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View Full Version : Confused about AOA

02-06-2012, 01:59 PM
Before you read this! I'm not mentioning names as that's offensive however those who have done this I hope you are sorry.

I've been reading applications... And they all say the same thing..
Why do you want to become an AOA... They all say to help people or to break up arguments... My question to you guys who are going to become an AOA or have become an AOA what's the advantage of it anyways? Can't you do it without being an AOA just another player! THIS IS WHAT PL IS FOR! We help We have fun We farm We help level and let's be honest... I've never seen anybody in forest haven just leveling people without a reason! I have a MaJoR complaint... Guardians are to be trusted... Then why? Do they scam.. I traded one person said 50k and they put that in then right before I hit check mark BOOM 5k... I'm like HEY! they said dang it and exited... It was attempted scam so not reportable... However this is unacceptable behavior for AOA's who are to help!
Ps. This isn't right yet I have no solution.
Pls. Consider monitoring some AOA's randomly and seeing how they act.

02-06-2012, 02:03 PM
Confused to one section of your thread. Are you calling a certain GoA a scammer?

02-06-2012, 02:11 PM
Yes... I was maybe it was because I was on my noob account and didn't realize I was a real player... Bu AOA is supposed to help not hurt

02-06-2012, 02:22 PM
Before you read this! I'm not mentioning names as that's offensive however those who have done this I hope you are sorry.

I've been reading applications... And they all say the same thing..
Why do you want to become an AOA... They all say to help people or to break up arguments... My question to you guys who are going to become an AOA or have become an AOA what's the advantage of it anyways? Can't you do it without being an AOA just another player! THIS IS WHAT PL IS FOR! We help We have fun We farm We help level and let's be honest... I've never seen anybody in forest haven just leveling people without a reason! I have a MaJoR complaint... Guardians are to be trusted... Then why? Do they scam.. I traded one person said 50k and they put that in then right before I hit check mark BOOM 5k... I'm like HEY! they said dang it and exited... It was attempted scam so not reportable... However this is unacceptable behavior for AOA's who are to help!
Ps. This isn't right yet I have no solution.
Pls. Consider monitoring some AOA's randomly and seeing how they act.

Just like Apollo, I am both GoA and AoA, so I will try to help you.

First and most important, if you ever think someone is trying to scam you, immediately report them. Even if they leave before you can get to their report button, just send an email to support with all the details you can remember. This is very serious and has nothing to do with either program.

Second, and almost as important: there is a difference between GoA and AoA. GoA have been rewarded for one or another reason for past community-building actions. Nothing is required of them. However, they can have their award taken away if they violate the TOS.

Finally, the point of AoA is to welcome new players, and to help them if they ask for it. We aren't supposed to break up fights, only report them and help people learn to avoid fights. We aren't there to level people, either. We're just there to greet them, be friendly, give party hats, and present a pleasant face for the community. I always accept FRs, too, because some new players might not feel welcome early on if their FRs go unaccepted. But it's up to them to ask for help.

Can we do this without official sanction? Yes, of course. Everyone can help someone, and most people do. If you're in Forest Haven and someone asks where the stash, naturally you show the new person, and when they say thanks, you no doubt say to feel free to ask any other questions. Be really, people ask when they want to know, and not a moment sooner.

I hope this helps. And remember, scamming is a serious offense to the entire community and you must HELP to stop scamming by reporting it. If you do not report suspicious behavior as a scam on the official channels, it can't be proven.

02-06-2012, 02:27 PM
One thing to add: You can report if they are offline. This is only if you knew their name.
If you use /report name (name) (reason) I think it is you can report. If not, it is /report (name).

You can also use /help to get a command list.

02-06-2012, 02:29 PM
It's very important to report.

In every game, it's possible for people in power or perceived power to abuse it. There always seems to be some people who have to be monitored and do not seem to have any internal morality. Those people love shadows and secrets.

It's impossible to monitor everyone all the time. The only way to do it is for the general population to report when they find infractions, then complaint clusters can be monitored.

So report!

02-06-2012, 02:39 PM
Thanks for bringing up this point Sryyoulose, i've been meaning to address it for a while.

