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06-09-2020, 11:12 AM
For those of you that know Baron (the GM of High Society) you might as well agree with me that he's probably the most kind and caring person that ever happened to play Arcane Legends.
Barney was stuck in Thailand because of COVID-19 pandemic since nearly 2 months now and next week was supposed to be back in his home in UK but a very serious accident took place.
He's been in a serious motorbike crash in Thailand and because of not being a native there he has to pay for his enormous hospital bill - regarding the bill he won't be provided any medicine, food or allow him to leave the country to go home if bill won't be covered.

Me and few of his friends are very concerned about his well-being as well as his ability to travel under such circumstances. Barney experienced brain bleed, has fractured eye socket and multiple lacerations on his body.

I'm not asking anyone to straight up donate but just raising awareness that such thing happened and MAYBE just maybe some people will throw that dollar or two to support a very kind and nice guy that really need help.

I'm also not sure if this is against Terms of Service but I will just leave the link to GoFundMe page currently ran by Barney's cousin.

Thank you everyone for reading,
Stay safe wherever you are,

Kris aka Demon


Please keep unnecessary negative comments to yourself as Baron's family have access to the thread and right now all they need is just support, not toxicity and bad vibes.

Many thanks to everyone who have shown support so far no matter what form of it.

Update 11.06.2020

It turned out that Baron's injury is more serious than it was expected (spine is affected that could led him to lose the ability to walk).
We have been informed that the operation could cost between 400-800,000 baht, which is roughly around 20.000 british pounds plus extra expenses at this new hospital.
Barney's friend who is currently with him in Thailand is trying to contact the British Embassy because allegedly his travel insurance should've been renewed due to coronavirus pandemic. If Embassy could help with it every person that has donated will receive the refund.
The more details are on the GoFundMe page.

Barney's aware of support and warm words people are leaving for him in here.
Thank you everyone.

Update 29.06.2020

Baron will be back in UK on upcoming Friday (03.07.20) and just as he said will make a video for his channel explaining everything that have happened in past weeks.
You might catch him online on and off on certain random times because he's just checking in to tell people that he's alright.
Thank you everyone for support.

06-09-2020, 11:18 AM
Sad to hear that, hope he recovers soon [emoji3531][emoji3531]

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06-09-2020, 11:18 AM
He is a great guy I was wondering why he was never online, I'm truly upset that hes been in such a serious accident. I hope him & his family are doing ok during these times. I will contribute as much as I can, again I'm really sad to hear this...

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06-09-2020, 12:47 PM
Sad to say i simply have no way to currently donate any money online, but i truly hope everything will be fine for him, you wouldnt wish these things upon your worst enemies.
This should be a wake up call to people who wish others death over online arguments.
My prayes go out to him and his family

06-09-2020, 01:20 PM
Very lucky he survived, it would be terrible to have another legend gone. Thousands of motorcycle accidents happen in third world countries. Almost all of them end.. fatally. Just very happy he is alive, hopefully he has a full recovery with no issues. Also any idea on the full bill; 3000 pounds is very cheap for a hospital bill.

06-09-2020, 01:43 PM
Firstly, as Encryptions said, very lucky he survived, and thankfully he did! I do not know him personally, but I hope he recovers asap!

I understand the thread, but one thing that I do not understand is that knowing there is a COVID-19 pandemic and yet decided to proceed the travel. Also, how come he must pay everything? He did not took a travel insurance before leaving? because normally insurances cover all costs, at least, as far as I know. Going to a far country knowing conditions there are way different than in the UK (no offense), I’d suggest to take a good insurance that covers up all costs, this avoids unexpected costs.

Besides that, again I hope he will get well soon, you wish that to no one[emoji1317].

06-09-2020, 02:01 PM
Firstly, as Encryptions said, very lucky he survived, and thankfully he did! I do not know him personally, but I hope he recovers asap!

I understand the thread, but one thing that I do not understand is that knowing there is a COVID-19 pandemic and yet decided to proceed the travel. Also, how come he must pay everything? He did not took a travel insurance before leaving? because normally insurances cover all costs, at least, as far as I know. Going to a far country knowing conditions there are way different than in the UK (no offense), I’d suggest to take a good insurance that covers up all costs, this avoids unexpected costs.

