Lot !ore Oeople would Enter without going threw all the Comotion to enter it But A Great Idea :-))) Just Better On Pocket Legends Face Book Wall .... PLEASE P/L GIVE IT A TRY EVEN IF YOU CHARGED 500gold to Enter thats 200 More than the Halloween one to get entrance into the Castle!!! at least with gold if we work for it we can make ???? AND PLEASE THINK OF THE TREASURE HUNTS FOR GOLD PLAT OF CRAFTED ITEMS 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹💋💋💋💋🍀

01-29-2012, 01:36 PM
But what do you Think off my Idea"s for Snapshots for a Compition on P/L Face Book Wall Or the Other Compition Inseda of just Having to Use Google Plus ??? ( Again No Malice to the person who set up the google + Copmition ) Just ThinkmIt Would be /Soo much easier and a Lot !ore Oeople would Enter without going threw all the Comotion to enter it But A Great Idea :-))) Just Better On Pocket Legends Face Book Wall .... PLEASE P/L GIVE IT A TRY EVEN IF YOU CHARGED 500gold to Enter thats 200 More than the Halloween one to get entrance into the Castle!!! at least with gold if we work for it we can make ???? AND PLEASE THINK OF THE TREASURE HUNTS FOR GOLD PLAT OF CRAFTED ITEMS ��������������������

I think forums are fine... I don't see how FB is any better than G+.

01-29-2012, 01:44 PM
You fail to realize this isn't a screenshot competition, it's a G+ competition. Lelouchx didn't host a contest because he felt like giving away all his gold, he did it to spark interest in G+. So to do it on facebook makes no sense, and he even put forward more money on a forum version of the contest so people who couldn't figure out G+ wouldn't complain about it.

01-29-2012, 03:25 PM
First of aLL I'm WHINING ABOUT IT only an Idea !!!

01-29-2012, 03:34 PM
Well, like Eb said, it wouldn't make much sense to have a contest intended to spark interest in g+ on Facebook or these forums. In truth, g+ is no harder to use than Facebook is. Perhaphs I can assist you if you are having troubles?

01-29-2012, 03:36 PM
I never meant to imply you were whining, your suggestion was well thought out. I'm just saying it's not a screenie contest for the sake of being a screenie contest. The only reason it exists is for g+. If you want to enter without going on g+ that option has been made available to you. Sorry if that doesn't suit you.

01-29-2012, 03:59 PM
Ok No Probs

01-29-2012, 04:00 PM
I guess I'm late here but I'll post anyway. I feel like I am double posting because everything I am about to say has already been said in my contest threads. I posted a guide to setting up g+ on here because I use it. half my guild is on it and all day long we chat and BS. it's fun and I wanted to share that with everyone on these forums. you may think these forums are great, but in my honest opinion, they WERE great. for me, it became a hastle bc every time I posted an opinion or idea, it seems, I was trolled and told I was too sensitive when i responded, so I stopped responding. I'm only on this thread because it was directed at me. u say it's a "hassle" to set up but it's not. it takes about 10-15 minutes, and because people in my guild were having trouble, I made the guide to setting it up and posted on my guild forums and then here a month or so later when I got the ok from Sam. I didn't sell a vanity that I won from a contest for 1 mil creds in SL, and ask for donations from my guild (1.5 mil in PL from one generous donor who I will keep anonymous) to give it all away to people who post screenshots on a forum. Have u ever heard of such lucrative prizes for a simple screenshot contest that takes 2 seconds to enter? I did it to give people who were interested in G+ but didn't feel like signing up (eb was one of them in the past, and he loves it now too) the incientive to give it a try. Eb said in my thread "g+ isn't for the contest, the contest is for g+" and that says it all.

also on my thread, if you read the original post, you will see that since not everyone on these 13+ forums can access the 18+ g+, I decided to take the rest of my stashed money that I spent a month making on my merchant so that I could include people like you who didn't want to register as well as those who couldn't. feel free to go back to my thread, read the rules, and post a screenie there.

As far as asking devs for plat, I won't do it. this contest is separate from the forums where devs don't have any access to. If you are looking for a plat contest, then keep checking the contest section for one because it won't be offered here,

I'm sorry for your loss, I truly am. I just lost the closest person to me a little over a month ago as well, and people on g+ are the ones that mainly helped me keep myself together, so I don't think you really see work I put into this contest or the reason I did it. I hope you appreciate it more now, and like I said' if it is a hassle for you, u can still post a screenie on the thread like many others have.

My intent for this contest wasn't to give people something to do in game until the next expansion, it was share something I think is great wit others here. I'm not a dev, I'm not a contest host, and if I do host future contests, they will probably involve g+ in some way. There is a thread for contest suggestions that delphina started, so feel free to post your ideas there (Contest Suggestions (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?47354-Contest-Brainstorming-Thread!)) I'm not forcing anyone to be a part of that. there are people who have posted pics on g+ and not stayed in the community chat, and that's fine. but requiring g+ for the good prizes let's me force people to at least give it a shot and decide for themselves if they want to socialize there.

01-29-2012, 04:05 PM
Thanks for that i just like taking snapshots on my IPad 2 ive got loads of them. I did up load google+ but just couldnt find Lelouchx( think thats the spelling i just cant be bothered looking it up again... Any ways thanks again i honestly meant no Harm just wanted some photos for peeps to have a laugh at on face book that was all !!!! and for P/L to do some more Comps like the halloween one !!! Thanks again Kind Regards

Rosybuds ;-)))) now time to go kick some butt in P/L and get this out my system as ive been on my NetBook and I hate the BLOODY THING ;-)))))

hey! if u look in the contest thread, there is a link to the g+ setup guide that has a Lin to my g+ page. u can add me to a circle from there, and I can invite you to the chat so u can submit your entry. feel free to pm me on these forums if you have trouble finding it

01-29-2012, 04:28 PM
I'm so sorry for your loss as I said I'm in the same situation and P/L is helping more than they know !!! I see you have put a lot of work into this and do appreciate it, it was just an Idea for P/L to do some more comps not even for the the screenshots, just fornsome laughs just for the treasure hunts for gold or pinks just to give us more to do. As I Stated before I meant no Harm to you, I just thought I'd through out some Ideas as I all ready put then on Face Book And got a few likes with them, Good Luck And God Bless.... Xxxx Rosybuds

01-30-2012, 12:03 PM
Haha elite! Proud owner of Resolution (Spawning) haha funny... I'll probs be kicked for this XD