A GIANT misconception about the AoA program, or getting into it rather, is that in order to help you need some low level twink who sits in FH all day spamming "duz n e 1 ned halp." As Snake explained above, doing so isn't necessary. It'd be like if a person was lost in real life and in order to help them, you needed to put on some special costume first, and only then are you able or willing to help. As ridiculous as that sounds, its the same situation for many AoA hopefuls. As an original AoA (original meaning from the first batch), we weren't selected based upon whether or not we had a lvl 10 helper twink who sat in FH begging to help someone, we were chosen based upon our commitment and dedication to the community without any yearn for reciprocation. The same can be said about the GOA program; they weren't asking for a thanks, they were simply doing it for the love of the game.

I hope this doesn't come across as negative or condescending, and this also isn't directed at you, but to everyone who is a confused AoA hopeful, or to those who have doubts, misconceptions, or a beef with the AoA program.

Those people love shadows and secrets.

@Fyrce - I love shadows and secrets ._.

02-06-2012, 02:40 PM
Ikr you don't have to be an AOA to help other players

02-06-2012, 02:44 PM
I am not calling you a liar but I HIGHLY doubt any of the GoA's would scam someone. I could easily be wrong but I know each one fairly well and do not see this happening.

However, if they did, especially an AoA/GoA... report them.

02-06-2012, 03:05 PM
AOA'S believe that they are a "higher power", while in reality they think they're cool because of their fancy guild name. Sadly, I realized this fact after I put in an application

02-06-2012, 03:07 PM
AOA'S believe that they are a "higher power", while in reality they think they're cool because of their fancy guild name.

We do? Since when? I was totally unaware that I thought I was a "higher power."

02-06-2012, 03:15 PM
AOA'S believe that they are a "higher power", while in reality they think they're cool because of their fancy guild name. Sadly, I realized this fact after I put in an application

Some may feel like that, for their own need for personal accomplishments. In reality, it's not like you put on your application, "Was a GoA".

02-06-2012, 03:17 PM
AOA'S believe that they are a "higher power", while in reality they think they're cool because of their fancy guild name. Sadly, I realized this fact after I put in an application

We do like our guild. The other members are all nice people, in my estimation. But it's the same for any guild. But I am sure if you took a poll of the members, we would all say that we just think of ourselves as regular players. We might think of other players who are in the guild as above average players. I will not hesitate to acknowledge that Apollo is one of the best players we have. I could call out some others, too, but it's more fun just to embarrass Apollo! LOL!

But no. They try not to admit people who want to lord it over other people.

02-06-2012, 03:19 PM
AOA'S believe that they are a "higher power", while in reality they think they're cool because of their fancy guild name. Sadly, I realized this fact after I put in an application

Blanket statements like this are not only untrue but ignorant. You may have had a personal experience or heard rumors from others but to encompass all of us under this "truth" is actually false.

02-06-2012, 03:20 PM
AOA'S believe that they are a "higher power", while in reality they think they're cool because of their fancy guild name. Sadly, I realized this fact after I put in an application

Some of us were helping before AOA was even thought of. The rest have been picked for their honesty and helpfulness. I have not met one AOA who thinks they are better than anyone just because of our guild name.

02-06-2012, 03:22 PM
I can't really add to what has been said already.

Although I am slightly unclear what actually happened. Are you saying an AoA agreed a verbal trade with you and then when the trade was taking place they changed their offer from 50k to 5k, you noticed, highlighted it and they exited trade.

Although I have been fairly detailed various other unknown factors mean this could have been anything from an attempted scam through to a harmless mistake. Without the chat logs we will never know but STS will have access to them so report and if there is a case to answer STS will resolve things.

I hope by posting you have gotten some clarity over the GoA and AoA programmes, but in future, regards possible scamming, I'd just take advantage of the great tools we've got and report, then get on with enjoying this great game/community. Posting this sort of stuff makes one side of the story public and without the other side being public could potentially cause all sorts of problems.

PS: yep, agreed. You don't need to be an AoA or GoA to be a great addition to the community. Here's a big thank you to every single person who makes this community what it is.

