View Full Version : When will the next part in Voleria come out?

02-08-2012, 10:31 PM
Can the devs or someone PLEASE tell me when then next part of Voleria will come out?
I asked this question on a different thread but I guess I was a little too off-topic to get a response.
Thanks :)

02-08-2012, 11:03 PM
Somewhen (cause somewhere would make no sense) around the beta release of Dark Legends but since I forgot what thread it was in and cause im on the mobile app I cant put a link down, and as it previously named The Crusade of Chaos (just to let you know :D)

02-09-2012, 01:25 AM
I'm not sure if the release has been announced yet but there is a thread that samhayne talks about "the crusade of chaos" and says its just another name for voleria.

Click here to see what i'm talking about :p (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?46754-Crusade-Of-Choas-part-1-Invasion&highlight=crusade+chaos)

02-09-2012, 01:43 AM
I heard a rumor about new content (this includes PL to) isn't coming till DL beta is out but take note that this is just a rumor I heard, I personally have no clue I don't work at STS. DL is scheduled for release first quarter this year.

But here's something to look forward to valentines day yay!! That means all of us married/engaged/guys with girl friends are going to be broke coming february 14 lol. Btw STS needs to hold a Saint Augustine event to +1 to anyone who can tell me what St.Augustine is the patron saint of?

Big Love will be making a return to the store (along with waving to get Little Love). We will also have a series of love-themed items available on the Deal of the Day leading up to Valentine's Day. This should be happening in both Pocket Legends and Star Legends.

02-09-2012, 02:08 AM
Can the devs or someone PLEASE tell me when then next part of Voleria will come out?
I asked this question on a different thread but I guess I was a little too off-topic to get a response.
Thanks :)

Devs will not answer you ig or in forum with a precise date. You are not the only one who wonder and ask or tried in here.
They'll give a date when they will be ready, simple as that.

But we do have infos gathered from devs ig and in forum. Sbdy make the search, I cant with my phone.
Samhayne said DL beta will go out just b4 PL new part.
And an other dev, forgot his name said SL new maps will come just after PL ones.
DL beta will probably come out in a month or 2.

02-09-2012, 06:12 AM
I heard a rumor about new content (this includes PL to) isn't coming till DL beta is out but take note that this is just a rumor I heard, I personally have no clue I don't work at STS. DL is scheduled for release first quarter this year.

But here's something to look forward to valentines day yay!! That means all of us married/engaged/guys with girl friends are going to be broke coming february 14 lol. Btw STS needs to hold a Saint Augustine event to +1 to anyone who can tell me what St.Augustine is the patron saint of?

St. Augustine is the patron saint of brewers :)

02-09-2012, 08:05 AM
The Milwaukee Brewers?

02-09-2012, 10:36 AM
St. Augustine is the patron saint of brewers :)

+1 :drunk: its also my home town!

02-09-2012, 01:46 PM
Hey, Taipan, u've already asked in a thread, where the answer was already given.. It's not the exact date, of course, and the guys explained why not to wait it. But it's a well-put answer by Sam:

Right now, the team is pretty focused on getting Dark Legends out the door and that's holding up the next act to Star Legends a bit. *

Scorn Act II is coming, but it will be a bit longer than Star Legends players have probably been accustomed to. *

Scorn Act I was mid December and we're only 6 weeks out from that. *

We know content is king and what keeps people coming back, but there is the trade off with DL. *
......... Scorn Act II and Act III are mostly set.

Warm regards,

Prooflink (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?49353-STS-we-need-FEEDBACK-on-our-IDEAS)

Now, we just have to activate our memory, think and calculate

Voleria started December 15th (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?40213), which is 8 weeks after Shipyard (October 20th (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?45546-1-1-1-Content-Update-(75575)))*

Right now it's exactly 9 weeks past Voleria Act I*

I feel like DL is going out in early march, Voleria Act II in mid-march followed with Act III shortly enough to compensate our waiting

So it's about 5 more weeks to wait.

CTF everybody!

02-09-2012, 07:03 PM
Omg I feel so dumb lol
Sorry I didn't see that

02-09-2012, 11:09 PM
Omg I feel so dumb lol
Sorry I didn't see that


Don't be. There's lots of information here. Anyone can get lost!