View Full Version : kite bird:the old Birdmasta lvl 32

01-29-2012, 04:07 PM
this is a lvl 32 bird called birdmasta that recently went to 56. It is a pure dex kite build.

-shivering talon
-shivering armor
-shivering wing
-any dex helm 25+
-ring: golden band of technique

-6 focus
-6 evade
-2 repulse shot
-1 blind shot
-3 root
-6 blast shot
-1 shatter
-6 break armor

this build is not meant for fighting mages. u fight a mage and ur screwed lol


-charge in with buffs and do break, repulse, root, blind, shatter, blast
-it should one hit ko. if doesnt then kite
-let the enemy come to u then use repulse. dont let him come relly close.
-after repulse is break, root, use blind, but u have to circle around him, and then shatter blast
-usually i ended with full hp after these kite fights
-type of opponents
(copper bears are easier for dexbirds than shivering because shivering got range.)
-not a lot of dex birds and most of them arent pro so a nuke would work.
-mage-.- ur dead
-warbirds and bears kite

01-29-2012, 11:00 PM
Good guide... But you give up to easily on mages... Trick is to (since double blast update) break blind root blast.... If they shield blast repulse do nuke mentioned above... Good luck...
Ps... You might just want to do repulse first to kite drain!

01-29-2012, 11:01 PM
Good guide... But you give up to easily on mages... Trick is to (since double blast update) break blind root blast.... If they shield blast repulse do nuke mentioned above... Good luck...
Ps... You might just want to do repulse first to kite drain!

01-29-2012, 11:17 PM
Oooo... This guide has given me inspiration! I think I'm gonna make a BRAND NEW TWINK! :-) one more thing to distract me from my super noob lvl 56 main ;) seriously I have been spending all my time in my twinks!

01-30-2012, 04:15 AM
Uh....no offense or anything but I remember fighting you with my lv 30 warbird and you didn't 1 hit KO me. I personally think that level 30-35 dex birds are extremely hard to play.

02-01-2012, 12:03 AM
Shivering birds has recently become extremely hard to fight due to the double blast update, even on my copperhead.

02-01-2012, 04:40 AM
Shivering birds has recently become extremely hard to fight due to the double blast update, even on my copperhead.

Really? I never realized :eek: Looks like I'll have some trouble with my copperhead bear when I level him to 35.....

02-01-2012, 07:26 PM
Or it could be that I truly suck but with slight positive kdr, I highly doubt that :).

02-02-2012, 08:51 PM
lol ik i give up on mages thx for tip tho. and blind takes away mage's hit so u might take away drain since u also get like 38 dodge (buffed)

Good guide... But you give up to easily on mages... Trick is to (since double blast update) break blind root blast.... If they shield blast repulse do nuke mentioned above... Good luck...
Ps... You might just want to do repulse first to kite drain!

02-02-2012, 08:52 PM
lol i never knew about this double blast update. what is it

02-02-2012, 08:53 PM
Uh....no offense or anything but I remember fighting you with my lv 30 warbird and you didn't 1 hit KO me. I personally think that level 30-35 dex birds are extremely hard to play.
whos ur warbird and i quit the 32 dex bird and i made the nuke after a month of reaching 32

02-02-2012, 08:54 PM
whos ur warbird and i quit the 32 dex bird and i made the nuke after a month of reaching 32

but, hey, did i lose to u?

02-02-2012, 09:16 PM
Um. No need to post 4 times in a row. There is an edit button you know… Anyways thr double blast glitch was patched a few days ago but it allowed birds to hit twice with blast shot.

02-03-2012, 08:17 AM
whos ur warbird and i quit the 32 dex bird and i made the nuke after a month of reaching 32

but, hey, did i lose to u?

I think you did lose, it was only one fight. The warbird that fought you was Zenidal, level 30-35 (I forgot). He's lv 58 now. You got mad because of all my dodge :tongue: then you left. Maybe it was someone else though.....

02-05-2012, 07:36 PM
I think you did lose, it was only one fight. The warbird that fought you was Zenidal, level 30-35 (I forgot). He's lv 58 now. You got mad because of all my dodge :tongue: then you left. Maybe it was someone else though.....

i never leave -_- well gf