Besides that, again I hope he will get well soon, you wish that to no one[emoji1317].

Travel insurance expired, he's been there already when pandemic emerged into larger numbers but wasn't as bad when he actually decided to travel there (March).
Also going after the "I do not understand" is really not necessary right now.

06-09-2020, 02:07 PM
Travel insurance expired, he's been there already when pandemic emerged into larger numbers but wasn't as bad when he actually decided to travel there (March).
Also going after the "I do not understand" is really not necessary right now.

With all do respect, but aren’t your searching for it then?

Any ways, this discussion can come afterwards, the most important is his well-being. Hope he gets well very soon and be the old person again![emoji1317][emoji171].

Prabsimar Chhabra
06-09-2020, 05:47 PM
Congratulations! Hope he recovers very soon. I loved watching his streams. Hes so friendly and cool. Very sad to hear about this
I hope i could donate too , but I don't earn [emoji17]

ʏᴏᴜᴛᴜʙᴇ- ᴘʀᴀʙꜱɪᴍᴀʀ ᴄʜʜᴀʙʀᴀ

06-09-2020, 06:06 PM
Jeez man that sounds brutal. Hopefully he can recover ASAP.

06-09-2020, 10:26 PM
What happens to the excess 1,400 British Pounds?

06-09-2020, 11:23 PM
we need to start a benevolence fund program for wayward legends . i would trust someone like Susan or Encryptions to run it .

in all my dealings with them i have found them both to be above reproach

06-10-2020, 02:01 AM
For those of you that know Baron (the GM of High Society) you might as well agree with me that he's probably the most kind and caring person that ever happened to play Arcane Legends.
Barney was stuck in Thailand because of COVID-19 pandemic since nearly 2 months now and next week was supposed to be back in his home in UK but a very serious accident took place.
He's been in a serious motorbike crash in Thailand and because of not being a native there he has to pay for his enourmous hospital bill - regarding the bill he won't be provided any medicine, food or allow him to leave the country to go home if bill won't be covered.

Me and few of his friends are very concerned about his well-being as well as his ability to travel under such circumstances. Barney experienced brain bleed, has fractured eye socket and multiple lacerations on his body.

I'm not asking anyone to straight up donate but just raising awareness that such thing happened and MAYBE just maybe some people will throw that dollar or two to support a very kind and nice guy that really need help.

I'm also not sure if this is against Terms of Service but I will just leave the link to GoFundMe page currently ran by Barney's cousin.

Thank you everyone for reading,
Stay safe wherever you are,

Kris aka Demon

Oh no.. this is why I dont see him online for a while now. Getwell soon B

06-10-2020, 03:25 AM
My heart goes out to him and his loved ones who must have felt much stress and uncertainty. If I’m not mistaken it seems the bill is covered now, & all that is left is the healing and lessons to be learned.
looking forward to him coming back and giving us that familiar

1 <3

06-10-2020, 06:26 AM
I'm a close friend of Baron and I was truly shocked to hear about the accident from his cousin on his Facebook page. It brought tears to my eyes because he is such a great guy and wonderful friend. He's one of the most friendly and happy people I know. He would give you the shirt off his own back. It is not uncommon to see him giving and helping people he does not know in game who may need help. I would like to think most everyone who knows him would say the same thing.

For those who are curious. I believe the gofundme goal is what they need right now to pay for his current medical expenses. He will require more treatment and has a long road of recovery ahead.

Also, as Demon said, at the time of his travel to Thailand, it wasn't even known Covid-19 would become so serious. His travel insurance expired after three weeks and he's been stuck there for more than 3 months since the world went into lockdown.
Thank you for those of you who have donated to his cause and Thank you for those who have already sent get well wishes and prayers.

I will be sending a link to this thread to his cousin so when Baron is well enough she can share this with him.

06-10-2020, 08:32 AM
I remember how Baron and Albdur helped me clear elite Inan a long time ago. We didnt talk much then or ever since after but if I remember that memory after years and years then I guess it means something to me. And, although I was taught to distrust and dislike Brits...I cant pretend to forget hands(thumbs would be more appropriate in this case) which have helped me. Past few months have been tough so I will return the favor with what I can afford.