02-06-2012, 03:36 PM
Yup. Some members of aoa shouldn't b in aoa

02-06-2012, 03:42 PM
@Fyrce - I love shadows and secrets ._.

Hehe. Me too! Well, sometimes. Not everyone who loves shadows and secrets are scammers. Going one way does not imply the reverse is true :p

Just that scammers also love shadows and secrets, so it's important to out them. But an accusation is still an accusation and can be extremely prejudicial without being correct. So report and let the judges decide. If there are bad apples, it's important for the general populace to point them out.

Please report.

02-06-2012, 03:55 PM
You guys looked way to far in to my statement, lol. I was not generalizing anyone, and it is not because of an experience I had. I just think that that's how you guys think of it. You guys have your opinions, I have mine

02-06-2012, 04:05 PM
Yup. Some members of aoa shouldn't b in aoa

name one... -__-

02-06-2012, 04:14 PM
AOA'S believe that they are a "higher power"

I just think that that's how you guys think of it.

Generalized statements encompassing ALL AoA's.

02-06-2012, 04:17 PM
You didn't generalize? Dude, you said -
AOA'S believe that they are a "higher power", while in reality they think they're cool because of their fancy guild name.You literally pigeonholed all AoAs into some mold that you have in your mind. That's pretty much the definition of generalizing.

Anyway, you are right in saying we all have our opinions. It's just that comments like yours are upsetting - not because they're prejudicial or baseless, but because they spread ill thoughts about a group of people that are completely untrue. If just one person reads trash like that and blindly adopts those beliefs as their own without actually interacting with an AoA then you've done a huge disservice to the community.

02-06-2012, 04:17 PM
You guys looked way to far in to my statement, lol. I was not generalizing anyone, and it is not because of an experience I had. I just think that that's how you guys think of it. You guys have your opinions, I have mine


02-06-2012, 04:24 PM
I just think that that's how you guys think of it.

By "it" you mean the guild. You are saying we think we are "higher powers". And when we say we don't, you say it's your opinion. Well, that's not actually even an opinion, man, that's a fear. You can't go believing every fear. It's just not wise!

02-06-2012, 04:36 PM
im sure he just worded it wrong... he probably wasnt referring to the entire guild. (if he was referring to the entire guild he needs to spend more time with its members)

02-06-2012, 04:38 PM
Yup. Some members of aoa shouldn't b in aoa

How so? I think that the new batch of AoA's are doing a great job. If you have a problem with a member please do it privately via pm to a moderator. I would like to add that all AoA members were carefully selected.... so, you are also doubting the ability of the veteran AOA members and the moderation team ability to pick fit members? These counterproductive comments you and other forum member make do nothing but cause drama....

02-06-2012, 04:38 PM
@ Isaac:

Maybe, but he's definitely giving in to his fears, in my opinion. Fears happen when you don't KNOW something so you prepare for the worst. Like when you see a snake... then you jump back. But sometimes you look closer and it's a stick, or a common non-poisonous snake. Then you laugh.

Well, if you don't really know any Ambassadors but you worry it could make for an elite who could lord it over people, but you have no evidence either way, you prepare yourself for the worst. And part of how you do that is to give the fear the power of truth in your mind. Then you can set yourself up so you aren't disappointed. It's just a mental defense mechanism.

The solution is to get the facts; look at the "snake" to see if it's a real snake or just a stick. Either way, you get beyond fear to a condition of awareness, and then you can do the best thing.

02-06-2012, 04:51 PM
In this case, the snakes aren't even dangerous, they're happy and helpful, more like carebears.


02-06-2012, 05:02 PM
Honestly they don't break up fights but they do auto say "any questions? I'm here to help" so ya 50/50
So that being said it is quite the task breaking up alittle fight or a big one but as of now I haven't seen an aoa attempt at it, I do all the time but ya it may not be easy...

02-06-2012, 05:09 PM
Before you read this! I'm not mentioning names as that's offensive however those who have done this I hope you are sorry.

I've been reading applications... And they all say the same thing..

