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View Full Version : A humble idea for a noble work

05-01-2020, 08:11 PM
Greetings to the devs and SL community..

Nowadays,,the whole world was struck by an unexpected pandemic(Covid-19). And there are those who are doing their best to stop this virus(frontliners)..

The idea is to commemorate their good deed by making “Heroic capes” as back/pack vanity items in SL which comes with different color schemes (green/red/blue/yellow/BLACK/WHITE). Sort of like batman/superman capes..The cape doesn’t need “flappy” animation but it would be cool if it did..or added effects like the streamer/thruster vanity to replace the “flappy” animation ;)

I also prepared some quotes/descriptions for the items mentioned. And a color scheme of my own XD..

P.s: i think the best way to introduce this item is through an event where we players have to do mission to stop virus-like aliens from invading earth....But it probably take quite amount of time to get it done so just for mind keeping i guess..

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05-02-2020, 01:04 AM
Very nice suggestion!

05-02-2020, 01:08 AM
This is actually an old idea i thought of when it was 2016 or so..Also, i just haven’t got the chance to share it until now

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05-02-2020, 01:15 PM
This is a cool idea, and also maybe add emergency vehicles as pets as well? No? Okay. But this idea is really good and I hope that STS would implement it.

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06-26-2020, 04:45 AM
sounds like runescape max capes LuL