That being said, Thailand has some of the better healtcare in Asia if not the world. So, Im hopeful.

06-10-2020, 08:54 AM
Even if I don't know him, but this made me sad. I can only imagine the pain he is going through. May God give him strength in this hard time and hope he recovers soon

06-10-2020, 09:55 AM
Ofc really sad story and luckely he survived...

But what was this guy thinking, riding a bike in Thailand without insurance.. its asking for problems.
Also this is a matter for family and relatives to help him out financially.. Making a fund and advertise it here is rlly wrong and shouldnt be allowed.

06-10-2020, 09:59 AM
I just put in a donation - hope he recovers. What horrible news to hear.

To those asking about the excess, a hospital bill is never stagnant. It will keep climbing until he checks out of the hospital. It is better to be in excess. At the end of the day, it's just money - his recovery should be what we should focus on.

06-10-2020, 10:24 AM
I just put in a donation - hope he recovers. What horrible news to hear.

To those asking about the excess, a hospital bill is never stagnant. It will keep climbing until he checks out of the hospital. It is better to be in excess. At the end of the day, it's just money - his recovery should be what we should focus on.

Good to see you again Zeus....

You are awesome for the donation.......

I hope you get through this Baron... Please do......

06-10-2020, 01:41 PM
Ofc really sad story and luckely he survived...

But what was this guy thinking, riding a bike in Thailand without insurance.. its asking for problems.
Also this is a matter for family and relatives to help him out financially.. Making a fund and advertise it here is rlly wrong and shouldnt be allowed.

I don't know you and I don't know why you choose to write such negativity here , but honestly, your comment here is very tasteless and shows what kind of person you are. I consider Baron like a brother, and I would do anything in my power to support help him. Also, if you had actually read the gofundme page you have seen his family has in fact been supporting him; but their resources have become exhausted. It is not wrong to try to help a friend. It is not an advertisement, no one is selling anything or making money in his crisis. If you can't say anything positive then please, just keep your opinions to yourself and out of this thread. I hope nothing like this would happen to anyone else within our AL family but if it did. I would be happy to support them. What the world needs now is love, care and support

And as Barron would say.. 1<3

06-10-2020, 01:47 PM
Oh and one more thing. His family and friends are reading this thread so please leave ALL negative comments out of this thread.
It is not a time to point fingers at anyone for their decisions.

Learn to have some compassion and love others.

06-10-2020, 02:13 PM
Again i think this forum is not the right place for these kind of fund links and you shouldnt have posted it here.

06-10-2020, 02:41 PM
Again i think this forum is not the right place for these kind of fund links and you shouldnt have posted it here.

You're not required, forced or genuinely in need to comment, donate or support the case whatsoever.

There is a reason why such charity things exist especially if someone requires help and we as his friends felt responsible to answer his call if necessary which is completely our choice.

As Leeelooo mentioned above, there's this thing called compassion and if you got nothing else to say than rant about us trying to help just keep your senseless toxicity to yourself.

And remember, karma comes back.

06-10-2020, 04:31 PM
Updates? /11 chars

06-10-2020, 05:42 PM
Again i think this forum is not the right place for these kind of fund links and you shouldnt have posted it here.
Doesn't say in ToS that fund links are against the rules. Demon put the link up so Baron gets all the help he can get from his friends in game. It is a persons life at stake, smallest we can do is donate money and support his recovery. No one is forcing anyone to donate or pay money, link is there for those who want to help. I am hoping he has a full recovery with no issues, it is one of the worst feelings to lose a friend or family member.

06-10-2020, 05:58 PM
Nobody has to donate, but trying to spread hate to attempt to keep people from donating is low. Why does it matter to you if someone donates? If you don't want to, then don't. Trust me, nobody is judging you for not donating. We each have our own situations and problems. You'd think with the way 2020 is going, people would be more compassionate to each other.

06-10-2020, 06:20 PM
Yes we know your name is Karma and you came back with a useless post. Great that friends of 'Baron' want to help him out.. Havent said anything negative about that.. But sharing his story followed by link of donation site is weird. If you want to inform people there many different ways to do so, adding a link of a fund site makes me question the reason why the OP made topic. Yes to gather funds.. wich shouldnt be allowed. Im pretty sure 'Barons' friends were already up to date in line and ingame since i saw this msg come by 2 days ago/yesterday.

