View Full Version : pet aa

06-10-2020, 05:41 AM
I've been told sns aa is not for mage and it is a pet for rogue
well personally sns aa helps a lot so I don't see why not
if someone could explain to me why it's not good for mage then I guess I can change
but if i will change pet aa I only have the amount if I sell my sns
so if I got around 1m is there any other pet aa that's better than sns for me to use
this is for pve
thank u!

06-10-2020, 06:49 AM
Sns is good pet for mage , and has unique ability you can’t find in other pets. T(they say is for rogue because the mana regeneration happiness bonus)
His ability focus on support AND damage.
The only bad thing this pet has is, sometimes the pulls spawn random in map.
After they release the pet Animancy system the pet is only his passive ability.

06-16-2020, 01:41 PM
sns is nice if the maps are tight like swamp or mogera if its not then probably go for magma since sns sometimes spawns pools on a weird manner

06-24-2020, 07:27 AM
Taking note of your budget, I suggest you to buy munch for mob clearance. And as for Pve, I suggest you to go for bejan. The price of these pets are low rn in auc. Gl

07-10-2020, 05:47 AM
It depends, as most things in the game.

Would need to find something that works well with your skill build and gear, it also depends on which map you are in:
SnS it stills being a good choice to go, but due the fact of high upcoming damage in endgame maps, most mages prefer a pet with shields or STR and survivability abilities (like Nekro or Glowstik).