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View Full Version : Brainstorming: MEGA PvP Event for all levelranges

01-30-2012, 05:50 AM
Hi there, it's Apostel.

Yesterday I had an Idea of hosting a huge PvP-Event. The following shows the raw model of it.

RAW Title: MEGA PvP-Event introducing the new 1-on-1-Duel-in-the-Desert-map for all level ranges
(yes its quite long, but as I already said, just a raw title)

12 Sub-Events:


1.sub-event: L5-10 PvP Single Elimination 16 free seats
2.sub-event: L10-15 PvP Single Elimination 16 free seats
3.sub-event: L15-20 PvP Single Elimination 16 free seats
4.sub-event: L20-25 PvP Single Elimination 16 free seats
5.sub-event: L25-30 PvP Single Elimination 16 free seats
6.sub-event: L30-35 PvP Single Elimination 16 free seats
7.sub-event: L35-40 PvP Single Elimination 16 free seats
8.sub-event: L40-45 PvP Single Elimination 16 free seats
9.sub-event: L45-50 PvP Single Elimination 16 free seats
10.sub-event: L50-55 PvP Single Elimination 16 free seats
11.sub-event: L55-60 PvP Single Elimination 16 free seats
12.sub-event: L60-65 PvP Single Elimination 16 free seats

first running an advertising phase to promote this huge event on all plattforms like Facebook, Twitter, PL Forum and InGame using volunteers

planned duration of advertising: 10 to 14 days

In this time collecting various kinds of donations for possible prizes from the community and honestly from devs/PL-support team

also planning on an official screenshot of all winners of every single sub-tournament for public announcing to honor them

all class is allowed in the tournament

you may enter up to 2 sub-tournaments of your choice //this rule may be changed to 1 only, depending of number of participants

there will be registration-helper-guides in town, maybe a collaboration with ambassadors possible

no gear-restriction nor behavior-restriction- do what ever it takes to win.

The whole event will be observed by one or few referees, who will contact the players via available plattforms. Wins/losses are going to be managed by them.

Since there are 16 seats, each event will last for 4 rounds:
1.starting round 16 partic.-2.quarter finals 8 partic.-semi finals 4 partic.-finals 2 partic.
If out of any reason a match is not taken place, people will be disqualified and the other guy will proceed in the tournament to keep things going.

Total duration of the Mega-Event: (2 weeks of advertising+) 4 weeks equal to 4 rounds.

Ok that's so far - now I want to hear YOUR opinion on this. I will ask devs to post it also on Facebook to get more input for it.

So far,

Yours sincerly,

PS.: Please note, there's no such thing as a stupid question. ;)

PSS: Interesting comments / ideas / opinions will be pinned here.

01-30-2012, 06:37 AM
First step done, just asked Firead to join this discussion for more input! :)

01-30-2012, 06:37 AM
Sweet... One question, does it mean that Lvl 5 vs Lvl 5? Or lvl 5 vs lvl 10?

01-30-2012, 06:40 AM
Uhhh can we sign up here?

01-30-2012, 06:42 AM
Sweet... One question, does it mean that Lvl 5 vs Lvl 5? Or lvl 5 vs lvl 10?
Well actually i skipped L1-5 cuz its no serious combat there. People may disagree but it is my opinion on that.

So L5-10 will be more like L10 vs L10 because I dont think people would enter L5-10 ranged-tourney with a L5 char. The disadvantage is just too big between a L5-9 and a L10

01-30-2012, 06:44 AM
Uhhh can we sign up here?

This is the first step: Brainstorming. Concepting. Raw modelling.

Next step will be planning.

Then organizing(here you will be able to enter it) and after that: hosting.

Hope this answered your question.

01-30-2012, 07:25 AM
Something to think about are "judges" and the new maps. Only room for the two individuals fighting so not sure judges will be needed.

01-30-2012, 07:30 AM
Something to think about are "judges" and the new maps. Only room for the two individuals fighting so not sure judges will be needed.

True, how about not see them as judges but as officers or sub-tournament excecutives?

01-30-2012, 07:35 AM
well, im not really a pvper, but sounds like a good way to kick off pvp as a public sts hosted event. bring out the shields!

01-30-2012, 07:42 AM
well, im not really a pvper, but sounds like a good way to kick off pvp as a public sts hosted event. bring out the shields!

Yes its either to introduce PvP to a wider range of people and also to introduce the new 1-on-1 map to the community. If this could grow to even a public STS event, why not. :)

01-30-2012, 07:53 AM
Now I'm getting excited that PvP is being taken to the next step :D

01-30-2012, 07:59 AM
Now I'm getting excited that PvP is being taken to the next step :D

Yes. We are Pocket Legends. We cannot just rely on the busy devs :D jk.

If you wish to change something, public your idea, and maybe you will meet some fellows. Thats the way things grow.

