View Full Version : New bird build - help needed

01-29-2012, 11:31 AM
Hi, my name is Erafix. I just started playing this game, and I love it! Ive read multiple guides on archer comprehension, etc. The problem is, I don't know where to spend my stat points, and my skill points. I plan on being a pure dex bird. Keep in mind I want to become a Lvl 20 PvP bird.

Any help is much appreciated!


PL Playa
01-29-2012, 11:37 AM
Wish I could help but I'm not much of a PvP bird, though if you get the skill needed for the combo you should maybe save up to get 6 into it

01-29-2012, 11:57 AM
Wish I could help but I'm not much of a PvP bird, though if you get the skill needed for the combo you should maybe save up to get 6 into it

I'm not exactly sure what spells make the combo, but thanks anyway!

01-29-2012, 12:00 PM
Shattering scream then blast shot makes the bird combo.

Try this thread: (Im not a pvp expert)


01-29-2012, 12:12 PM
Shattering scream then blast shot makes the bird combo.

Try this thread: (Im not a pvp expert)


Thanks alo!

01-29-2012, 01:39 PM
Welcome to the forums and the game!

While this is an appropriate spot to post your thread, I think if you're asking a pvp related question then this could be best answered if it was in the PvP sub-forum.

As far as skills go, you'll need 6 of blast, and you'll also need root, a scream, and probably break armor, although I'm insure of how many pints you should put in each since I mostly play bear and I don't PvP often with it.

01-30-2012, 01:32 PM
While making a pure dex bird is fun, it's not very good at low levels, due to lack of damage from dex weapons (without damage boosts). Honestly, the only kind of dex bird that (use) to work was a launcher bird. Now, I'm not sure if those are still good, due to the new weapons (21-25), and decimation of real level 20 twinks. You'd probably have problems learning to play it. If you play level 20, especially with a dex bird, be ready to get "rushed" often. :)

I would use this set up, for a bird (warbird):
52 Strength (or lowest you can :/ )
All extra points go to dex.
Level 20 WF Mint Cutter
Level 15 Armsman (Or level 15 Blacksmith, for better hit/armor)
Level 10 (or 20 if you can) Sniper's Avian Helm - From platinum archer packs.
Level 10 (or 20 if you can) Dex Ring (6 armor, 2 dodge) - Costs 10 Plat.
6 Evade (6 Evade)
6 Focus (5 Focus)
1 Root (1 Root)
1 Shat (1 Shat)
3 Blast (3 Blast)
2 Break (2 Break)
(1 Repulse)
(I would use one of those builds, depending on the hit % you have. Hit % at about 85 doesn't need max focus, but with armsman, I doubt you'll have good hit.).
Combo: Buffs, Root, Shat, Break, Blast, (Repulse).

Good luck on your bird, I know it can be very frustrating to play this level. Don't troll, stay happy, and move on from 20 if you get tired of the constant disrespect :).