View Full Version : Suggestions: Chat... Team chat, Friend chat, Guild chat

01-30-2012, 09:05 PM
we already have guild chat...
but i think you should add

Friend list Chat and Team chat (already mentioned)

and... would be nice if game Autosave the name of person we are whispering...

it suck to find the guy in list... or you rewrite all his name with /tell blablablabla

a small autosave of last talked person would be nice.

i dont know if you get it??
help me out. thx.

01-30-2012, 10:00 PM
That would be scary
And annoying for some people

Especially traders cause they hav to pm a lot of people that aren't friends
And people wouldnt know half of the people on their friendlist

01-30-2012, 10:32 PM
That would be scary
And annoying for some people

Especially traders cause they hav to pm a lot of people that aren't friends
And people wouldnt know half of the people on their friendlist
you dont get it.

just maybe a small click to the left to make last people name... or something like this...

sry bad english -___-''