Hey. I was honest in my application. The only reason would be to give out the party hats (if they can even do that). I wouldn't do anything different then than I do now except be playing on a lvl 10 alt. If I see someone ask a question and I have time to answer, I already do that.

02-06-2012, 05:11 PM
Again with the generalizations. You say "they" like we're all bots or something. I sure hope that you are more open-minded in real life...

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk

02-06-2012, 05:19 PM
Im with Mai on this one.

Also, about this scam you talk of, pics or it didnt happen.

02-06-2012, 05:27 PM
Well fellow AoA, I think we've made our point and out stance very clear. At this point, opinions will be opinions, no matter how true or false they are.

We should politely leave the thread be and quit fueling the discussion/argument.

02-06-2012, 05:29 PM
Thanks this makes me feel better about AOA's! I also realized faking to be nice is really easy!(on any mmo) Just say hi need advice? Answer Q's... But knowing there are good AOA's is nice =)
Ps. I know QXN was good >.> and Apollo!

02-06-2012, 05:31 PM
Im with Mai on this one.

Also, about this scam you talk of, pics or it didnt happen.
I'll try to get a picture >.> however don't say it didnt happen... Can you honestly say 100% that nobody in the guild has tried to scam? Or abuse there power? Can you say that 100% of your member no! You can't
Ps. Sorry for double post wanted Qoute >.>

02-06-2012, 06:49 PM
Making a really vague statement about how some AoAs don't deserve it without any evidence is dumb and obviously a careless idea.

Also, you guys are making too much of a fuss about it.
I'm sure this Sryyoulose guy who keeps posting threads about AoAs just obviously wants to be one.

02-06-2012, 06:53 PM
Before you read this! I'm not mentioning names as that's offensive however those who have done this I hope you are sorry.

I've been reading applications... And they all say the same thing..
Why do you want to become an AOA... They all say to help people or to break up arguments... My question to you guys who are going to become an AOA or have become an AOA what's the advantage of it anyways? Can't you do it without being an AOA just another player! THIS IS WHAT PL IS FOR! We help We have fun We farm We help level and let's be honest... I've never seen anybody in forest haven just leveling people without a reason! I have a MaJoR complaint... Guardians are to be trusted... Then why? Do they scam.. I traded one person said 50k and they put that in then right before I hit check mark BOOM 5k... I'm like HEY! they said dang it and exited... It was attempted scam so not reportable... However this is unacceptable behavior for AOA's who are to help!
Ps. This isn't right yet I have no solution.
Pls. Consider monitoring some AOA's randomly and seeing how they act.

well Aoa people cant read Pm or cant check trades like us, they just help people new or old players thats it, the scams and abusive language is the problem for the dev to handle not Aoa

02-06-2012, 07:00 PM
Making a really vague statement about how some AoAs don't deserve it without any evidence is dumb and obviously a careless idea.

Also, you guys are making too much of a fuss about it.
I'm sure this Sryyoulose guy who keeps posting threads about AoAs just obviously wants to be one.
Funny guy ^_^ I don't want to be one (Because I don't believe I contribute to the PL comunity as much as I should) if I wanted to be one I'd fill out an application bro... Though I do believe there are some people who deserve to be an ambassador and I'm glad they are!

Ps. I wasn't trying to flame anyone by postin this thread(that's why I didn't put an names)
So don't flame each other and thank you all on clarifying a little bit better on what an AOA is!

02-06-2012, 08:26 PM
Been reading this thread and feeling a bit uncomfortable. One potential (no proof presented) AoA scammer is bound to happen with having more and more AoA. This does not in any way invalidate the program and to question the program based on that is akin to questionning the usefulness of law enforcement based on a single crooked cop. Its irrational and illogical. If there has been or when there will be abuse by a player I am sure STS will intervene because it is in the interest of the players therefore in the interest of STS.

Just report and move along. No need to blame the mass of good folks because of the poor ethics of a few.

2 cents ;)

02-06-2012, 09:09 PM
Been reading this thread and feeling a bit uncomfortable. One potential (no proof presented) AoA scammer is bound to happen with having more and more AoA. This does not in any way invalidate the program and to question the program based on that is akin to questionning the usefulness of law enforcement based on a single crooked cop. Its irrational and illogical. If there has been or when there will be abuse by a player I am sure STS will intervene because it is in the interest of the players therefore in the interest of STS.