I get what you saying, but not everyone's connected via line or ingame. I mean I dont know everyone who knows baron and knowing hes reputation I'm sure some of them would love to help however they can. Applies to even on line/discord. And then there are those who dont even use social apps. Yea I get that this doesn't exactly fall under what this forums about but I think it's one of the best way to get connected to people in the game. And I'd really appreciate all the help the nab can get.
The Intentions of this thread are pure and have already been spoken so no need to twist it unnessarilly.

06-10-2020, 06:35 PM
Wish him all the best and hopefully with all our prayers, wishes and donations he recovers fully and gets home safely.

Sometimes when you deeply care about someone or something you do whatever it takes to help or raise awareness regardless of the backlash or consequences

Wether you get donations or backlash, hate, love or a ban for this. OP I salute you 👏🏻

06-11-2020, 12:05 AM
I remember seeing threads being taken down in the past when people put an AL version of gofundme for gearing their PvP toons but I guess this is a far more serious and pressing issue so it'd make sense for this to be legal.

06-11-2020, 12:36 AM
It breaks my heart to hear that my love baron (lmao) has had such a terrible thing happened to him. I really so wish him a speedy recovery!! I shall make a donation not because I have to but because I want to from the top to the bottom of my heart 1<3.


06-11-2020, 09:20 AM
I updated the thread, more details on the GoFundme page.

06-11-2020, 10:42 AM
I understand all of this recently the negative threads has been rising. This forum is about the game not a general discussion of life or accidents of people. This forum is not the place to have those threads. There are hundreds or thousands of people whose moods have been worsened by these negative threads about accidents or deaths. People are just trying to have a discussion about a pet or something else then they get hit with these threads which are a heavy burden. There are more appropriate places to reach to his friends. Private messaging in game or social media. Thanks for reading.

06-11-2020, 12:07 PM
I understand all of this recently the negative threads has been rising. This forum is about the game not a general discussion of life or accidents of people. This forum is not the place to have those threads. There are hundreds or thousands of people whose moods have been worsened by these negative threads about accidents or deaths. People are just trying to have a discussion about a pet or something else then they get hit with these threads which are a heavy burden. There are more appropriate places to reach to his friends. Private messaging in game or social media. Thanks for reading.

Your comment was unnecessary.

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06-11-2020, 03:19 PM
Really make me sad to hear this story, i really hope he get well soon, as many have mention this guy is really well known in this game and i think everyone who know him really appreciate this nice guy!!

Really wish i'll see him soon afk somewhere in arlor!!!

06-12-2020, 01:28 AM
Wish him recovery soon, he is really good guy and kind , always happy and so fun personality ..
AL generation needs more ppl like him
Missed ya bro [emoji170][emoji173][emoji169]


06-12-2020, 08:15 AM
So sorry to hear about this dreadful accident, sending wishes for a speedy recovery and safe journey home. An accident or illness is dreadful at anytime..however coming during an epidemic brings additional heartache for family and friends. Thinking of you and all your family x

06-12-2020, 11:51 AM
up :)

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06-12-2020, 01:15 PM
I understand all of this recently the negative threads has been rising. This forum is about the game not a general discussion of life or accidents of people. This forum is not the place to have those threads. There are hundreds or thousands of people whose moods have been worsened by these negative threads about accidents or deaths. People are just trying to have a discussion about a pet or something else then they get hit with these threads which are a heavy burden. There are more appropriate places to reach to his friends. Private messaging in game or social media. Thanks for reading.if it would be a good friend of yours, i'm sure you would act different. and if you don't like it, why are you commenting on the first place? like no one cares about your negative comment on here. and btw baron's family has access to this thread, so keep it to yourself.

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06-13-2020, 01:25 AM
Very sad news and I thought about a way to write Baron a message so it's nice that theres an opportunity to leave something here.
It's already terrible if somebody has an accident, especially if it has minor or major consequences for the life of that person on a long term. But to think about that your family is on the other side of the globe makes the situation even worse. I hope the treatment is good there so you can step back into your life again, as soon as possible and without limitations. Praying for the best and I believe the nice words many left here already help.

