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View Full Version : What a year it's been.

02-03-2012, 12:52 PM
I'd like to say goodbye to all the friends I've made in the past year on PL/SL, and thanks for the laughs and good times. This was a tough decision but due to recent events my decision has become alot easier. I deleted my toons in both games and uninstalled, and I'll be uninstalling the mobile app and tapatalk as well. I wont go into detail as to why I'm leaving, I just know that it's for good.

Thanks KungFu for welcoming me into COT, even though my time there was short. Thanks to most of the members of IU for being my family and being there for me when I was down.

Amy, I just realized I should have paid you back that million you gave me when I rejoined PL before I deleted :( maybe the devs can give you the money that was in my account, they have my permission.

Ghost and Zalt, keep the SG strong, you're the last ones left.

To the Devs, thanks for choosing me to be SG and being prompt and friendly in all our dealings.

Goodbye STS, Community, Friends, Foes, and Family, you all hold a special place in my heart.

Peace! <3

02-03-2012, 01:03 PM
Peace <(^_^)>v Hate to see you leave and we all wish you well in your future......Take care Engelhard

02-03-2012, 01:06 PM
I'd like to say goodbye to all the friends I've made in the past year on PL/SL, and thanks for the laughs and good times. This was a tough decision but due to recent events my decision has become alot easier. I deleted my toons in both games and uninstalled, and I'll be uninstalling the mobile app and tapatalk as well. I wont go into detail as to why I'm leaving, I just know that it's for good.

Thanks KungFu for welcoming me into COT, even though my time there was short. Thanks to most of the members of IU for being my family and being there for me when I was down.

Amy, I just realized I should have paid you back that million you gave me when I rejoined PL before I deleted :( maybe the devs can give you the money that was in my account, they have my permission.

Ghost and Zalt, keep the SG strong, you're the last ones left.

To the Devs, thanks for choosing me to be SG and being prompt and friendly in all our dealings.

Goodbye STS, Community, Friends, Foes, and Family, you all hold a special place in my heart.

Peace! <3

Eb! Noooooooooo!:'(

02-03-2012, 03:22 PM
I hate to see you go. I am blessed to have met you and in the short time I did you quickly became someone I truly call my friend. Thank you for everything eb. I wish you the best in all life brings your way. Keep your head held high and nothing can stop you.

02-03-2012, 03:29 PM
Ebalere you were one of the superstars of SL. Keeping up the pace with the forums and the guild and keeping your bazillion toons active is a feat nothing short of heroic.

02-03-2012, 03:39 PM
Please don't leave eb! We will miss you! You have served the community so much and are in our History. Please come back for visits if you are leaving. I will miss you so much!

02-03-2012, 03:41 PM
Happy trails Ebalere! Come back and see us sometime =)

02-03-2012, 03:44 PM
And to imagine it was only a few months ago we first met when I joined KoC in the closed beta of SL. You were the first person I defined as a person to look up to in there. It's pretty sad seeing a comrade and friend leave, but it's your choice and you are moving on.:(

Please tell me your Facebook name lol or an alt so I can still contact you and troll you with memes lol jk. If you go to the KoC website, it still has your name scrolling on the top.

02-03-2012, 03:53 PM
May the road rise up to meet you, my friend. Be well!!

and don't forget to...

<3 Spread the Love <3 :smiley_simmons:

02-03-2012, 04:07 PM
Good luck, Eb. Too bad I wasn't able to get to know you all that much.

02-03-2012, 04:09 PM
Sorry to see you go Eb, You were a great friend to me, even though we had our disputes. Glad it ended on a happy note. Good luck in the future! :D

02-03-2012, 04:19 PM
EBAL...i will miss you my friend...ill be Ghost in many games..plz feel free to say Hi we really had some great chats, you will be missed by many

Your friend

02-03-2012, 04:24 PM
Eb): I love ya like a brother man.. You were my inspiration on SL and a Dam good friend :) Ill miss ya lots bro, Good Luck in life!

02-03-2012, 04:39 PM
thanks for everything including all the contest you made good luck an best wishes


02-03-2012, 04:59 PM
Good luck with everything irl bro.

02-03-2012, 05:32 PM
I'm shocked!
I woke up and saw a txt msg on my phone saying that you posted a farewell thread. I'm here and I still can't believe it! We talked about this two days ago and you assured me you would not be leaving... *sigh* you're allowed to change your mind. I feel horrible that the last words I had with you were of me trying to recruit you into Phoenix. You have been a great friend of mine since the KoC days so you can't blame me for trying to have you on my side.

I wish you the best of luck, friend!

PM me your fb deets, I'll add you up.

02-03-2012, 05:59 PM
Best of luck!

02-03-2012, 07:46 PM
Bye eb! I never got to hang out with you ig. Stop by once in a while :)
Gip :)

02-04-2012, 10:38 AM
Eba, you my friend have been an astounding SG, on the forums and the game. I need not say less.
As always, it is sad to see such great members leave, but such is life. I wish you the very best for all your ventures in life,
And I hope we'll meet again someday, here/sl/wom/ whatever game it may be hah :)
I do hate goodbyes, so, see you sometime!


02-04-2012, 11:55 AM
Kyle, one of the last people I thought who would quit! There was just so much passion in what you did! :(

Well, I have you added on FB and I hope to stay in touch with you on O&C; I may be giving that game another shot pretty soon. :P

Thank you for everything that you have done for the community, Kyle. It was much appreciated and certainly helped brighten many player's experiences with STS.

You will be sorely missed,


02-10-2012, 03:01 AM
Cya Eb! It's been fun to say the least, one of the first I met in SL and we had some pretty awesome times! Speak with you soon if you still keep in touch buddy <3

02-10-2012, 03:06 AM
Cheerio Eb, enjoy what ever you get upto.

If you bring a fraction of your passion to your next adventure you'll have lots of fun.

A true legend.

02-10-2012, 03:19 AM
I somehow missed this thread before :/

Eba, I'm sorry to see you go. In the short time I got to know you a bit better, I understood why they made you a SG. If only more players like you would be around, alterra would be a better place.

Anyway, I hope we'll meet again someday. You'll be genuinely missed :(