View Full Version : Quick confirmation on stat bonus

05-21-2020, 10:31 AM
Hi, just started playing AL again and was confused on the stat bonus given by armor sets in game. Some sets says effect only work in specific area and i was wondering if the bonus stats given by the set only works on that specific area or it works through out arlor. Like the mire set for example, it says on the set the effects only work on festerfang. Thank you for clarification!

05-21-2020, 10:39 AM
Mire set works in Festerfang only. You don't get the set effect anywhere else. End set/taint set works everywhere, equip 2/2, 3/3 and you get the bonus everywhere. Valley set effect works everywhere but the proc only works in vardan valley maps

05-21-2020, 11:13 AM
Antignome and Banished set only work in underhul

05-21-2020, 11:16 AM
Antignome and Banished Set only work in Underhul