01-30-2012, 08:07 AM
Add Content

01-30-2012, 08:09 AM
Add Content

what you mean by saying "Add content"? Please try to be more precise with it.

01-30-2012, 08:09 AM
If we sign up here I'll join: ign: Mrtvvink
Level is 13

01-30-2012, 08:10 AM
So would a level 35 character go join the 30-35 group or 35-40? :confused:

01-30-2012, 08:18 AM
If we sign up here I'll join: ign: Mrtvvink
Level is 13

Sorry IiMerchii, I can not consider any sign up's at this state of the (still brainstorming about) Event. Please stay tuned, when things come to pencil you will be know it first.

So would a level 35 character go join the 30-35 group or 35-40? :confused:

L35 can either join L30-35 or L35-40. Its up to you how much self-confidence you have in your twink to stand for exapmple as a L35 against a L40.

01-30-2012, 08:19 AM
L35 can either join L30-35 or L35-40. Its up to you how much self-confidence you have in your twink to stand for exapmple as a L35 against a L40.

Oh I see. If I participate I may join the 30-35, I'm not an excellent pvper :tongue:

01-30-2012, 08:24 AM
It is very difficult to put on/out that man tournies at once. Two at once is tough enough, Ghosts 35 and the 19 atm, followed shortlt by my 3/3 ffa (soon) then the 3/3 ctf.
This is an ambitious idea, unfortunatly you would need someone to host each tournie which would take a lot of work. Who would host/create this many concurrently?
Id like to see the advertising of the current tournies and the two im hosting. I agree wih generating more interest to a wider audience, dont get me wrong :)

01-30-2012, 08:24 AM
Oh I see. If I participate I may join the 30-35, I'm not an excellent pvper :tongue:

As this idea is about an all-range event, you could probably enter a level-range that is not so popular maybe to increase the chance of hitting the top ranks.

The main idea is to have fun. After that comes the prize ;D as its a naturally stimulation to continue.

01-30-2012, 08:28 AM
It is very difficult to put on/out that man tournies at once. Two at once is tough enough, Ghosts 35 and the 19 atm, followed shortlt by my 3/3 ffa (soon) then the 3/3 ctf.
This is an ambitious idea, unfortunatly you would need someone to host each tournie which would take a lot of work. Who would host/create this many concurrently?
Id like to see the advertising of the current tournies and the two im hosting. I agree wih generating more interest to a wider audience, dont get me wrong :)

This is not an announcing for a tournament "next week". What I am doing here is basically brainstorming. After things become clearly I can proceed to the next step.

Don't worry, It is also planned not to interfere with already hosted events. Just to keep it more interesting if it stands alone.;)

I am absolutly aware of this, that this cannot be done alone. But I know that this, if it becomes more public, we can do it all together to provide this event.

01-30-2012, 08:36 AM
It would be nice to have tournies for all differenr classes.

But heres the thing, someone has to step up organize and host it if they want it. A lot of people say/complain that there arent any for lower levels but do nothing to improve that. Since I dont twink I do not have any ties to that community :/
Submitting the layout for the thread to be created then having it approved and sponsored takes time/effort/luck, then getting ig and telling ppl and answering qs is another thing. Lot of encouraging and over seeing.
I guess that is my main concern, lack of leadership in those areas.

01-30-2012, 08:47 AM
It would be nice to have tournies for all differenr classes.

But heres the thing, someone has to step up organize and host it if they want it. A lot of people say/complain that there arent any for lower levels but do nothing to improve that. Since I dont twink I do not have any ties to that community :/
Submitting the layout for the thread to be created then having it approved and sponsored takes time/effort/luck, then getting ig and telling ppl and answering qs is another thing. Lot of encouraging and over seeing.
I guess that is my main concern, lack of leadership in those areas.

I can understand your main concern about this. Well, in real life I finished an apprenticeship how to help organize all kinds of events. This is nothing but project management. If you cover all critical areas with reliable people, things can work out well. Of course, there must be a clear leadership for the whole thing and a clear management structure.

Generally, every event, no matter how big, can be planned and organized in the manner customary. (conceptioning, planning, organizing, hosting, project completition).

01-30-2012, 08:54 AM
Yes lol, in theory it sounds flawless!!! ;)

Devs would have to entrust and over see every person they grant admin power to create/host these pvp events. I run/host/organize these events but I report up.
Say someone starts making tournie threads for no reason, ambigious, vague, meaningless ones. wouldnt that defeat the purpose? It could destroy the infastructure of the upcoming ladder points.

01-30-2012, 08:58 AM
Riccits just mentioned per PM, that it would be great, if there would be a possibility to gather points through all sub-tournys. So that we can crest an all-over winner. Still have no clue how it could be done, but I am optimistic.


So that it would be able to win for a L10 over a L66 for example :D

01-30-2012, 09:02 AM
There is a ladder we will be utilizing soon. It will be based on points likea ranking system. Sure you could compare a lvl 10s rating to a 66s but thats apples and oranges?