Without reading the responses I knew that not many but some people write down that this doesn't belong in the forums. I'm not denying this but I believe the intention of this thread outweighs that by far. If you think about it - how little encouragement can cause a massive improvement for people in this situation already. If the devs had a different opinion about this they would have locked the thread already. Showing a little empathy is a matter of respect in my opinion.

06-13-2020, 06:18 AM
I don't know Baron personal, but It's very sad what happenend. My prayers goes to Baron and his family.

I can understand why some people think that this sort of post don't belong in general. But keep the negative thoughts to yourselfs please, yah.. you can argue if it belongs here or not. But a REAL persons life is hanging on the line here....


06-13-2020, 07:17 AM
How is the poor man now? Idk him but hope he gets better.

06-13-2020, 07:40 AM
How is the poor man now? Idk him but hope he gets better.

We're currently waiting for an update, if I get to know anything I will update the thread asap.

06-13-2020, 07:57 AM
Just because someone is rich in a video game doesn't mean they spent tons of money irl on it. I know many people who have billions of gold yet spent 0$ on the game.
Many people know Baron, and who cares even if no one knew him, still atleast help people, remember karma.
AL is not cruel, easiest game I have ever played tbh. Life is only as cruel as you make it.
You along with others think you guys are such bad azzes posting toxic and rude comments on peoples' posts when only it makes you guys look like snowballs. Wanna be a badass then treat people with respect, teach people things, don't go off looking for attention; let it come to you but not too much of it.

Baron is a great person, just don't get why so many toxic disrespectful comments.

I might have an explanation why there are negative comments..

Me, myself do not know Baron, apart from that I think the reason of the thread is made is out of goodwill. But I think this should be a more personal thing, after reading this thread you feel kind of forced to donate, although you barely know the person. In my opinion this should’ve been kept among Baron’s friends, and not going abroad through whole AL, therefore I understand ppl’s reactions. Furthermore, I also think some ppl think it is his own mistake, knowing COVID-19 has been around the world since February, with following in March the shutdown of Europe, therefore it was known that people had a couple of weeks to return to their homecountry. Also the fact he went to do dangerous things in an unknown country, without an insurance, ppl might think it is kind of his own fault and that he hasn’t solved those kind of things (such as insurance) before he left the UK.

I guess these are possible reasons why some responded like this, I understand both of the parties.

06-13-2020, 08:00 AM
Al rich people asking for donations , maybe use your cash you spend on AL to help your rich friend ,

Not ask random people to help some one we dont know,

Also life is cruel, Just like AL

I assume your family members or friends never had an accident or a sickness and never needed big sums of money for treatment, so you can't relate and don't know the feeling. It's obvious you're an edgy kid, and the people who liked your post, "Slayerrrr" and "Shadow" also sound pretty edgy too, but I suggest you educate yourself and at least try to stay silent when rudeness is not needed.

Ask yourself, what are you trying to achieve with this post? Are you trying to stop others from donating? Or maybe just trying to show everyone that if something bad happens to you, then we shouldn't care and celebrate it instead?

I might have an explanation why there are negative comments..

Me, myself do not know Baron, apart from that I think the reason of the thread is made is out of goodwill. But I think this should be a more personal thing, after reading this thread you feel kind of forced to donate, although you barely know the person. In my opinion this should’ve been kept among Baron’s friends, and not going abroad through whole AL, therefore I understand ppl’s reactions. Furthermore, I also think some ppl think it is his own mistake, knowing COVID-19 has been around the world since February, with following in March the shutdown of Europe, therefore it was known that people had a couple of weeks to return to their homecountry. Also the fact he went to do dangerous things in an unknown country, without an insurance, ppl might think it is kind of his own fault and that he hasn’t solved those kind of things (such as insurance) before he left the UK.

I guess these are possible reasons why some responded like this, I understand both of the parties.

You're definitely not forced to donate, and you're just assuming that he was doing dangerous things. He could've been simply going to buy something and hit by a car or something?