Just report and move along. No need to blame the mass of good folks because of the poor ethics of a few.

2 cents ;)

CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP i would thank but i ran out of thanks for the day :)

02-06-2012, 09:48 PM
And I'd like to quickly add my 2 cents to the pot (making it a grand total of 4 cents, woot!)

If ever I am doing something that someone finds reprehensible (I do not auto say, "Does anyone need help?" as I find that the equivalent of spam in most if not all circumstances), I would happily listen to concerns and if I find those concerns are not just hateful hating then I would make an effort to be a better AoA. :)

02-06-2012, 09:52 PM
And I'd like to quickly add my 2 cents to the pot (making it a grand total of 4 cents, woot!)

If ever I am doing something that someone finds reprehensible (I do not auto say, "Does anyone need help?" as I find that the equivalent of spam in most if not all circumstances), I would happily listen to concerns and if I find those concerns are not just hateful hating then I would make an effort to be a better AoA. :)

your one of the best AoAs ive met

02-06-2012, 09:59 PM
Like the govermemt ^_^ they're (Being as I'm not 18) supposed to choose the best however quite frankly you can't always choose the best! And thanks for reminding me (and many more) that one rotten tomato doesn't mean the whole batch is rotten! As this is getting repetitive I wish I could close my own thread =D and my 2 cents is that... You should negate my 2 cents! Thank you all for your posts! You made AoA in my eyes what it should be!

02-06-2012, 10:31 PM
Like the govermemt ^_^ they're (Being as I'm not 18) supposed to choose the best however quite frankly you can't always choose the best! And thanks for reminding me (and many more) that one rotten tomato doesn't mean the whole batch is rotten! As this is getting repetitive I wish I could close my own thread =D and my 2 cents is that... You should negate my 2 cents! Thank you all for your posts! You made AoA in my eyes what it should be!

With the government it often seems to be the opposite ratio but that's the general idea...

02-06-2012, 11:10 PM
@ stomp LOL unfortuanately... It is true alas I wouldn't make a good president either >.>

02-07-2012, 12:14 AM
Like the govermemt ^_^ they're (Being as I'm not 18) supposed to choose the best however quite frankly you can't always choose the best! And thanks for reminding me (and many more) that one rotten tomato doesn't mean the whole batch is rotten! As this is getting repetitive I wish I could close my own thread =D and my 2 cents is that... You should negate my 2 cents! Thank you all for your posts! You made AoA in my eyes what it should be!

Well, in the U.S. the people are the government...

02-07-2012, 12:21 AM
Well, in the U.S. the people are the government...


02-07-2012, 01:36 PM
I'll try to get a picture >.> however don't say it didnt happen... Can you honestly say 100% that nobody in the guild has tried to scam? Or abuse there power? Can you say that 100% of your member no! You can't
Ps. Sorry for double post wanted Qoute >.>

I honestly trust my fellow guild members 100%, and Ill be looking forward to those pics :)

02-07-2012, 01:49 PM
Very interesting reading all this, nothing I can add haha :-)

But WOW I have NEVER seen that many AoAs/GoAs post in a ROW. (I'll just keep blathering, ignore me *Mute*) :-)

02-07-2012, 05:54 PM
A common clichè about America, is that we are free. This is not true

02-07-2012, 06:05 PM
A common clichè about America, is that we are free. This is not true

Free to choose the incompetent in chief! :P

02-07-2012, 06:07 PM
My respect level for you just went up +950, stomp.

02-07-2012, 10:25 PM
Well, in the U.S. the people are the government...

Ahhh, had to do this debate(yes, I'm one of those people who LOVE speech & debate) about why we shouldn't vote.... and I honestly convinced myself.

02-10-2012, 05:58 AM
I reckon AOA's are to help people out in the public so they have to be trustworthy. If some random guy tells someone who just started playing this game on ''how to scam'' of course the guy who just started playing would listen to him since he has no clue about the game.