View Full Version : A battle of the sexys. Me vs banned

07-28-2010, 09:53 PM
Well i pvp banned. We both hve the exact same stats, except my skills are different than his (more suited to pve) we r both sexy shiv bears. And it was funny becuz when we were both buffed, it took about 2 minutes of straight fighting, skills and all, to kill each other. Thats how high our dodge was. Well he ended up winng eventually. (my mana ran out) i probably could hve been more conservative with my skills >.<. -.-' :P. Well i think the score was like 8-2 or something. Then he switched to his ninja bird and owned me :(. But on the bright side, i owned him in our fisticuff fight :). Good fight banned and stay sexy

07-28-2010, 10:01 PM
It was a awesome possum fight. Too bad Lightning came in, and ruined our epic battle of manly fisticuffs. :p


And, as always, stay sexy. ;)

07-28-2010, 10:32 PM
only dummy sticks settles sexiness.

07-29-2010, 12:34 AM
stay sexy.

You no sexy
You no sexy
You no sexy