You can also read the details in the link and see the updates with information on why he doesn't have insurance. And if you followed the news, you might know that the UK put travel restrictions a few weeks after other countries, so there weren't any restrictions when he went there.

06-13-2020, 08:47 AM
Don't know if you can see this Baron but here goes.
Sending you best wishes and a speedy recovery from the "Yarkshire" lass.
Hope your family and friends get through to the Embassy and they get you the help you need.
In the meantime, chin up get back home because pubs'll be opening soon and we don't want flat beer.
What am I saying? Southern beer is always flat.
Seriously, thinking of you fellow brit and all joking aside, we want you back home as soon as it's possible. Take care there. Kind regards to your family too. xx. 🙂.

06-13-2020, 10:13 AM
If you read the full text first instead of replying me with a nonsense reply targetting me, as I said: these might be possible reasons why some people respond like this..”. And, driving a motorcycle is dangerous in general any ways, no matter what you are doing or planning to do.

Any ways, let’s close this conversation by here. Let’s hope the best for the man[emoji1317]

I didn't mean to target you personally in any way though, but since you decided to speak for everyone else, then of course I replied to you.

06-14-2020, 02:01 PM
Man I was wondering where is Baron I usually used to spot him near valley or near festerfangs pvp arena.but its been a long time since I've seen him from then.2020 is a devastating year for all of us but this is very sad too.hope you get better brother God bless you and your family.


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06-14-2020, 04:23 PM
Really sorry to hear about Baron, hope he recovers and comes through his ordeals safely and speedily.
best wishes and prayers from CoF family .

Prabsimar Chhabra
06-14-2020, 04:25 PM
Imagine Baron Seeing this whole thread after Recovering. It would be so heartbreaking to see the hate comments. So Haters back off [emoji173]

Sending Love from [emoji1128]
Recover soon Baron! Would love to see you Afk at maps or see your Livestreams [emoji177]

ʏᴏᴜᴛᴜʙᴇ- ᴘʀᴀʙꜱɪᴍᴀʀ ᴄʜʜᴀʙʀᴀ

06-14-2020, 05:45 PM
Al rich people asking for donations , maybe use your cash you spend on AL to help your rich friend ,

Not ask random people to help some one we dont know,

Also life is cruel, Just like AL

I'm pretty sure the person who created the thread, as well as those who helped spread it have put their money where their mouth is and donated. I'm not saying that YOU have to donate but just saying that his friends have supported him. Additionally, others have seen this thread and supported as well (as you can tell by donation history and the pot growing). So, not everybody has the same opinion as you. Your opinion is your opinion and your opinion alone; it is not the majority of people's opinion.

06-15-2020, 08:25 AM
Hey all! I’ve cleaned up a lot of the negativity here and I’m going to go ahead and remove the GoFundMe link. These things are always difficult to moderate because we recognize that the AL community is very much a family, and the forums are a place where we can connect and look out for each other. We LOVE this about this community and never want that to change.

All that being said, we do have to walk that line of making sure the rules are clear enough that everyone now and in the future uses this platform for this same good and positive support as well.

My thoughts and warmest wishes are with Baron and all of his friends and family. He’s been a force for good in Arlor as long as I can remember. We can’t wait to have him back and healthy. <3

I will leave this thread open for now so that the OP can share updates and, if they choose, open their PMs to anyone who wants to reach out with their support. Please keep it friendly here, okay?

06-15-2020, 09:11 AM
Hey all! I’ve cleaned up a lot of the negativity here and I’m going to go ahead and remove the GoFundMe link. These things are always difficult to moderate because we recognize that the AL community is very much a family, and the forums are a place where we can connect and look out for each other. We LOVE this about this community and never want that to change.

All that being said, we do have to walk that line of making sure the rules are clear enough that everyone now and in the future uses this platform for this same good and positive support as well.

My thoughts and warmest wishes are with Baron and all of his friends and family. He’s been a force for good in Arlor as long as I can remember. We can’t wait to have him back and healthy. <3

I will leave this thread open for now so that the OP can share updates and, if they choose, open their PMs to anyone who wants to reach out with their support. Please keep it friendly here, okay?

Thanks Remi,

If anyone's after the GoFundMe linke please dm me on forum or in game.
Still waiting for updates.