01-30-2012, 09:05 AM
There is a ladder we will be utilizing soon. It will be based on points likea ranking system. Sure you could compare a lvl 10s rating to a 66s but thats apples and oranges?

Just an idea. We are still collecting and forming a possible shape of the orange. (I dislike apples.)

01-30-2012, 09:09 AM
Well you know I have end game covered so just hit me up and ill see what I can do :)

01-30-2012, 09:11 AM
Well you know I have end game covered so just hit me up and ill see what I can do :)

Great to hear that you like this idea in general. Also thank you for your upcomeping help. As I said, this cannot be done alone.
But we can do it!
As a community. ;)


late comment to the ladder,

to provide an authentic ranking, it would be supporting to host events only by applying them to "hoster" like Ambassadors or maybe a new group? of helping people.

01-30-2012, 09:28 AM
There is a ladder we will be utilizing soon. It will be based on points likea ranking system. Sure you could compare a lvl 10s rating to a 66s but thats apples and oranges?

ur right, lvl 10 and 66 is completely different, all level caps are different, but it would be more to figure out whos the PL PVP-allrounder, the one who shows good performances in all (not realistic) or many level caps.

01-30-2012, 09:31 AM
From now on, I will pin all interesting ideas at the front page. I will read through all posts when hitting home.

01-30-2012, 09:51 AM
Idea for the Title: Desert Omni-clash of the Fittest: All_Levelrange-1-on-1 Tournament

01-30-2012, 11:03 AM
Just hit home, please keep the input - flow going.


01-30-2012, 11:40 AM
Awesome idea:) Is there room for noobs? I've been trying out pvp for about a month and a half now; would love jump into the line of fire;)

Also, wanted to acknowledge everyones initiative in on this topic, this is really a great way to recharge the community :)

01-30-2012, 11:51 AM
Awesome idea:) Is there room for noobs? I've been trying out pvp for about a month and a half now; would love jump into the line of fire;)

Also, wanted to acknowledge everyones initiative in on this topic, this is really a great way to recharge the community :)

Of course, every Pocket Legends - Player will have granted the possibility to sign in once registrations would be opened.

01-30-2012, 01:59 PM
so lets see... Mega pvp = MEGA PRIZE!!
i like ur idea apostel,but will the prizes be same for each level ranges or different?

01-30-2012, 04:42 PM
Uhhh can we sign up here?

This is the first step: Brainstorming. Concepting. Raw modelling.

Next step will be planning.

Then organizing(here you will be able to enter it) and after that: hosting.

Hope this answered your question.Ty for answering :)

01-30-2012, 05:24 PM

Depends on the effort that will be spent on collecting donates or vanities and/or plat. This part is still behind a curtain.;) It's almost all possible, I think to start things rolling, I am going to donate a L10 pink snowball launcher. But we will see how things will come out in the future.

01-30-2012, 06:15 PM
This tourney could be run right after the ancient twink-tourney or after AbsolutePallys tourney.
So far, keep your ideas going!

01-31-2012, 01:59 AM
Good morning people, let me hear your fresh ideas ;)!

01-31-2012, 02:42 AM
My tournie is just the beginning. We are going to run back to back ones, with then next one being 3/3 ctf ladder standings.

01-31-2012, 08:23 AM
My tournie is just the beginning. We are going to run back to back ones, with then next one being 3/3 ctf ladder standings.

There for I hope you have fun and that it all is going out well.:)

It would be cool, if we could do a debriefieng once its over to talk about problems or good/ bad experiences you have observed to improve the quality for upcomeing events in the future.

01-31-2012, 10:13 AM
Sounds like a really cool idea. As someone said earlier about an overall points system, maybe like your total kills - total deaths = score?

01-31-2012, 12:23 PM
Wow this is a very good idea that can evolve and become the new contest of PL XD lets see what will happen. Add at lvl 26 my bear Fathomgen and my 30 mage Expiired. Also my 35 bear mrluffy and maybe ill add my 22 bear or 23 mage l8er

02-02-2012, 10:02 AM
Actually sent some messages to the devs, to get some information from them what is possible in general.

I will keep you updated - stay tuned!

02-03-2012, 04:57 AM
So.... If apostel ur done brainstorming let me know, I would like to join lvl50-55 and lvl55-60 tournaments ^_^

02-04-2012, 07:39 PM
apostel, i would like to join lvl60-65 pvp lvl65 MAGE name overkillzzz

02-05-2012, 02:52 PM
Where do I sign up?

02-05-2012, 03:17 PM
Do we just sign up here?
And is 55 the same as 56?
If then I'm in IGN elitephonix
If not then I'll be on 50-55 with thelonephonix

02-05-2012, 03:43 PM
Guys, this is just a brainstorming thread, hence the title :P It's just a raw draft, you can't sign up for it yet.

As soon and if this actually get's going, there will be an official thread and the possibility to register.