View Full Version : Building à guildcity and new gameplay

02-07-2012, 02:12 PM
Me, i play pl cause of ctf. Others go for pvp, or just leveling.
Also, pl is About à social thingy, have The best gear, impress with your k/d ratio, leveling with friends. Typically these things are individual goals.

Wouldnt it be Nice if there would be common Guild goals, which can be achieved as à team. À simple solution would be Guild pvp leaderboards for ctf and pvp, but i hope to challange The devs to à new gameplay in The game.

Heres The thought:

Imagine that you can add buildings to your Guild hall that cost u gold or plat, but in The long term Will provide u with Revenues, like gold plat or items. Im thinking goldsmiths, armorsmiths, and à bank.

Imagine that these buildings are in à hall that is accesable to anyone in The game.
Imagine that anyone can destroy them, if they do they have Revenues.
To enter and destroy u Will have to invest gold or plat before u enter.
Imagine that ure Guild gets à notice when it is attacked
Imagine that your guild Will be fighting others to protect it
U can also defend them by bosses u buy, to make The challange for The attacker higher, also when u are offline.

It could be à ctf like game, with bosses on The defenders Side, and when The attacker wins...u loose ure building, and The attacker gets Some gold.

Would be good for team goals, would be challange for people who are getting bored of The game.*

Downside could be that tention amongst players gets to extremes, to me, if fair play, à little war spices The game up:-)

What ya all think?