06-15-2020, 09:05 PM
Thanks Remi,

If anyone's after the GoFundMe linke please dm me on forum or in game.
Still waiting for updates.

Please send me a link; I'll send another donation with my next paycheck.

06-15-2020, 09:07 PM
Hey all! I’ve cleaned up a lot of the negativity here and I’m going to go ahead and remove the GoFundMe link. These things are always difficult to moderate because we recognize that the AL community is very much a family, and the forums are a place where we can connect and look out for each other. We LOVE this about this community and never want that to change.

All that being said, we do have to walk that line of making sure the rules are clear enough that everyone now and in the future uses this platform for this same good and positive support as well.

My thoughts and warmest wishes are with Baron and all of his friends and family. He’s been a force for good in Arlor as long as I can remember. We can’t wait to have him back and healthy. <3

I will leave this thread open for now so that the OP can share updates and, if they choose, open their PMs to anyone who wants to reach out with their support. Please keep it friendly here, okay?

Wow, good to see you back, Remiem! When did you come back?

06-16-2020, 12:07 AM
Sad to hear i met baron few times and he is indeed a nice guy, hope he makes a speedy recovery.

Prabsimar Chhabra
06-27-2020, 12:54 PM
Baron is back?! I saw him commenting on forums. Its really good to hear this! You should update this Post [emoji4]

ʏᴏᴜᴛᴜʙᴇ- ᴘʀᴀʙꜱɪᴍᴀʀ ᴄʜʜᴀʙʀᴀ

06-29-2020, 04:35 AM
Baron is back?! I saw him commenting on forums. Its really good to hear this! You should update this Post [emoji4]

ʏᴏᴜᴛᴜʙᴇ- ᴘʀᴀʙꜱɪᴍᴀʀ ᴄʜʜᴀʙʀᴀ

Yeah I seen this too, I even seen him yesterday in TDM Honor PvP. @ares maybe you could inform us?

I guess he got better? No offense but if he did, he recovered very quickly, as I am happy for him[emoji3526][emoji3526]

06-29-2020, 05:47 PM
Thought I'd let yall know, Baron is doing really well tho still in recovery and in a back brace and he'll be flying out back to the UK by end of this week hopefully.

06-30-2020, 10:32 AM
dmn . sorry to hear abt u baron . hope u recover fast ..

07-01-2020, 07:01 AM
I’m sorry to hear that but I hope all is going well

08-11-2020, 02:32 PM

I not only regret coming across this thread so late now but actually started shedding tears as well whilst reading through as well >.<

Sorry for bringing up an old thread but besides being overwhelmed and absolutely humbled by the amount of love and support people have shown from the donations to just even wishing me well and truly a the upmost of thank yous to everyone single person and my sincerest gratitude <3

After reading around seems there have been snippets of what happened to me over the last few months and I feel its only right I share the break down of it with everyone, sorry it might be a repeat for some as I have been able to catch up with friends since being able to log back into the game but be good to get it out there for anyone I've not had a chance to catch up to or anyone curious, etc,

So in March of 2020, I had a 3-week holiday/vacation booked to go to a remote island in Thailand, after being there for 1 week is when the pandemic really kicked off and everything went into lockdown and I was unable to leave to the island until the boat services reopened so I could get back to mainland Thailand and get to an airport. My travel insurance had expired and was near impossible to take up anymore whilst already stuck abroad and again the good old pandemic issue, Luckily enough being on a rather isolated part of Thailand on an island meant that there was thankfully 0 cases/deaths due to the virus which was fantastic... the only downside was also being unable to actually leave the island >.<

During my time there I had to continue paying my bills back at home along with bills for accommodation/food/visas/flights back which kept getting canceled etc which wasn't easy but managed to cope until June when we finally had a flight booked that didn't cancel! 3 days before I was due to leave the island I was stuck on I ended up crashing the motorbike I had hired whilst out there... Unfortunately, I have no memory of exactly how it happened as it was early hours of the morning and all I remember is driving 1 moment and then I've woken up in a hospital 3 days later in a pretty bad way unable to move most of my body including my legs at the time.

The break down of the injury I sustained was a burst fracture in my spine, fractures on my head and rib, legs pretty cut up, and it's not confirmed but possibly more fractures on one of my legs and my right shoulder.

I was only able to pay for an Xray on my spine at the time and awaiting a medical check-up now I'm in back in England which thankfully we have a fantastic free national health service (well paid for by the taxes I've already paid in the past so nothings ever really free lol >.< )

When I woke up in the hospital I actually had no idea about all the support that was going on in the background either at the time and I ended up staying in there for around a week. I was due to have back surgery however it got canceled and I was put into a body cast instead, this might have been due to sustaining the fractures on my head or if it was something I can slowly heal from I do not know mostly due to the break down in communication in the hospital partly due to the language barrier (unfortunately I hadn't learned anywhere near enough Thia to be able to understand much) So again once I've had a medical check-up that I'm still waiting here in England ill know more about that.

Unfortunately, also I had found out the place I had rented my motorbike from didn't actually have insurance on the bike when there should have been so I was unable to claim for anything there either, not sure what sort of impression people seem to have however but my real and only wealth is the love from friends and family with some friends id even class as a family.

I'm a 32-year-old who simply works as a manager of a rather large pub/hotel which I also live in, I live alone and away from family and have done for nearly 20 years. Just an average joe kind of guy who just makes a living and the money I have spent in this game is my own earnt "entertainment" spend... same as if someone was to go buy themselves a new game for their PlayStation or Xbox at the end of the month... Also next month it will be 7 years that I first started playing this game and fell in love ^.^ (so I've played a while and just accumulated stuff along the way so not some rich player by any stretch of the imagination lol)

So having that accident and having no insurance to be able to claim on and having spent most/all of my own money whilst stuck out there already the support and help that everyone contributed really made a massive world of difference and allowed me to get the medical care I needed at the time along with helping me actually fly back home as well! (A flight usually costs around 500gbp to fly back... because I needed medical assistance whilst flying and due to shortage of flights due to pandemic it had actually cost me around 2000gpb to fly back across 2 days of travel and 4 different flights >.<)

I made it back several weeks ago now and was isolated for few weeks because I had come from abroad and besides the bad back, I am as fit (even lost some weight lol) and healthy as I can be and again thank you to everyone and the only lord knows where I might be right now without it. I'm just slowly trying to recover and waiting for my medical check over still (which is all delayed due to current pandemic)

Sitting at my desk for long periods of time is still a little painful which is why I can't play quite as much, I'm still signed off from work due to injuries so have plenty of time but that is being spent mostly trying to recover still but I have been able to float back around in the game and forums again :3

I'm just sorry I've only come across this thread now but I am glad I did and thank you everyone again <3


I will be attaching some imagines/screenshots of like my medical report I got from Thailand so far if for any reason it isn't allowed feel free to remove (@ mods)

Thank You all again!!

1 <3 x 420!!

08-11-2020, 02:59 PM

I’ve of course cut off the top with my personal details such as my full name and date of birth etc however the rest I don’t mind and there is probably only about a handful of people from our amazing I’d be happy to share those personal information if people really wanted a confirmation https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20200811/eba21629f32e74f4b89821adbb9b8e12.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20200811/34289b85ffbc62372b126f0cdb535769.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20200811/43afcedf08acf9568b9a1def023a1eda.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20200811/ec9ffa038a1d9a226c0951b35e4efbca.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20200811/5382e6acfdf44d43de996427ed67afcb.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20200811/80dadf9b9bad2bee1110a04d5ad4927d.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20200811/ed945561b2b152451f14a06336266c00.jpg

1 <3

08-17-2020, 04:24 PM
I dont know you very well, I have ran and talked with you a few times briefly. I have also played since the beginning and love this game. I also have worked hard for all I got and remember when it seemed to take forever to make a million bucks lol. All the things you said reminded me of me except im old lol. I followed your story and saw you have many good friends in game. I do as well, some I even consider family. Many of us were praying for you and are glad your back. Its a blessing that you got to see this thread after time and all the love of your friends! Anyway I just wanted to say welcome back!

08-17-2020, 04:33 PM
It seems he has very good frnds in the game i hope he will recover
Ill be happy to meet him in game

08-17-2020, 10:16 PM
Get well soon baron..

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